Hoseok Ending - Kindness

   The music cut and it only took a few seconds for him to make his way to you. He looked at Leon, bowing as he spoke.

  "Could I steal her from you, Your Highness?" He said.

  "Be my guest," Leon replied before sauntering off.

  Within moments Hoseok held your hand and led you out of the ballroom and eventually to one of the guest rooms nearby. As he closed the door behind him you took a seat on the ottoman at the foot of the bed.

  "There's something that I wanted to ask you, Y/N."

  "Ask away," You replied folding your hands in your lap attempting to hide how sweaty they'd become.

  "How do you feel about me?"

  You stayed quiet for a second before replying, "How do I answer a question with so many answers?"

  "One answer at a time, I suppose..." You saw the nervousness wash over his face.

  "Well, for starters, I think you're brave, you fought alongside me in a war, after all." You paused, thinking about your next answer carefully, "You're handsome and intelligent... but above all else, you're kind and compassionate. You were the first one to treat me like a person and not a prisoner after Jungkook brought me to the ship."

  "I appreciate the sentiment but..." He trailed off, "What I meant to ask was, do you have feelings for me."

  Your face flushed, you couldn't conceal your embarrassment even if you tried.

  "Right, of course." You began, "I mean... well, yes."

  "You do?"

  You nod, "And... do you feel the same way?"

"Did I not make myself obvious enough?" He questioned, "Of course I do, I think I've loved you from the moment I met you."

  "You love me?"

  "Oh, crap, did I say that too soon?" He looked frantic as he spoke, "I'm sorry forget I ever said anything." He started to mutter curses at himself under his breath.

  You couldn't think of the words to get him to stop doubting himself so instead you stood from the ottoman and approached him, his words didn't become any clearer as you got closer. He didn't notice you had made your way to him until you gently pressed your lips to his, cutting off his self-deprecation.

  You pulled away from the kiss before speaking again, "I love you too Hoseok, don't ever doubt that."

  His frantic expression softened before he finally smiled, pulling you into another kiss. Your heart raced as he held you close. The kiss felt like it lasted forever, but even forever wasn't long enough for you.

  You finally pull away from him, "We should get back to the party. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea, we did sneak off to a bedroom after all."

  "What if I wanted them to get the wrong idea?" He replied.

  You were speechless as you felt your face get hot, "Hoseok-"

  "Just teasing," He chuckled to himself as he gently placed a kiss on your cheek. You smiled to yourself as he did but you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing your smile so as he pulled away you hid it and rolled your eyes at him. Which only made him laugh more.


  Time went on.

  You denied Leon's offer. You didn't give him an explanation, but you didn't really need to. He knew exactly why you refused the throne. Leon took the throne; Claudia wasn't big on politics, so he was the only option. He would've preferred being head of the guards like he initially planned, but he grew to be well-loved and respected.

  You and Hoseok traveled back to Vraitis within a week of the festivities ending. You had a kingdom to rebuild and a wedding to plan, after all. Thanks to the part you played in the war against Worden you were immediately accepted by the people of Vraitis despite not even being queen yet. Hoseok took over as king and you were married not long after. The people of Vraitis were shocked at the idea of your crowning ceremony as they had already revered you as their queen months prior. You and Hoseok accomplished a lot within your first few months of king and queen, including the addition of an heir to the throne of Vraitis.

  Namjoon traveled back to Vraitis with you and Hoseok to help rebuild. He was Hoseok's closest confidant through the rebuilding of the kingdom and kept in touch with Jungkook through letters.

  You didn't see or hear much from Seokjin. You guessed he trailed after Jungkook to try to reconcile but his excuse as to why you never saw him was always that he was "too busy."

  Jimin and Claudia severed their engagement like Jimin said he would. Claudia was upset at first, but she eventually came to terms with it. And much like her while you were in the coma, you were with her the whole time. Dririth and Vraitis were in good standing with each other. Jimin was crowned, and the two of you were still friends, though you didn't see much of each other.

  Taehyung was eventually tried in court, because of public demand, but Leon offered him a full pardon for what happened during the war. Many people were outraged, as he was a prominent figure in Worden before the war ended, it didn't last long though. He was given a position as part of Leon's council and did very well in it. Because of this, however, you saw less of him. He would always be your first friend but not so much your closest anymore. Unlike Leon, you found it hard to forgive him after everything that happened.

  Jungkook continued sailing as a pirate. He rebuilt the crew Namjoon once had and became a formidable captain. He visited often, stopping by to check on you and Hoseok every once in a while. He remained on the hunt for something. He wouldn't tell you what it was still, but he wasn't quite as obsessed with finding this thing as he was before.

  As for Yoongi, you still missed him. Hoseok couldn't empathize with your grief but he remained understanding and gave you time to mourn for your lost friend. Given how much magic was concentrated on Vraitis you thought you could feel Yoongi's presence surrounding you, protecting you as he had done before. Sometimes even Hoseok thought he was nearby.

  There was still no sign of Philomena. Part of you wished she was still alive. You hated feeling guilty for being the cause of her death. But, as much as you wished you could mend your relationship with her, she was unsavable.
