28 - Danger

Your bare feet tapped on the ground as you wandered through the halls of your old home. Though, it felt less like your home, seeing the number of guards surrounding the halls and instead of being protected by them, you had to hide from them. You didn't recognize any of them, and you remembered nearly all of the staff that worked under your family. You assumed Philomena had replaced them with Worden guards and hoped that was the extent of what she had done to them.

You decided to forgo your boots, leaving them outside of the gardens for when you came back.

You were restless after your conversation with Namjoon. You knew Yoongi was in trouble, there was no doubt about it.

As you raced through the castle you felt someone grab you by your wrist and pull you into an unlit corridor, covering your mouth to keep you quiet with their hand around your waist to keep you from running away. Screaming would do you no good, so you quietly twisted around to try and get the person to let go of you.

"Calm down, Princess," you immediately recognized his voice, you couldn't decide whether or not to keep struggling or if you should do as he said, "Please, relax, I need you to trust me."

Despite your hesitancies, you let your guard down. Even if just for a moment, you wanted to feel as though you could trust him again. You wanted to believe that he had his reasons for doing what he did, after he save Leon and Claudia, there had to be an explanation. He lowered his hand from your mouth and loosened his grip from around your waist.

"Thank you," he muttered from behind you.

You turned and there he was. Taehyung was covered head to toe in bruises, it looked as if he had been run over by a horse.

"What happened to you?" You couldn't hide your concern as you looked him up and down.

"I'll explain later. They're looking for me now, and you shouldn't be here, it's too dangerous." He replied.

"What did she do to you?" You pushed the subject further, trying to get an answer out of him.

"Y/N, I'm fine don't worry so much, you need to get out of here."

He gently took hold of your wrist and started leading you out of the castle.

"Wait," you pulled your hand out of his grasp causing him to turn to you, "I have to find someone, I know he's here."

"Like I said, it's not safe for you to be here, or me for that matter, if we get caught they'll kill us."

"Taehyung, please," you begged, you didn't know why you wanted his approval, you still didn't trust him, "I don't think I could live with myself knowing that I had the chance to save him but I decided to run away instead."

"I won't let you risk your life for one person."

"He's not just a person." You held your ground, glaring at Taehyung.

He paused before sighing, "I'll help you but the second I think it's too dangerous we're leaving."

You agreed, and Taehyung began leading you to places you'd never been before. He took you through hidden corridors, and secret passageways, to stay out of sight from the guards.

You felt yourself getting too comfortable around him. He was still your friend even after everything but he still couldn't be fully trusted, he was playing both sides and you had no idea what his end goal was. Even still, the fact that he held your hand as he lead you through the castle and you were walking around barefoot reminded you of times the two would you would sneak around to get a late night snack together as kids.

You hid from a large group of guards in a passage hidden behind a painting. He held you close to him protectively as the two of you crouched because the passage way was too short for you to stand. He slowly pulled the painting to the side and inch to get a glimpse into the halls.

"We might be here a while, the guards aren't moving." He whispered as he slowly put the painting back in its place.

He turned to you and silence passed between you two before you spoke up, "Will you tell me what happened to you now?"

"To put it simply, Philomena happened."

"Why? I thought she trusted you."

"I thought so too, but after the incident your... friend... caused in Worden she thought it was necessary to reevaluate my standing and she intercepted a letter I had sent to you."

"Taehyung... I'm so sorry." You reached out and gently placed your hand on the side of his face.

"Don't apologize to me... please, doface. He grabbed your hand, pulling it away from his face as he turned his gaze away from you, "I don't deserve it, if anything I should be apologizing to you, I broke your trust and you're still worried about me. You're too kind to me."

"You had your reasons." You replied. You wanted to reassure him as he had done for you before, whether or not you couldn't trust him, for some reason, you still clung to the thought that he was the kind servant boy that took care of you and your brother.

"Do you forgive me then?" He still avoided eye contact.

"I forgive you," you paused, thinking for a moment, "But I can't trust you fully."

He nodded, finally turning to look at you, "I understand."

Silence came over both of you once again as you gazed at each other. His eyes were tired but still as hopeful as you remembered them being.

"Do you think... you'll ever be able to trust me again?" He continued.

You stayed quiet, sure you could, but you wouldn't just blindly follow him like you would have before.

"You would have to earn it back." You finally said.

"Then..." He paused, "I will do everything I can to gain your trust again."

You stayed quiet. Was his goal to earn your trust back? Was it as simple as that? That's all he wanted?

"I want to... be able to be considered your friend again, at the very least." He continued, "I'll be satisfied only when I can manage to do that."

You smiled, "I look forward to it then."

A few moments passed until you finally heard a group of footsteps begin to leave the area and trail off as they got further away. Taehyung peeked out from behind the painting again to see the hallway now empty.

He slowly moved the painting to the side and slipped out quietly, trying not to disrupt anything on the thin table in front of the painting. He reached his hand out to you, and you took his hand allowing him to stabilize you as you stepped out from behind the painting.

Just as your feet were about to touch the floor you felt you cloak tug at your neck. You yanked on it, causing it to tear on a nail that stuck out from the wall. Your body wavered and you lost your balance. You fell into Taehyung as the table crashed sideways on to the floor. He kept you stable but before the two of you could make a break for it guards surrounded you.

You cursed yourself and your unluckiness, as you reached for the dagger at your side. Taehyung grabbed your wrist, stopping you as he stepped in front of you protectively.

"Go get Her Majesty," a guard said to another.

Taehyung slid his hand to the sheathed dagger at your thigh that was hidden beneath your cloak. You couldn't control the flutter in your heart as he did.

"Y/N, run!" You were cut out of your thoughts as Taehyung shouted.

You stayed frozen in place as Taehyung threw his entire body weight into one of the guards, you couldn't just leave him, but you needed to save Yoongi, and this would've been a good distraction.

Taehyung brought all the guards' attention on to him, slashing around the dagger and throwing kicks and punches at the guards. You weighed your options, there was a reason Taehyung took the knife from you. He knew you would likely be killed on sight if someone saw you with it, you posed more of a threat with a weapon. Which meant if Taehyung couldn't escape he would probably be killed.

Without a second thought you jumped in to help Taehyung. Grabbing a small globe that fell with the table from the ground. You hit a guard over the back of the head with the globe with enough force to knock him unconscious. The guards started dividing their attention to you. You managed to fight off the few that split off of Taehyung, immobilizing them in some way shape or form.

In your peripheral you could see Taehyung struggling. The two guards left on him had drawn their swords on him and he was barely able to dodge fast enough. He didn't have any background in combat, and he was injured already, so all he could do was thrash around and hope he landed a hit on a guard, but you could tell he was becoming exhausted. Once you manged to fend off the guards on you, you began to help Taehyung. You swept your leg under one of the guards allowing Taehyung an opportunity to get the dagger under the other guards armor, cutting him in the throat.

You straightened yourself as you approached him gently placing your hand on his shoulder.

"Are you alright?" You questioned him.

He opened his mouth to speak but quickly cut himself off. His eyes widened and he pivoted so he was facing you. Covering you from the swing of a sword. His eyes were squeezed shut as he braced himself for impact.

You heard the sword slash into something and you felt pain rip through the front of your torso. Unable to contain yourself, you screamed in pain and gripped on Taehyung's shirt to keep yourself from collapsing.

Then, the realization hit you.
