32 - Deep Blue

  You reached the roof of the castle. The wind had picked up, and it felt like if you made one wrong move, you would be swept away. The shell of your sister stood at the roof. The wind blew her long hair violently as you approached. You stumbled as you tried to keep your balance, but your confidence didn't falter.

  "Philomena," you said. Your voice was flat. You were merely a foot away from her. Her back was facing you, and she appeared unarmed. She knew she had lost.

  "It's over." She muttered.

  "It is," you replied, "The question is whether you're willing to right your wrongs."

  "By spending the rest of my life in prison?" She stated, "I'd rather die." She took a step forward.

  "Stop!" You exclaimed. She paused, and you stretched your hand out to her, "Take my hand. You may not be my sister anymore, but you're Mother's daughter. She wouldn't want any of her children to be joining her in death right now."

  She scoffed, "Even if I died, Mother would never accept me."

  "Maybe not now. But if you live, you can change, and then you'll be able to meet her again and apologize for what you've done. She'll forgive you."

  She turned to you. Tears streaming down her face, "You really think she would?"

  You nodded, "I know she would."

  Philomena took your hand, and you pulled her away from the edge, bringing her into your warm embrace, accepting her as part of your family again. Thunder boomed overhead as you noticed the grin on her face as she rested her chin on your shoulder. You should've known.

  She stabbed you in the back again, this time in a much more literal sense.

  You ignored the pain, noticing that you still weren't that far from the ledge of the roof. If this is how you died, then so be it.

  You used the entire force of your body weight to throw yourself off the roof, holding tightly to Philomena.

  "No!" She shrieked and tried shoving you away.

  You held her tighter. If you died, at least you wouldn't be alone. The part of the castle you fell off was above the water. You looked past Philomena's head. The waves were restless because of the incoming storm, but they were still somehow inviting.

  You felt blood gush from the wound in your shoulder. She must've pulled the knife out at the last second.

  You felt strangely at ease. Maybe it was because it was finally over. You would see your mother and father on the other side and finally get to say the words you never got to before they passed. Maybe it was because Leon and Thomas would be there to take care of Sayaria. He was always dependable. Maybe because Taehyung would be there for Leon when he needed help. Or because Seokjin and Jungkook might be able to come to a truce with you gone. Or that Hoseok and Namjoon would be there for each other and rebuild Vraitis. Or maybe it was because Jimin would be there for Claudia once they got married. She really seemed to like him.

  You weren't sure what it was exactly, but you were willing to die here. You realized you hadn't thought about how the others would react.

  Your siblings would be devastated.

  Taehyung might never forgive himself.

  Jimin… you weren't sure how he would react. He might mourn you as a brother-in-law would, or as something more.

  Jungkook trained you to protect yourself. Would he think himself a failure when he found out?

  Hoseok had already witnessed his family die. Would he be able to handle the news of your death as well?

  Namjoon was normally stoic even in the face of death, but how would he react to you dying?

  Seokjin might be upset because his brother would be or because he felt that way himself.

  And Yoongi… his death would have been for nothing. All he ever did was protect you, and you didn't want his sacrifices to go to waste.

  Not just his sacrifice. Marie's, your father's, and your mother's.

  You had to live. If not for your sake, for theirs.

  The water seemed more unappealing as you fell, but it was your best chance at survival. You held your breath and braced yourself for impact. You almost missed a voice call for you.

  "Y/N!" You heard. It sounded as if several voices were blended together. You brushed it off as a figment of your imagination, as if you were imagining the person you wanted to save you.

  Crashing into the water was less painful than you had expected it to be, almost as if the water itself was protecting you, or someone was.

  The water was freezing cold, but where you landed was so deep that the water was calm, almost serene, as you sank. You were barely able to make out the dark, cloudy blood that surrounded you as you sank.

  You tried to swim to the surface, but your body was so heavy, from your injuries, your exhaustion, and the pressure from the water. You started to feel like you were being crushed.

  It was like your accident from all those years ago when Yoongi first saved you. Except he wouldn't be there this time.

  You had barely realized the water filling your lungs under the weight of everything. Your vision blurred, and your head started spinning. You saw a silhouette in the water diving towards you. At that moment, there was only one person you wanted to see.


  Your lungs filled with air.

  You gasped, coughing up the water that remained in your lungs. You sat up, hissing at the splitting pain in your shoulder as you clutched your sleeve.

  "It's okay. The others are on their way."

  You couldn't make out the face of your savior, but you recognized his voice.

  "Namjoon…" you choked out.

  "Save your strength." He replied.

  "Did we… win..?" you questioned.

  He nodded, "Now relax."

  He noticed the blood from your two wounds and quickly tore off of his sleeves, tying it tightly around the slash on your arm before applying pressure to the wound on your shoulder with his hands.

  "We won…" you muttered. You were in disbelief, and part of you felt empty. You thought you would get more satisfaction out of beating your sister, but at what cost?



  "Has she woken up yet?" I asked.

  I held the door to her room, open a cracked, just wide enough to see Leon and Claudia at her bedside. They didn't have to speak for me to know the answer. Their faces were as solemn as the last time I went to check on her. It's been a week since she fell into a coma. Sometimes, she'll say something in her sleep, and Claudia will get all excited thinking she's woken up only to realize it was a false alarm.

  Leon shook his head before standing up and making his way towards the door.

  "I have something to take care of. Make sure you get some rest, Claudia." He said before walking past me.

  Claudia stared blankly at her sister.

  "I'll leave you be." I said, turning on my heel.

  "Wait," Claudia's voice was quiet, I barely managed to hear her. I paused and turned back to her. She didn't speak another word as she approached me. She held something in her left hand as she gently took my wrist with her empty hand. She turned my hand over, and I held it open as she dropped what she was holding into my palm.

  I looked at the necklace. It was the one I had given Y/N for her birthday.

  "I was going to leave it with her for when she wakes up, but I figured it would be better if you gave it to her yourself." She mumbled.

  "Where did you find it?" I asked.

  "One of our guards found it washed up on shore while looking for Philomena." She replied.

  "Thank you."

  She nodded, "We should leave her to rest."

  I agreed and stepped out of the way, holding the door open for Claudia. As she left, I snuck a glance at Y/N. Her skin was pale, and what I could see of her body was covered in bandages.

  If only I had been a little faster on the rooftop.



  "Thank you for staying with me."

  I didn't reply as Claudia leaned her head on my shoulder. I sat next to her stiffly, I wasn't really there for her, and I felt like crap because of it.

  Really, I was there for her sister, who lay still unconscious in front of us. Claudia rarely left her side since the incident. I've stopped by a couple of times since it happened, but every time I tried to convince myself, it was for Claudia and not Y/N. I gave up on trying to fool myself, I had feelings for Y/N, and that's why I kept stopping by, and I felt guilty.

  Not just because I had fallen for my fiancèe's sister, but also because I felt to blame for what happened. If I had reached the others fast enough when Thomas sent for us, I might've been able to go with her, and none of this would've happened.

  It's nearly been a month already, and the doctors are still saying she should make a full recovery, but part of me doubts I'll ever get to talk to her again.



  I never should've met her.

  If I hadn't taken me with her that night like Hoseok asked, maybe she and her family would be happy. Instead, I had to drag her into Hoseok's problems, and she ended up sacrificing herself in the end, like an idiot.

  I've been searching for Philomena using Namjoon's boat for about two months since the incident happened. Namjoon and Hoseok decided they would go back to Vraitis to fix things there, leaving me by myself again.

  It didn't matter. As long as I could do this one favor for Y/N, I would be contempt. I just wanted to make sure Philomena was actually dead, I feel sick in thinking this, but she deserves it after everything she put Y/N through.



  "Your Majesty, there's another letter for you from Prince Leon." The servant placed the letter with the Sayarian seal on my desk before bowing and exiting the room.

  I was busy with work but dropped everything and quickly picked up the letter. I stared at it for a while, debating whether or not I should open it. In the end, I decided that I would, hoping there would be good news.

  I carefully tore the envelope and unfolded the letter. My heart flew into my throat, then fell to my stomach within a few seconds as I read.

Your Majesty,
Hoseok of Vraitis

Congratulations on the crowning ceremony. I appreciate your concern for my sister. She's been well. Unfortunately, she has yet to regain consciousness. The doctors still hope that she will make a full recovery, and they're doing everything they can. I still have hope that she'll wake up. However, given the amount of time she's been in this coma, I'm beginning to have my doubts.

  I crumpled up the letter and tossed it to the side. I ran my hands over my face, trying to calm my nerves, though it didn't help much.

  I just wanted to at least speak to her one more time.



  I managed to intercept another letter from Leon to Hoseok. I knew it was technically illegal to do it, but I'm sure Hoseok wouldn't mind if he found out. Though, every time I read the letter before it reached him, there was no good news. It was basically the same thing over and over again.

  I carefully resealed the envelope after I finished reading. It was the same thing, except this time, the doctors were beginning to worry about Y/N's health. I left my quarters before handing the letter off to a servant to deliver to Hoseok.

  I haven't spoken to Hoseok or Jungkook since it happened. I wonder if they blame me, I blame myself. Hoseok tried to reassure me after the fact, but I know he's upset over it, I am too. I wonder if she'd hate me when she wakes up if she ever does.



  I've gone through every theory I could possibly think of, and I still can't figure out how to help her. It's been nearly half a year, we've already gone from fall to winter, and she still hasn't woken up. The doctors still think it's from blood loss, but I'm beginning to think it has something to do with Yoongi.

  In fact, I'm certain it does. That bastard just had to go and play the hero. He should have just let Taehyung take the hit. He even put her through so much pain, emotional and physical. As much as I hate to admit it, if that siren hadn't sacrificed himself, then maybe she'd still be okay.

  If I could figure out a way to bring him back, then maybe it would bring her back as well. But I've tried everything, maybe I should just give up.



  You opened your eyes, but the room was still dark. You examined your surroundings and thought you were dreaming for a moment. You recognized the surroundings almost immediately, and it felt unreal being back in your old room. It looked exactly how you left it, even in the dark. Had Philomena left it untouched out of guilt? Or did someone recreate it for when you woke up?

  You glanced at your side and saw your sister sleeping beside you while sitting in a chair as she rested her head on your bed. You sat up and held your forehead as blood rushed from your head. You reached over to your bedside table, taking a matchstick out from the drawers and lighting the candle on your bedside table.

  You carefully climbed out of bed so as to not wake Claudia and grabbed the candle from the table, and made your way to the mirror. Any injuries you had were healed, and there was barely a scar left in sight. How long had it been since you fell off the roof exactly?

  You tried to think back, but the last thing you remember was Namjoon talking to you. You couldn't exactly remember what he said, though. You left your room and started making your way around the castle. It looked like any damages caused were completely repaired. Has things really gone back to normal?

  You eventually found yourself in the garden. You saw a shillouette sitting on one of the stone benches. As you got closer, the light from the candle lit up the silhouette. They were staring at something in their hand.

  "Taehyung?" You questioned. It was definitely him, except he seemed tired, as if he hadn't gotten a good night's rest in a while.

  He looked up from what he was staring at, and his expression immediately changed.

  "Y/N..?" He breathed, "Is that really you?"

  "Uhm, I would think so?" You replied.

  He stood and quickly walked over to you, wrapping you in a tight hug.

  "I thought you would never wake up." He mumbled.

  You were surprised before returning the hug, "Has it really been that long?"

  "Six months." He said, "It's been six months since you fell into a coma, I was beginning to think I'd never see you again."

  You froze, six months? It's been that long?

  "I'm sorry for making you worry." You responded.

  "No, it's not your fault, I'm just glad you're okay now."
