20 - Traitors

Your sprained ankle healed quickly, allowing you to finally walk again. Of course, you had to use a crutch to get around as you still had a broken ankle and you weren't able to do much around camp. You also had to stop training with Jungkook, much to your dismay.

Meetings continued as usual and you were beginning to plan out your next steps. You had weapons, but you needed more, and you needed more resources if you were to go up against Worden. You also needed to collect information.

"You want me to what!?" you shrieked.

"It's only for a few hours," Namjoon emphasized.

"You're the only woman here that's trained to fight. If things went south and someone couldn't defend themselves they may end up dying," Hoseok said, "I know it's embarrassing but streets in the cities are the best places to gather information."

"Embarrassing!? No! That would be humiliating! I'm a princess!" you shouted, "I refuse!"

"I don't get what the big deal is, all you'd have to do is what you did with me on the island," Seokjin chimed in smugly.

"That's different!" you hissed.

"Wait, what did you do?" Jimin questioned turning to you. You looked at him, to Hoseok, then Namjoon, and turned away, crossing your arms in embarrassment.

"That's none of your concern!" you replied.

While you and Seokjin didn't do anything particularly inappropriate you were still embarrassed at the mention of what happened. You hated flirting, especially with strangers.

"We don't have many other options for the moment," Seokjin stated.

"I don't want any slimeballs getting all handsy with me!" you said.

"They won't, you're not going to pretend to be an escort or anything, you'll be a server and if someone does get too close you can get the bartender to force them out of the bar," Namjoon stated.

"Yeah, the bar that's staffed with mostly women. Can't one of you do it? Jimin looks enough like a woman!" you suggested.

"Excuse me?" Jimin protested, "I do not!"

Seokjin snickered.

"It's risky, but if you don't want to do it we can find someone else," Hoseok replied.

After the meeting ended you went to the medic tent to get your ankle checked on by Vivian. It had been a month since you fractured it and she let you take off the splint but you still weren't able to do anything too strenuous and you still had to use a crutch.

You decided to head to the clearing where you trained with Jungkook. He was practicing with throwing knives, tossing them at a tree casually. He noticed you approaching and stopped.

"What's the matter?" he questioned, seeing you solemn expression.

"They want me to pretend to be a server to gather information," you replied.

"I'm assuming you don't want to do it?"

"Absolutely not,"

"How come?"

"Well, it's a bar that's staffed with mostly women and what if one of the customers get the wrong idea and try to get all touchy with me,"

"Well, weigh the pros and cons," he said, sitting on in the grass patting a spot next to him for you to sit, "Pros first."

You sat down on the ground next to him and began wracking your brain.

"We can gather information,"

Jungkook stuck up his index finger, counting as you listed off the pros.

"I'll be able to save my family with that information,"

"That's a good one,"

"It's less risky if I do it instead of someone else..." you trailed off unable to think of something else.

"That it?" he asked, you nodded, "Okay, three positives, cons next."

"It'll be embarrassing," that's really all you could think of as a negative. You trusted that Namjoon wouldn't let anything bad happen to you.

"Then how about we add another positive," he said, you cocked an eyebrow at him curiously, "You can say that you would only do it if someone else does it with you, that way you get to have fun while doing it."


"Yoongi seems like the most likely candidate, he's the least recognizable out of all of us and his frame is small enough to resemble a woman's,"

"You want me to ask Yoongi to dress up with me?"

"It only seems fair that if you do it someone else should too."

You thought about it for a second, it would be pretty amusing. But could you really ask that of Yoongi? It shouldn't be that big of a deal right?

"Oh, but if you do it you have to get me a spot on the mission too. There's no way I'm going to miss it," he continued.

You chuckled.



"Why are we here?" Yoongi murmured to Jungkook during one of the meetings. The two of them were sitting on two chairs while everyone else was around the table.

"You'll see," Jungkook replied.

"I'll do it on one condition," you began, "Yoongi has to come with me,"

"Won't that look too suspicious if we had two men there?" Jimin questioned.

"Not if he's dressed up like me," you smirked.

"What?" Yoongi questioned.

"Oh and Jungkook has to come too," you continued.

"Oh, so this was his idea then?" Hoseok questioned.

"Well, yeah, you really think she could come up with something like that on her own?" Jungkook stated.

"Well, it might be handy to have more people in case things go wrong," Namjoon agreed.

"Woah, wait, don't I get a say in this?" Yoongi said.

You went over to him and got down on your knees in front of him, clasping your hands together and raising them under your chin.

"Oh won't you please do it?" you pouted, "I'll be so scared without you there."

He squinted his eyes as he stared down at you.

"Get up," he replied, crossing his arms, "I suppose I'll do it."

You jumped up off your feet and Jungkook raised his hand looking at you expectantly. You watched him in confusion, tilting your head to the side not knowing what he wanted you to do.

He grabbed your hand and flattened it, raising it and hitting his hand against yours.

"High-five," he said.

"High what?" you questioned.

"You don't know what a high-five is?" Seokjin chimed in.

You shook your head, "Am I supposed to?"

"It's a way to celebrate something," Namjoon said.

"Oh," you replied, giving Jungkook another high-five smiling at him.

You planned to go to Worden with Namjoon, Jungkook, and Yoongi to gather information from the townspeople. After the meeting ended you went to gather your things since you were going to leave the next morning.

Hoseok wanted you to wait until your wounds were fully healed, but you insisted that waiting wasn't an option and he eventually allowed it. The next morning you said your goodbyes before heading off.

You reached the cavern where the dragon was patiently waiting. You gave it some food and promised to return shortly before getting on the boat with the others.

The trip there was far more enjoyable than when you went to the Isle of Dragons with Seokjin. You spent time either continuing your training with Jungkook or hanging out with Yoongi. There were still plenty of questions you wanted to ask Yoongi but you couldn't figure out the right way to ask, so you didn't.

You didn't talk to Namjoon much though, you two weren't particularly close and you figured if he wanted to speak with you he would. You stopped at Thoris Harbor to gather some supplies from one of Namjoon's friends and you noticed that Worden was controlling the flow of imports at the harbor. Your ship eventually docked at Worden after a few days of traveling.

"Hurry up Yoongi," Jungkook called to him from outside the cabin.

You had just finished getting dressed in your disguise and Yoongi went to change afterward. You waited outside the cabin with Jungkook and Namjoon, adjusting your clothes every so often.

You had on a corset that was tight enough to give you discomfort, you had worn corsets before but never this tight. You adorned a deep red dress made from fine silks that showed off more of your chest than you were used to. There was black lace detailing at the ends of the layered skirt that was hiked up slightly to reveal the black stockings you wore and your black heeled boots that were tied tightly. The black, sheer, silk sleeves fell off your shoulders and you had a lace choker around your neck. The low cut of the dress revealed part of your wound on your chest, but you used a black lace shawl to hide it better that was pinned by a broach that resembled a white flower in the center of your chest. The gloves you were wearing were made out of a similar lace fabric as the shawl and ended halfway up your forearm. To hide your face you wore a veil made out of the same black silk as the sleeves, it obstructed your vision a little but it was the best option to hide your identity without looking too suspicious.

Finally, Yoongi exited the cabin. He had been wearing a blue full-length dress and had on extra layers of skirts to hide his more masculine figure. The bust of the dress had a v-neck cut but he had an opaque white shawl draped over his shoulders. The lace sleeves ended at his wrists and he was wearing a pearl necklace. He had a white veil on, similar to yours to cover his face.

"I'm ready," Yoongi grumbled.

You held your breath and covered your mouth trying not to laugh. It didn't work very very well because as soon as Jungkook burst out with laughter you doubled over holding your stomach while laughing.

"Haha, very funny," Yoongi said sarcastically. "Can we just get this over with?"

"Awe, come on Yoongi, don't be so grumpy, you look beautiful," Jungkook said between laughs.

"Just like a pretty princess!" You added mockingly.

"Enough you two, this is serious and should be treated as such," Namjoon stated.

You and Jungkook stopped laughing and Yoongi stuck his tongue out at you to mock you.

"Y/N and I will head into the bar, you two stay outside and collect information that way. Try not to make it look like you're working together." Namjoon continued

You walked through the dimly lit streets, feeling the damp cobblestone beneath through your shoes. The chill of the air nipped at your skin. You hadn't noticed the weather changing on Vraitis but you assumed that it had become fall. Spring and Summer passed quicker than you thought.

You and Namjoon reached a building in a seedy part of the city. You could hear the shouts and cheers men. The stench of alcohol burned your nostrils before you even entered. You rested your free hand at your side, feeling the dagger in the sheath attached to your thigh through your skirt. It made you feel more at ease.

You entered the building and you looked out at the sea of drunken men. There were women dressed in a similar fashion to you serving them drinks and entertaining the men. You stuck out like a sore thumb. Your posture was princess-like, regal, the servers at the bar held themselves in a much more seductive way.

Namjoon had let go of your hand for a moment, speaking to the bartender. You analyzed the women in the room, attempting to replicate their demeanor as to not look so out of place. Presumably, your efforts worked as a man approached you. Before even saying anything his arm snaked its way around your waist and he leaned close to you. You jerked your head to the side, disgusted by the smell of beer that washed over you.

"Hello there, beautiful," he murmured into your ear, his beard scratched at your skin, "What are you doing here all on your lonesome?"

You didn't answer, you were stuck at an impasse. You didn't want this man touching you but if you said something you could blow your cover.

"Hands off the staff" Namjoon growled from behind, wrapping his arm across your chest and ripping you out of the man's grasp.

"What's your excuse?" the man retorted.

They glared at each other for a moment until the man scoffed, and stormed off.

"Are you alright?" Namjoon mumbled.

You nodded in response before whispering, "Thank you."

The bartender handed you a tray of drinks while Namjoon went to sit down among the other customers. You walked around the room, serving drinks to everyone and receiving some glances from the men in the room. You noticed Namjoon keeping an eye on you the whole time so you felt more safe.

You heard the door creak open as Worden soldiers entered. You were about to look away, not paying any mind to them, but when you saw the last person enter the room your heart dropped.

Taehyung stood in the doorway, adorned in the crests of your enemy.

Your throat went dry and your entire reality shattered before your eyes.

The meek servant boy who was nothing but kind and loving stood before you dressed in fine clothes as if he had become a noble.

But you watched him get dragged away in cuffs. He was their enemy too. Right?

So many questions ran through your mind.

How long had he been their ally? Was your entire relationship fabricated?

You could handle him tossing your trust to the ground like it was dirt. But he wasn't just deceiving you, he had betrayed your entire family. Did Leon know about this? He'd be heartbroken if he did.

Taehyung sat with the Worden soldiers. He still had his shy demeanor as they drank together. He was hunched over as if he didn't belong.

You didn't trust it.

Your entire body trembled with fury. He was almost like family to you and he disregarded that the moment he was offered a bit of power and wealth?

Though they were further away you listened in on their conversation as best as you could while still trying to hold your cover by serving drinks.

"I can't believe Taehyung here was given a noble title, how'd ya do it?" one of the soldiers questioned as he draped his arms over Taehyung's shoulders.

He flinched as he responded, "Well, information can get take you pretty far,"


He was feeding Worden information in exchange for a stupid title?

"Don't forget that he also served the new queen's family his whole life, she's probably got a soft spot for the kid," another soldier cut in.

New queen?

Taehyung served the new queen? But he only ever served your family, you knew that for a fact.

You balled your free hand up into a fist when you realized what that meant. In the course of only a few moments you found out your best friend and one of your sisters cheated you.

You had no way of confirming whether or not it was true, but you did only ever see Leon on the brink of execution. For all you knew, one of your sisters could've ordered the execution.

But why?

Claudia may have been a bit of a brat growing up but she loved your family very much. And Philomena was next in line for the throne.

"I never really cared for the Sayarian royals anyways, her majesty just liked that I could provide information on the Princess that got away," Taehyung shrugged.

The way he said Princess was cold and hollow, unlike the way he said it to you many times before. That was all you could handle before snapping. You let the tray fall from your hand and jumped onto the table in front of you to lunge at him.

"Hey --!" Namjoon called from across the room.

You heard the table crash as you tackled Taehyung knocking over his chair. Some of the women shrieked and the men stood from their seats. He winced when he hit the ground and you grabbed his collar lifting him to look you in the eyes.

"How dare you!?" you hissed.

He didn't respond and just stared at you, stunned.

Rage took over. You hated the dumbfounded look on his face. You reached for the dagger at your thigh but one of the Worden soldiers gripped your wrist tightly and yanked you off of Taehyung.

"Who do you think you are, whore!?" the soldier spat in your face as he held you up by your wrist.

You didn't even flinch. You noticed Taehyung scramble to his feet before he scurried out the door.

You refused to let him get away, he had to answer for what he'd done. You twisted in the soldier's grasp and elbowed him in the chest. Caught off guard, he let go of your wrist and stumbled back. You sprinted out the door, chasing after Taehyung.

You lost the majority of your accessories, tossing them to the side as you ran leaving you in just your dress and stockings. You could hear footsteps behind you, chasing after you, but you didn't care. You either wanted answers from Taehyung or a dagger in his chest. You sprinted through the streets following the sound of Taehyung's footsteps as best you could.

He turned down an alleyway and you followed not far behind. He stopped at a brick wall, he was trapped in a dead-end. You pulled out your dagger and he turned to you, fear and pain warped his expression.

"Y/N --"

"Don't," You said raising your dagger to his throat, "Give me one good reason I shouldn't gut you where you stand,"

He fell to his knees and you glared down at him.

"I can't," he replied.

You clenched your jaw and gripped onto the handle of your dagger tighter.

"Kill me," he looked up at you pleading, "I deserve it."

You hesitated only for a moment, but it was enough time for someone to grab your shoulder. At that moment all you saw was red as you turned to the person behind you. You slashed the throat of the Worden soldier before they even had the chance to speak. The blood splattered on your face and when you turned back to Taehyung he had climbed up a pile of trash and got onto the roof of one of the buildings.

You stood there and your dagger fell from your hand before you buried your face in your hands. You laughed at yourself as tears escaped your eyes.


You heard three sets of footsteps rush into the alleyway but you paid them no mind as tears continued to stream down your face.

"Y/N," you heard Namjoon's low voice start, "What happened?"

When you didn't answer you felt Yoongi wrap his arm around your shoulders and the three of them led you out of the alleyway as quickly as they could without being spotted by Worden soldiers. You arrived on the boat and left Worden quickly, somehow escaping without any repercussions.

Yoongi led you to the cabin and left you alone to change. You went through your bag to grab your clothes but you saw the necklace Taehyung had given to you on your birthday. You grabbed it and stood up staring at it for a moment. Without thinking you ran out of the cabin to the railing, you threw it off the boat. The momentum from running almost caused you to throw yourself off as well but someone had grabbed you from behind and steadied you.

You squeezed your eyes shut, remembering how Taehyung caught you to keep you from falling off your balcony. You twisted around and started hitting their chest to get them off of you.

"Let go, Taehyung!" you shrieked.

They let go and you ran back to the cabin, crashing onto the floor as soon as you shut the door behind you.

