24 - Home

You turned and saw Jungkook standing in the doorway. He leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed. He had a playful smirk that that faded when he saw the bandages all over you.

"What the hell did they do to you?" He questioned as he approached you.

"I don't really remember..." you replied.

Before Jungkook could say anything you heard someone rush up the stairs to you.

"Y/N!?" Taehyung called as he reached the door to your room.

"Back up, asshole," Jungkook said as he held his sword up towards Taehyung, staying in between you two.

Let her go," Taehyung glared at Jungkook, the fire reflecting in his dark eyes making his gaze more intense.

"I don't think so, last time I checked she belongs with us," Jungkook replied smugly.

Before Taehyung could get another word in Jungkook leaped from the window with you. You glanced back at the house as you and Jungkook ran, part of you hoped Taehyung would get out of the fire. Jungkook had led you through the gates that were now open while the guards were distracted by the fire.

"How did you find me?" you questioned as you ran.

"Seokjin and Yoongi can be pretty useful sometimes," he replied, "Let's get out of here before I get caught,"

"The fire was you?"

"My mother always told me to treat others the way they want to be treated," he stated.

A horse waited for you outside the castle walls. Jungkook quickly helped you on to the second horse and got on after. The three of you rode to the outskirts of Worden as the fire engulfed the kingdom.

You reached the docks where people were crowded together getting on boats to get away from the fire. Jungkook a had cloak and he pulled up his hood. Then you got off your horse and hid amongst the crowd of townspeople. You kept your head down to avoid being spotted.

You felt Jungkook wrap his arm over your shoulders and pull you closer. You glanced at him and he stared straight ahead seriously as you walked with the crowd. You got onto the boat without anyone noticing and stayed in the crowd with Jungkook as it left the docks.

You were on the lower deck together and heard people whispering in confusion about the events that occurred. More specifically, they were whispering about you. You heard them talking about how it must've been your fault that their homes were destroyed.

You tried your best to ignore what they were saying but it was starting to get to you. Eventually, the boat docked and the two of you split off from the crowd as everyone exited the boat, quickly making your way back to the campsite. You walked through the entrance of the camp which was more guarded than before and the two of you headed to Hoseok's tent.

You almost fell to the floor in relief when you entered. Leon sat on the ground with Jimin while Hoseok and Seokjin sat off to the side. Leon looked from Jimin over to the entrance of the tent and you saw his face lit up.

Taehyung was telling the truth?

You quickly went to them, crashing into Leon with your arms wide open to embrace him. Leon hugged you tightly while you cried as happiness flooded over you. It was the first time you had seen them in months and you were incredibly overwhelmed with joy. You felt like a kid again as they held you and comforted you while you cried.

"Ahem..." you looked up and saw Seokjin glaring at you impatiently.

"Way to ruin the moment," Jimin said.

"We have more important matters to deal with than a family reunion," Seokjin continued.

"What's with your hatred for families?" Jungkook spoke up from the entrance of the tent.

"Now's not the time to start bickering," Namjoon interjected, "Seokjin's right, we have a lot of issues that need to be dealt with."

You stood up and brushed yourself off and Leon followed suit.

"Moving on," Seokjin began, "Worden's likely to retaliate given our recent moves, so we should be prepared."

"Should we move someplace else to make sure we'll be safe?" Jungkook asked.

"I think we should continue to be on the offensive. If we move now it'll take too long to recuperate and if they don't know where we are at the moment we should attack again. If we can take back Vraitis we can lower the amount of territory that they have and now that Worden's been put to ash all that's left to worry about is Sayaria, Dririth, Thoris Harbor, and Ekurus. Which, given that we have several people who know the ins and outs of Sayaria and someone from Dririth as well, it shouldn't be too difficult to pull off."

Everyone stared at Leon as he went off on his spiel. He started murmuring things to himself while everyone in the room glanced at each other in shock, aside from you and Claudia.

"That's... not a bad idea..." Seokjin said.

"Of course it isn't, Leon's been learning war tactics since he was a kid," you stated.

"Speaking of kids, if there are any here we should evacuate them and anyone else not equipped for war to someplace safer," Leon stated, "You know, in the off chance that they do figure out where we are."

"They've already been sent away," Hoseok stated.

Leon nodded in reply.

"Okay, well, we can continue discussing everything else tomorrow, it's already late and everyone needs their rest," Hoseok continued.

You waited for everyone to leave while Hoseok was cleaning up some things on the table in the center of the tent. You waited for Namjoon to leave but he didn't move. Hoseok glanced up at you and cocked an eyebrow at you.

"Do you know if Taehyung made it out?" you asked.

"I'm sure he'll send confirmation that he escaped soon," Hoseok replied.

You nodded in reply, "Did you know he was on our side?"

"Only when Claudia and Leon said he helped them escape."


"Take her to the medic tent," Hoseok said to Namjoon.

You sighed and finally agreed to go. Namjoon escorted you out of Hoseok's tent and began walking you to the medic tent. When you arrived you looked around for Vivian but she was nowhere to be found.

"Vivian left with your sister to go with the children," Namjoon said.

You looked at him confused.

"Now lie down," he continued.

"But there's no one here to help me," you stated confused.

"I'll do it," he walked over towards the medical supplies as you went to one of the mats on the ground and sat with your legs crossed.

Namjoon walked over to you and placed the medical supplies on the ground. He organized them briefly then turned to you. He gently began undoing the bandages on your face that covered your right eye and ear. Once he took the bandages off he placed his hands on either side of your head to gently rotate it as he examined the deep gash across your nose that was just beginning to scab over. Then he made a weird expression and looked at your ear.

"Oh god," he said as his eyes widened.

"What?" You questioned.

"Hang on," he stood up and quickly left the tent.

You stood to follow him but you noticed something strange about your reflection in the mirror nearby.

Your ear was missing.


You continued wearing bandages over your right eye and where your ear should've been. Mostly because you didn't want to see how horrific it was. You spent most of your time thinking. You were disappointed in yourself, not only did your attempt to surrender not help, it just made things worse. You felt ashamed, to say the least.

You sat on a log bench as everyone who was leaving was packing. It had been decided that Yoongi would go with a few others to where Claudia and Vivian were with the children. Jimin and Seokjin would leave to go to Dririth to regain control of it. You noticed Seokjin approaching you out of the corner of your eye. He stopped next to you and cleared his throat to get your attention.

"Yes?" you said as you kept your eyes on the kids.

"Can I ask you something?" he began.

"You already have," you replied, he rolled his eyes in response.

"I'll be going to Dririth with Jimin," he stated.

"I'm aware,"

"Can you keep an eye on Jungkook for me?" he asked seriously.

You finally turned to him to see the worried expression on his face, "He's able to take care of himself you know,"

"I know he can, but curses are unpredictable, and we still haven't found a way to break it,"

"Why not ask someone else?"

"You're the only one who knows about the charm on him,"

"Really?" you paused for a moment, "Is that why you always act like a jerk? So that he has a reason to be mad at you so the charm isn't obvious?'

He looked at you surprised with his mouth agape, "You're incredibly intuitive,"

"That's what happens when you grow up around royalty," you replied, "What I don't understand is why you were rude to me the whole time we were at the Isle of Dragons,"

"Use your intuition to figure it out," he said.

Before you could respond he left towards his tent. You thought about what he said several minutes after he left but you couldn't figure out what he meant. After a while, you headed back to your tent where Yoongi was gathering the few things he had. You approached him and he looked up at you then stood to greet you.

"Leggy," he greeted with a small smile.

"Hey, Fishy," you replied, he rolled his eyes and shook his head, "You're packing?"

"Yeah, I wish I would've been allowed to stay though,"

"I wish you were too, but you're not going to be very helpful during a war, no offense,"

"None taken," he paused, "You sure you'll be alright without me?"

"I'll be fine," you promised.

"You better be, if you die, I die remember?"

"How could I forget,"

"Everyone leaving tonight please come to the entrance of the camp," you heard the head guard announce from outside.

"I guess this is goodbye," Yoongi said solemnly.

"Yes, but not for good, Fishy. We still haven't gotten to live our life together," you repeated what he told you in your room at the castle.

He smiled and you pulled him in for a quick hug before leaving the tent together. You watched Yoongi leave with the few others, including the head guard and sighed when they disappeared from view.

"They'll be fine," Hoseok's voice cut through your thoughts.

You glanced at him before turning back to the entrance of the camp, "I know, I'll just miss them."

"We'll see them again," he said.

You nodded in response then Hoseokk grabbed your shoulder and you looked at him confused.

"Can I show you something?" he asked.

"Sure?" you replied confused.

He led you to his tent and there was a royal blue leather tunic and armored black leather pants hung up by clothespins to the wall of the tent. There were dark brown leather boots nearby and several pieces of metal armor.

"Claudia and Vivian worked on it for you before they left," he said, "They wanted me to give it to you in case they didn't get the chance to."

You were speechless, it reminded you of the armor your mother wore before she fell ill. You turned and hugged Hoseok tightly, he was surprised for a moment but hugged you back. You were incredibly happy to be back with them and being gifted something so sweet was almost overwhelming.
