The Scarlet Witch

For this chapter, pretend that Nat and Vision are both alive. Basically, that Marvel doesn't want to completely rip out our hearts at every chance they get to do so.

Not a lot of Sylki in this one, but enjoy.


She didn't like Wanda at first.

The witch had been unbearably quiet when they had first met. As if she had been studying the goddess, trying to understand her. She had also been an immediate threat to her and Loki, thanks to her magic.

She was also protected by the android she would later find out to be named Vision. Sylvie hadn't liked him either, and neither had Loki for that matter, the two were just too much of a threat together.

Despite being at the Avengers tower for days, and working with them to solve the multiversal war, Sylvie and Loki associated themselves with none of them. Expect Thor. Loki was only with him and refused to be with any of the other Avengers.

Sylvie sometimes tagged along, but she still preferred Loki over anyone.

Despite the fact that the two gods had been cold and distant to everyone of them, Wanda approached. Out of the blue, she walked up to Sylvie one day, when the goddess sat all alone in the Avenger's tower. Loki wasn't with her, and Sylvie read a book, both very rare occurrences.

"Can I sit here?"

She closed her book, the witch had kind eyes. "What do you want?"

Wanda smiled and sat down anyway, still keeping that kind smile. Despite Sylvie's hostility and attitude that was usually terrifying to anyone that was not Loki.

Why Wanda decided to talk to her and befriend her that day, she had no idea.

Perhaps she had read her mind. Seen how as much as she loved Loki and needed to fix the mess she had made on the multiverse, she was somewhat lonley. Maybe the witch was bored, or she just wanted to get to know Sylvie better. Who knows why, but she was thankful that she had.

For Sylvie, had made a friend that day.

At first the goddess shook off any and all attempts of her trying to befriend her. She answered coldly and dryly, eventually sticking her nose back into her book. But she persisted, and the goddess eventually cracked as Wanda no longer asked questions about her day, but about her.

"You know, Sylvie I know absolutely nothing about you."

"Good." Sylvie growled, nose in the book. She refused to look up at her.

Wanda sat comfortably on the couch next to her. "The only things I know are because of Thor."

"I don't really talk to Thor."

"Loki does."


She thought as she looked up from her book, finally. Wanda seemed so damn patient, like she was ready to just sit there forever to befriend her.

"I'm glad to see something gets your nose out of that book." Wanda said with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you want from me?"

Wanda ignored her, but Sylvie let it slide. "What's it about anyway? The book that is."

She answered sincerely. "Don't know, I've been stating at it, silently hoping you get the hint and go away."

Wanda laughed, and Sylvie almost cracked a smile.

She closed it to see the cover. "I mean it, it's not even mine. 'The complete works of William Shakespeare', who the heck is that?"

"You're into William Shakespeare?"

Sylvie shook her head and closed it for good. "No, but Loki most certainly is."

Wanda seemed amused. "Seriously?"

"Oh yeah, always has books like these all over the place." She answered.

Wanda laughed, and Sylvie cracked a smile this time. She hadn't wanted to make any friends, because deep inside she was scared. Scared that she could lose them somehow. Or perhaps that they would stab her in the back later.

Wanda stopped laughing and looked at her seriously. "You can trust me."

"I beg your pardon?"

"I'm sorry, I'm a mind reader."

"Stay out of my head." She instantly growled, her mood changing in a blink of an eye. She would have to get Loki to teach her how to block her.

"I'll try."

"Thanks." She said sarcastically. But she wasn't quite ready to completely close herself off from Wanda.

"He blocks it for you." Wanda said, she had read her mind again. "Your thoughts. When Loki's around you, I can't see them."

"You've never seen Loki's thoughts, then?" Sylvie would have to thank him later.

She shook her head.

"But you tried, that's a bit intrusive, don't you think?"

She looked apologetic. "I had to, why do you think we let you in so easily? I was supposed to see if you two meant harm, I ofcourse couldn't see when we first met, but I promised to keep an eye on you two."

"So what, do we have the seal of approval?" She growled, angry now.

"We just wanted to know if we could trust you, you know that is...."

"I do, and a sure lot more than you , I can assure you." Sylvie stood up and put rhe book down. "Oh so that's why you're here, not to befriend me but to get a look at my thoughts! Well listen here you-"

''No! No!" She stood up with Sylvie, but she wasn't threatening. "I'm no longer worried about that, I have seen what your thoughts are. And I've seen that they're are pure and true to what you say. To what you both say."

She sounded like a book.

"If there's one thing my thoughts aren't, is pure." Sylvie frowned.

Wanda smiled a bit. "I meant about the mission, the multiversal war, that you actually want to help people."

Sylvie kept quiet, knowing she had been called out. So she attacked with something else, she didn't want to stay on this subject. "And there the hell is your accent from? I haven't been able to tell since you started talking."

"Sokovian." Wanda said sadly and sat down, looking at her hands.


"Sokovia. It's where I'm from, me and my.... twin brother." She looked sad.

"You have a brother? I don't think I've seen him around, what's his name?"

"Pietro." Her accent shinned through as she spoke. "His name was Pietro."


Sylvie understood, immediately and sat back down with her. The goddess said nothing because she simply did not know what to say. What could she say? She let out a cliche response.

"I'm sorry."

Wanda shook her head. "It wasn't you, don't be sorry. His death happened... a while ago anyway."

"What was he like?"

Wanda smiled and talked. She talked about her brother, then about her life in Sokovia, how she had hated Tony Stark and then joined him. She talked but also asked Sylvie about her life, how she had met Loki.

Sylvie didn't have many friends, only one if you counted Loki. But he wasn't exactly her friend anymore. But that night, she had made a friend the kind of friends that you tell everything to.

Then, Natasha Romanoff came into the picture. Nat. The three quickly became best friends, something that sounded like it was out of a fairy tale and that Sylvie never knew she would get. She was never alone in the tower again. If she wasn't snuggled up with Loki somewhere, she was with Wanda and Nat, usually talking.

Though, the goddess knew that the three of them together terrified their partners.

The trio made Loki uneasy for sure, she could see it. But she could also see that he felt happy for her. And that he was jokingly jealous when she wasn't with him. Though, she knew he very much enjoyed time with his brother.

Today, the three sat in Sylvie's room, which quickly became her and Loki's room. They talked, as usual.

It was late and Sylvie sat on her bed, holding one of Loki's pillows as she sat with her legs under her, crossed. Wanda was also sitting on the bed, leaning against the wall. Natasha was also sitting on the bed with them, closest to the door. Conversation between them had died had down and they sat in silence, which was rare.

Nat broke the silence. "So, Loki eh?"

Wanda instantly giggled.

"Why is that your ice breaker?" Sylvie asked her. "And why always at me!?"

"Because it gets us talking." Wanda answered for her.

"And two hours later we're talking about something stupid Nat pointed out and teased again. "So... Loki?"

"Alright, right after we have a long discussion about Banner" She shot back.

"Or Vision?."

"Hey, no need to drag me into this one you two!" Wanda glared at Nat.

"It's not anything bad. Anyway, what do you think they're doing right now?"

"Vision is probably reading."

"Loki is doing something stupid."

"Bruce? Something nerdy."

The three of them laughed. They had formed some, strange, yet beautiful friendship here. It was full of humor, of jokes and sarcastic comments. But it was also full of heartfelt and honest conversations. The kind that she used to only have with her Loki.

Sylvie smiled as the laugh escaped her lips and her two friends quieted down with her. She held onto Loki's pillow, and could smell his scent it on it. This only made her smile further as she thought about him for a bit.

"You know what I think?" Wanda asked.

"Hmm?" Nat asked, turning to her.

"That it's cute how Loki blocks your thoughts." Wanda said randomly.

Nat threw her head back in laughter.

"That's not fair." She scoffed, though the three constantly teased each other about their partners. "So off topic!

"Is it though?" Wanda raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, someone's thinking about him I see." Nat said with a grin.

Sylvie rolled her eyes and threw her head back, laid down on her bed, still holding his pillow. "I hate you guys."

"Sounds like bullshit." Nat scoffed.

"You love us." Wanda agreed.

"Not as much as you love Loki!" Nat cried as she laughed again and Wanda joined her this time.

"Rude!" She hit Nat with her pillow.

The three teasing each other was not rare by any means, but Sylvie had the worst of it this time. A few seconds later, her two friends quieted down.

Natasha shrugged. "Im sorry, but I just don't see it."

"How so?" Wanda asked her, that Sokovian accent comming through.

"I mean this is the guy that tried to destroy all of new York."

"Not my Loki." Sylvie said confidently.

Nat smiled. "Yes your Loki. He most almost did destroy New York, on this very tower, actually."

"Yeah, well your boyfriend turns into an angry green monster when he gets mad." She pointed out. "And, you don't hear me complaining about him."

"Oh damn." Wanda laughed, glancing at the clock as she did.

"That's completely different!"

Sylvie and Wanda laughed together but before Nat could snap anything more at them, her phone went off. It vibrated next to her and lit up, Wanda and Sylvie stopped laughing.

"It's my sister. I gotta go."Nat looked at her phone, at what seemed seemed be a text, before sending something. "The security won't let her through, she's downstairs."

Sylvie scoffed. "She's a Russian spy and can't get through crappy security?"

"I told her not to kill anyone ."

"She doesn't have to."

"It's Yelena."

"Fair point, see you later Nat."

"Bye." Wanda said to her as she got out of the room, phone in her ear.

Nat turned the corner and finally disappeared "Oh hey Loki."

Loki poked his head into the room as Nat left. Sylvie was more than thrilled to see him and he met her eyes with his briefly, before looking to Wanda.

"Hey, Vision was asking for you." He informed her as he stepped into the room. "He knew you'd be in here, he's in your room."

"Oh, I guess I have have to go too." She said as she got up. She said goodbye to both Sylvie and Loki before leaving.

Loki smiled closing the door behind him. "Fancy meeting you here."

"What missed me?" She teased as Loki walked up to her, his hands on either side of her. Sylvie leaned back.

"Oh definitely."

He didn't say anything else before leaning down and catching her lips in his. She kissed him, she had missed him more than she had realized. And pretty soon, his lips moved down to her neck and his hands roamed her.

"Hey now don't get ahead of yourself there." Sylvie joked.

"I'll try and contain myself." He said with a teasing grin. "I'm guessing you missed me too."

"We talked about you for a little bit."

"Hmm makes sense. Then perhaps you weren't all too bored." He said with a grin as he sat on the bed next to her.

She nodded ans asked him about his day, though they had only been apart a few hours. "So, what have you been doing?"

Loki took of his shoes, putting his feet up on the bed next to her. "I was with Thor for a while. Then we were with Bruce and Vision for a while longer."

"Sounds fun."

He smiled sincerely. "Oh trust me, it was nothing shirt of boring compared to spending time with you, darling."

"Want to watch a film? Before we go to bed?" She asked with a smile.

"Ofcourse, which one?" Loki grabbed the control from the nightstand.

"Why don't you pick?"

He nodded and turned it on. While he searched for something to watch, Loki wrapped an arm over her, his hand at her waist. Sylvie instantly ducked her head under his arm as they pulled the covers over their legs. She then found herself staring at his handsome face for a moment. Thinking.

He noticed. "What?"


He scoffed. "And you call me weird."

She laughed slightly, she did always call him weird, or a magician. Both were appropriate. But now his full attention was on her.

"But seriously, are you alright?" He grabbed her hand in his under the covers. Ofcourse they didn't need the blanket, but it was comfortable.

"I was just thinking, now shut up and watch the movie." She said resuming her original, conformable, position.

Loki seemed to be satisfied with her answer and he only kissed her head before turning his attention to what they were watching. He had a kind, almost pure and innocently look on his face. He had a face of love, that was the only thing Sylvie knew for sure.

But the goddess didn't quite seem to understand how Natasha couldn't see Loki the way that she did.

When she looked at him she didn't see someone that had nearly destroyed an entire city, or some kind of monster at all. She just saw a man. A god actually, a god who had loved and cared for her, and had vowed to continue to do so. It was difficult, impossible even, to imagine him destroying an entire city for the pure malice or fun of it, or for some cappy deal. Loki was much too smart and fun for that.

But for her?

That was a different story. She knew that he would do practically anything for her. Loki had always promised her that he would protect her. He had told her so on multiple occasions. And the times that he did protect her, were the rare times she had seen him so unlike himself and violent. The way that she imagined Natasha and the rest of the Avengers tower saw him as.

But then again, she would definitely do the same for him, any day. The rest at the Avengers tower just hadn't seen that side of her. Yet.

Loki might have been protective and slightly jealous for her, causing him to be so fierce over her. But Sylvie had lost too much, and she sure as hell was not about to lose one of the only good things she had ever gotten in her life. This combination of the two gods really only made a very chaotic pair.

"Hey you alright?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You're quiet, and you don't seem to be paying attention." He was worried.

"Dont worry, I'm just thinking." Sylvie said as she put her hand on his wrist, physical touch and contact from her seemed to instantly calm him down, always. No matter what it was.


"How much I love you."

"Oh? Why don't you say it outloud? I wouldn't mind that." Loki instantly looked relaxed as he teased her.

He smiled as Sylvie gave him a small kiss on the lips before she turned her attention to the film this time. But she didn't watch much before she put her head on Loki's chest and her arms on his his abdomen. Sylvie could feel him being pleasantly surprised before he wrapped his arms around her too. In a protective, loving way.

Maybe he did try to destroy New York, and he did try to hurt people. And all those other things that Natasha had always told her when she asked. But at the same time, she still doubted what they all said. Despite the fact that Loki himself had told her what he did.

What he had done in New York, in the tower, and wherever else before her, didn't match.

It just didn't match with how he was around her, a gentleman for one. Or how he treated Sylvie, with love and affection. Or that look in his eye when he simply looked at her. Because that was her Loki, the Loki that loved her unconditionally. Just as she did him.

The Loki that Nat and all the Avengers were constantly talking about?

No, not this Loki.

Not her Loki.

Hello there!

I'm sorry, I know there isn't much Sylki in this one. But I feel like sometimes it's easy to forget that this lovey does Loki is the same Loki we see in the first Avengers movie and I wanted to show that here.

I know I haven't been posting a lot but I'm not sure what's going to happen to this book. To be utterly honest, it probably won't continue until season 2 of Loki releases and I become obsessed with these two once more.

Until then, Bye-bye!
