Are you trying to Enchant me!?


Loki ran like hell.

It was probably the fastest he had ever ran, but when meteors are about to crush you, well, there's motivation. Pieces of the moon fell on Lamentis- 1 and a few of them were just a few feet away from thier faces.

The woman ran behind him. Although he didn't know her name, he knew only that she was a Variant of himself. Him in a different universe. Though, so far she didn't seem to be a whole lot like him.

"Of all the apocalypses saved on that Tempad, this is the worst! No one makes it out of here!" She shouted angrily at him. "Watch out!" She shouted again, a piece of the moon nearly falling on them as they both turned in a different direction.

"Sorry madam, didn't exactly have time to scan the brochure!" He said sarcastically as they dove under a vehicle. "By the way, I thought you wanted me dead."

She looke to her surroundings. "I don't know where you hid the Tempad but if you blow up, it blows up and then I end up blown up." She said, finally spotting a shack. "There!"

"So we're a team now?" He asked hopefully as they ran again. Perhaps if they were a team she wouldn't be as tempted to kill him.

"Oh God no!"

"Get down!" Loki shouted at her, pushing the goddess forward and away from a meteor that crashed a little too close.

"Didn't need you help!" She snapped back as she continued running behind him.

"You're so wierd!" Loki shouted back, looking over his shoulder.

He got to the door of the small, and hopefully adondoned, shack first. Loki held the door open, and she practically flew past him.

Once they were both inside and out of danger, they both panted, taking a moment to catch thier breath. The place was small, but it would hold against the falling debri outside. Loki walked to the nearest wall and leaned against it.

He panted, taking a moment to catch his breath. His eyes were on the ground when he noticed her walk up to him, however he didn't move. He stayed still, and continued to do so as she stood very, very close to him. Her hands went up, touching the sides of his face.

At this, he looked up.

She only looked back at him, her hands still lightly brushing near his neck and jaw, a strange glint in her eyes. They were almost eye to eye, as he was only a little taller than her.

But seeing her face, her eyes, his breath became raspy and loud. His throat seemed to become dry, and she was so quiet that he didn't clear his throat, afraid to break the spell.


At the word, he felt something in the back of his mind. Something probing and looking. And right next to his ear, he heard a hum. He felt it again, the feeling in the back of his mind. She was an enchantress after all. And a Loki.

"What are you doing?" He asked, his voice somehow comming out clearly.

"What are the you doing?"

"Are you trying to enchant me?" He asked. She didn't answer, but he could feel that she was still trying. "It won't work."

"Why? Because you're a magician?" She sneered, shoving him away.

"No." He said, with a look of disgust at her lack of knowledge. "Because my mind is too strong!"

"Fine!" She said, drawing her sword.

Loki instantly conjured two daggers but ultimately sighed. "Look, are we about to do this here? Again?"

"What do you propose instead?" She asked, frustrated.

"I don't know. A truce?" He said a little sarcastically. Causing her to scoff at him. "Listen, neither of us is getting off this rock if we don't get that Tempad turned back on."

"Where do you have it hidden?" She growled.

"In my heart." He said sarcastically.

"Well then I'll cut it out."

"Nice. Very droll. Lovely." He said with another sigh."OK, Yes I do have the Tempad, but I'm not going to get very far if you keep trying to kill me!"

"Well you're full of it because you need me to get that recharged!" She shouted back, waving her sword at him. "That's the only reason you saved me out there."

"Maybe." Was his initial response. "I mean sure that too." He added quickly before saying, "Or we could just slaughter each other here in this adondoned mining shack? What do you say?"

"Good for me."

Loki sighed as he leaned against that same wall again. She was him after all, and therefore not a big fan of teamwork. However, that was the only way off the planet. He had to admit that while she was incredibly irritating, she knew how to recharge the Tempad.

They would just get it recharged and Loki would get back to his plan of taking over Midgard and destroying his brothers boy band. She would go to wherever the hell she wanted to and they never had to meet paths again. Easy enough.

But they were definitely not a team.

Hello there!

First chapter of this one-shots book! I quite enjoyed writting this one, even if it's not too romantic. But since only season 1 of Loki is currently out, there isn't much else to write. But, I do want to do a couple more scenes from the show before I do any of them in the future.

If you have an idea for a chapter, or a chapter you want to see, feel free to comment! I enjoy taking requests.

Until next time,
