I'll get to You (Pt1)


He had left for one second.

'I'll be back in a few minutes' was all he had told her. Not a goodbye, but then again, how could he have ever known? He expected to see her in a few moments, but he never should have left her by herself. One second he was telling her he was comming right back, and the next, he watched her being taken away from him.

Loki felt anger in him, it wasn't a new emotion for him, but the worried in him was. What a horrible feeling. It was so much worse than the last time they had been apart. Because this time, he had no way to find her.

Loki's thumb rested on the circular tempad, his mind racing.

"I'll be back in a few minutes" He had told her.

"Good" She said with a smile. 'I'll get to open a time door without your mouth running. It'll be a nice change of pace.'

A cape hung from her shoulders, it was slightly splattered with blood, but she still looked as stunning as ever. On her head was the small horns she always wore and he knew he would never get tired of them.

Her voice snapped him back into reality. "Well? Go, get out of here."

"I'm going," Loki smiled, looking back at her one last time before heading off in the opposite direction of her.

After a bit of walking, he had found what he was looking for, Sylvie's swords. She had dropped them when they were fighting and had ditched them when they were luring their enemies elsewhere. She would he glad to have them back. As he walked back to her, his blood ran cold.


The sound of her screaming his name in such a way was unfamiliar. And the fear in it threw him for a loop. His legs responded faster than anything, and he found himself running toward the sound of her voice.



She sounded panicked, scared. Few were the times he could say he saw those emotions on her. He finally reached her. He nearly tripped too, the terrain under him was slippery for some reason. What he saw horrified him, a couple of figures were shoving her inside a ship, not the biggest he had ever seen, so it had to be fast.

Still running, he let that dark green flow from his fingertips, he fired and missed the men by only a few feet. They looked behind them, only to see Loki, and they fought to shove Sylvie inside with even more urgency.

Sylvie kicked and screamed the entire way as Loki ran, now very tired but close to her as well. She put up a hell of a fight. But she was outnumbered. The men succeeded, Sylvie was now inside of the unfamiliar aircraft.

"No!" He cried, he let out another ball of energy, but the ship went into the air. He got to it just in time to see it fly away, it flew away from the unfamiliar planet and into the galaxy. "No! No, no, no, no!" Was all he could say.

What was he going to do?

Loki had thought he was stranded and done for, until he discovered that Sylvie had dropped the Tempad. But he didn't know where to go to. How could he figure out where she was taken to, when he didn't know who had taken her or why? All he knew was that he had to find her, fast.

"Ah shit..."

The voice was not his own. He jumped up from the rock he had been sitting on and looked around at the dozens of bodies.

Despite the fact that Sylvie had fought by herself, she had taken out a large number of her opponents. All seemed to be dead, but apparently not. Since one of them had to be the one who had spoken. Loki hid the Tempad.

"So, one of you weasles still live." Loki said, his voice booming in anger, but he did his best to contain it. "Identify yourself and I'll have mercy on you."

His words were awful lies.

The terrain around him was silent, but he knew he had not imagined that male voice. One of these despicable men were alive, and he was going to find who it was.

"I'll have you know, I'm not a patient man..." Loki growled as he searched for any movement, there was no way that anyone could move and not be spotted by him.

"Here! I'm here! Just don't kill me, please..."

"Ah, there you are," Loki said with a smile.

He looked down at him in disgust. The man had a concerning wound on his abdomen that he would surely die from if it wasn't immediately taken care of. It seemed Sylvie has turned their weponds against them.

Loki grabbed his from the collar, lifting him into the air with ease.

The man squirmed, although too weak to put up much of a fight. The fear in his eyes would have made any man had sympathy, but Loki was much too mad for that.

"Hey! You said-"

"I lied." Loki finished. "Now, where did you friends take her? Before your run your mouth, I would suggest you don't lie."

"Why would you want to know that?"

"Does it really seem like you're in the position to ask questions?"

"Seems I am." He said, much too smug for a man that was before a god such as himself. "I have information, do I not?"

Loki dropped him, making him gasp in pain and clutch his bleeding wound.

"I will not ask again." Loki stepped on the man's wound lightly, who could only resist a scream. "Where did you and whoever else was with you, take Sylvie?"

He suddenly seemed very open to the idea of sharing information. "Where? I can't tell you where, that ship you saw constantly moves throughout the galaxy avoid capture."

"Bullshit." Loki spat, applying more pressure. "I know that ship isn't nearly big enough for it to be some kind of base. I wouldn't suggest lying to me again, mortal."

"I can't... I-"

Loki took his foot off him, frustrated beyond belief. He took all that anger out and gave the man a solid kick. He heard a satisfying crack, even.



"Midgard. The woman, she should be taken to Midgard."

"Where on Midgard?" Loki asked with a frown, though the god was finally satisfied at the fact that he was getting some answers.

"Here," He reahced into his pocket and passed Loki some kind of device that looked like a Tempad, but not quite.

"The hel am I supposed to do with this?" Loki spat. "Is this some kind of trick? Because if it is you're going to be in-"

"No!" The man gasped out. "-not a trick. They're coordinates. They'll get you there. I swear."

"This is your last chance, if this is some kind of trap or trick, you're going to pay." Loki threatened, though he doubted that he would lie now.

"I'm not.."

"Good." Was the god's only response before thrusting a dagger through the man, his eyes opened in surprise, but only a few seconds later they rolled back. He was dead.

At the end of the day, it was mercy. This man wasn't going going last the night.

Loki punched in the coordinates the man gave him into the Tempad. They must be true, or atleast an actual place, because a time door opened for him. He put the Tempad in his pocket again and enchanted his armor on.

I'm comming for you Sylvie.

Hey everyone!

I hope all had a good new years and enjoyed your family or whoever you spent the end/beginning of the year with!

This chapter was basically just Sylvie being kidnapped and Loki has to find her cause... well it's Sylki, what can you expect?

Thank you so much, MLBFANGIRL123 for requesting this lovley chapter, it was really fun to put together.

They also suggested that Loki would probably do something like murder an entire race just for Sylvie. And honestly, that seems about right. I tried to show kind of some of his ruthlessness here.

And don't you all worry, there will be a part two at some point, just give me some time. As always thank you all for your reads, votes, comments, and be sure to listen to the music, it always goes with the chapter!

Until next time,
