

Loki threw a ball in the air, bored out of his mind.

He sat on a very large and fancy looking throne. It was so large that he could sit on it sideways, his back was rested against one of the armrests and his legs hung off the other. It was clearly ment for someone much bigger than him, but who exactly, he did not know.

He, along with Sylvie, wore his armor, complete with his horned helmet. But despite his clothes, he was not here to rule or conquer this planet, but to create mischief and chaos with his beloved. So, he waited patiently for the ruler of the planet to arrive, so they could kill him.

Sylvie, however, paced around the giant throne room, equally bored out of her mind. She finally put her sword away, seeing as she wasn't going to use it anytime soon. She was only a few feet away from him, and she caught sight of his comfortable position.

She walked up to him, making him sit up straight. Her boots could be heard clicking as she walked up the steps. They were the only ones in there and so there was an echo to the large room. He raised his eyebrow, giving her a questioning look. Sylvie however, didn't say a word as she simply sat on his lap.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" She replied, only getting herself more comfortable.

"Like you're sitting on my lap." Loki replied, though he wasn't necessarily complaining.

"So? What can I say?" Sylvie replied simply. "You were looking very comfortable over here. Thought I might join you."

"There's room, I could have just moved, darling." Loki said, still not understanding her actions.

"Well I guess I'll just move then." She said as she started to slide off of him.

He quickly readjusted his position and wrapped his arm around her waist before saying slyly, "Well hold on, let's not make any... hasty decisions just yet."

Sylvie smirked back, resuming her original position on his lap. She then looked up at him, and he practically read her mind. Tilting his head down and catching her lips with his. He used his free hand to drop the ball he was throwing and instead held her chin.

"So, when does the guy that run this place get here?" Sylvie asked once they pulled away.

"I have not idea." Loki replied.

"Damn." Sylvie said in frustration. "I thought you said this would be fun."

"I said it might," Loki corrected. "But do you have another destination in mind?"

"Not really." She admitted. Seeming bored again. Despite the fact that her plan to take down the TVA took years, Sylvie was not a patient person when it came to fighting.

"Well, I suppose we can wait then. If you don't have anything else in mind."

Sylvie only nodded. She then looked up at his head, and before he could say anything, she took his helmet right off his head.

"Hey!" Loki protested, his dark hair was now a mess and he pushed it out the way.

"Kneel before me," Sylvie mocked as she slipped the horned helmet on her own head, she stayed on the throne and partially on his lap, but she was out of reach.

"Damn, give it back." Loki ordered.

"You mortals!" She said, still trying to mock him, though it was hard to do so through her laughter. "What was it? Oh right! 'All of you are beneath me. I am a god, you dull creature!' Ha!"

"Hey, how do you know that?" Loki asked curiously.

"Modius let me see your tapes," she said, making Loki see the hedonistic side of her. "And let me say, they were hilarious."

"Ah that's right." Loki said remmebering that Modius actually had let her watch his tapes.

"Honestly Loki why do you wear these?" Sylvie asked once she noticed that Loki was no longer trying to take his helmet back. "You look like a freaking deer with these. I see why the rich avenger calls you reindeer games."

"You mean Tony Stark?"

"Yep him." She said with a nod. Most of the apocalypses she had been in, were nowhere near the time that the avengers, so Loki had made it his mission to tell her all about them. "Seems like a real pain in the ass."

"He is." The god of mischief confirmed with a smile. "And let me just say dear, you look ravishing with my helmet."

She rolled her eyes at him.

"What did you want to see in the tapes though?" Loki asked, though he didn't bother to hide anything from his past from her.

Sylvie paused. "I... wanted to see our mother. Firgga. You just talk so much about her. I wanted to see what she was like, you know?"

Loki grabbed her hand, trying to find the right thing to say. "One day, you will. Get to meet her that is. If you want."

She gave him a skeptical look. "Do you really think so Loki?"

"Yes, I do." He said truthfully. "Look, we defeated a cloud for Odin's sake. A cloud! We did a number of other things together. And not to mention, we created the multiverse, and then later saved it. I think, you can meet her. We already have a Tempad Sylvie." He pulled it out of his pocket. "All you had to do was ask."

Sylvie was quiet, her eyes going from him to the Tempad.

Personally, as much as he loved his mother, he didn't want to go back. To a timeline where he died, actually died? No, not for a while. Their plan had been to use the Tempad to go to different places and times and simply stir up some trouble here and there. And perhaps one day he would return to his family.

But if Sylvie wanted it, then he most certainly would be willing to go back. Because she didn't want it, she needed it, she needed the happiness that was snatched away from her when she was little. And as happy as he tried to make her, he knew it would never compare to the childhood she should have had.

"Really?" Sylvie finally said, her fingers brushing the Tempad. "And what happened to causing mischief, together?"

"If I'm with you, there's nowhere else I'd rather be." Loki admitted, though he knew it sounded cheesy.

Sylvie's face broke into a smile. "I guess I won't make fun of you for that one, since you are being remarkably nice."

"I'm honored." Loki said, putting his hand on his chest. He adjusted the helmet- his helmet- on her head, as it was slightly crooked. She smiled, and it made him smile too.


The doors to the throne room were sudden slammed open. Loki and Sylvie both turned as they saw the ruler of the planet enter the throne room. He was tall all right, and he look furious, as did the number of guards at his side. Which was good because both of the gods were beyond bored.

Sylvie pulled out her sword but didn't quite stand yet. Loki had already decided to let Sylvie keep his helmet on, she looked good in it anyway, then again, she looked good in anything.

She smiled a fierce smile. And as he looked from her to their soon to be attackers, Loki knew then, that he wouldn't rather be anywhere else.

The god smiled mischievously and conjured up his daggers.

Hello there!

Ok, I actually wrote the entire thing in one night. ONE NIGHT. Despite that, I really liked it. Especially that second to last paragraph. I don't know why, it just sounded really nice.

And, please listen to the music. I usually put music that goes with the chapter, or that goes with thier ship overall. So, enjoy!

Want to see a chapter of these two with a particular prompt or something like that? Be sure to comment!

Until next time,
