I'll get to You (Pt2)


What'd I get myself into this time?

Sylvie opened her eyes, slowly taking in her surroundings. Hard, cold, walls around her, and just as nice looking bars. Delightful. Her head hurt, but then she remembered the headbutt she had given to someone.

She was rested against her side, half her body touched the cool ground and she struggled slightly to sit up. But thankfully, there was a wall behind her, she used it to sit up, while her mind collected her thoughts.

Where's Loki? What am I doing here, why am I here? And who do I have to kill to get out of here?

She was opening a time door. That's what she was doing before this. Loki had left briefly, for gods knows what, and in that window of time, some kind of spaceship had arrived. Which then the guard inside tried to take her away. Without any explanation why.

They had succeeded.

She had also dropped the Tempad, so there was no getting out of there any time soon. She couldn't even use her magic, her hands had been bound by some rope.

She was in a small simple cell. The only thing inside it was a mattress, as well as rocks. And the door was made of thick, metal bars. Her hands were bound by rope, and she instantly began to work on getting it off of her.

"Shit!" Sylvie cursed a little loudly in pain. She had cuts and bruises all over her, none were fatal. But there was a deep cut on the upper part of her right arm. She gritted her teeth through the pain and worked again on taking the rope off her wrists.

She then made it look like she was still tied, she had other purposes for it anyway. Sylvie stood and walked up to the bars. She couldn't see anything, anyone, and she seemed to be at the end of a hallway.

"Hello?" She tried, her voice was hoarse.

"Ah, you're up."

A man practically got in her face, he must have been right next to the door, or maybe close to it.

"Why am I here?"

"Not sure," He answered vaguely and carelessly. He had something that looked like a pistol but he kept it in his belt.

"You're not sure?" Sylvie got closer to the bars, hopping he didn't notice the rope in her hands.

"No," The unfamiliar man gave her a cheeky grin. "I have no idea why we would take such a pretty thing like yourself."

She raised an eyebrow, a mischievous look in her eye and a plan forming.

He leaned forward as well, his hand hovered above his wepond but he didn't reach for it. Though he held a suspicious look. Sylvie only kept that flirtatiously innocent look, tempting him to take another step forward.

He did.

In one swift move, Sylvie reached through the bars and wrapped the rope around his neck, she then pulled, making the guard gasp for air. She grit her teeth in pain, her shoulder was killing her, so she had to act quick.

If she could get him still, she could enchant him.

The man had his back to Sylvie and he thrashed around on the other side of the bars. Trying to get free, but to no avail. Just when Sylvie thought she had him, someone hit her hand with a heavy, metal stick.

"Shit!" Sylvie let him go, a sharp pain now in her hands in addition to her right shoulder.

There was now another figure next to the man she had tried to strangle seconds prior. He gasped something like a 'Thank you' while he clutched his neck.

"Away from the door!" The other snapped at her, she actually held the pistol in her hand, and it was pointed right at Sylvie.

"Alright, alright." The goddess backed away from the door, her hurt hands in the air. "There's no need to get all hostile now."

The woman put her wepond back and helped the man up. He scrambled up, trying to get away from Sylvie.

That's right, be scared. The goddess said with only a look.

They scrambled away in just seconds, both equally shook. Once they were gone, she sunk down onto the ground, clutching her arm. She ripped a long piece of fabric from her cloak off and then wrapped it around her injured arm. She would need to get it taken care of once she got out of there.

She didn't even know where she was, or why she was there. She tried to think, throughout the years, the only people she had hurt was the TVA, and there was no way that these people were TVA. Or perhaps was this related to Loki? Had he done something bad that someone might want to get back at him for?

Then again, Loki had done a number of bad things that people would want revenge for. And Sylvie might just be used as bait.

She knew he would atleast try to find her. But she couldn't exactly count on him to get her out of there, he had no idea where she was. Then again, she had no idea where she was. But Sylvie tried everything to get out anyway.

Sylvie attempts consisted a lot of trying to beat up the lock and using her powers on it, but it must have had some kind of sorcery on it, because she couldn't open it by any means, and after a while, she gave up, in pain and exhausted.

So, she sat in silence for a while, waiting and waiting for something.

What that something was, she didn't know, but the exhaustion overtook her and her eyes began to close as she leaned against the wall. Usually, she would never be able to sleep under such circumstances, but she was too tired to think reasonably.

Boom! BOOM!

Sylvie's eyes opened violently. Her heart racing at full speed, despite the fact that she had been deeply asleep moments prior.

The sound that had woken her was a loud one. An explosion of some kind it seemed. Sylvie stood up noticing that the wound on her right arm had only gotten worse. She would need to get it taken care of once she got out of the hellhole she was in.

"Holy shit." A voice outside her cell said as Sylvie stumbled to get up.

Another explosion. Then another, this time people screamed in panic.

"Hey," She poked her head out of the bars. "What in the world is going on out there? What's happening?"

"This isn't your doing?!"

"I'm in here you imbecile-"

Another explosion. This one made the earth shake so much they nearly fell.

"Get me out of here," Sylvie ordered sternly from inside her cell. "There's a reason why I'm not dead yet. It's cause I'm better alive than dead aren't I?"

"Don't care," He said simply. "After the shit you pulled, I think I might let you die in there."

"Get me out." She growled.

"Or what-?" The man fell over, dead.

She could see he definitely was dead, something had hit him square in the chest. Some kind of magic. But Sylvie was not the one that had killed him.

"Shit." Between the explosions, chaos, screams, and dead guard, Sylvie was beyond scared now, much more than she would like to admit. She mustered up courage anyway. "Listen now, you kill me in here and you're a coward, let me out and then we'll fight!"

"Sylvie!" A familiar face appeared in front of the bars. "Oh, thank the gods I found you. It's gonna be alright, love."

"Loki...? Loki!" She cried, holding his arms through the bars.

It took her a split moment to regonize him. She had seen him in this armor many times, though.

He had his long, curved horns that Sylvie's would take just to get him mad. Though, in reality she really just liked them. He also had his dark green cape, and his fine Asgardian leather suit and boots which consisted of green, black, and gold. What could she say? They looked good on him.

"I'm here to rescue you." He grinned.

"My hero," She said sarcastically and mostly out of habit by now. She was glad to see him again.

"Typical Sylvie."

"That guy should have the key," She said, pointing to the man that Loki had killed moments prior.

"Right," Loki kneeled down and began to search him. Until he finally got ahold of a large ring, which held five keys at most.

"What did you do?" Sylvie asked.

"I beg your pardon?"

"The explosions and crap, was that you're doing?"

"Why ofcourse," He said, entering the key into the lock and turning. It didn't work, so he tried the next one. "I had to create a distraction and get people out of the way, it worked out."

"Those explosions sound pretty big."

"Well, the bigger the explosion, the more swines I can kill on our way out."

They heard a satisfying click, and Loki swung the metal door open. Sylvie instantly launched herself into his arms, glad to have him back. He returned the embrace, but the earth shook again.

"Damnit. How much damage did you cause? And all by yourself?"

"A lot." He said vaguely, grabbing on to her waist so she could use him as support."We need to get out of here."

"No shit."

He didn't reply and the two gods took their first steps to get off wherever the hell they were, stepping over the dead man in the process. As they did, Sylvie winced in pain, it was subtle, but Loki noticed it anyway, and the tourniquet on her arm wasn't helping at hiding her injury.

His eyes flickered to her right arm.

She saw a number of emotions flash through those handsome eyes. His worry, anger, guilt. And much, much more, and all in just a matter of mere seconds. But one emotion stuck out the most, anger. It was a flicker the moment she saw him, but seeing her hurt, made that flicker of anger into something more.

"Who did this?" The god of mischief growled. Inspecting her arm.

"Loki...." Sylvie fiercely pulled her arm from him. "We don't have the time for this, we need to get put of here. 'Cause I'm guessing that you pissed a ton of people on your way in here."

Frustration, anger.

"Loki..." She tried again, but his mind was somewhere else entirely. "Loki!"

He snapped back, muttering a curse under his breath. "Right, I saw some spaceships on my way in, if they aren't yet blown up, we can leave in one."

Sylvie nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a good plan to me."

Loki grabbed her hand as they both made their way through the slightly confusing paths of wherever they were. It seemed like a large cave, mostly. The walls, floors, and ceiling were all made of rocks, but whoever had took her were not cavemen.

Sylvie did her best to keep up to Loki's pace, despite her hurt and wounded state, they had to get out of there. The two occasionally passed people, but they were much too panicked to even notice them, and so neither of them tried to attack them. Screams and fire were all over the place. It reminded her of Lamentis-1, when the two were trying to catch the ark before it got destroyed.

Someone ran by, bumping into Sylvie as they ran in opposite directions.

There was no problem with it, and she would have kept running, if it wasn't her injured shoulder the one be ran into. She stopped, making Loki stop as well, but this man actually recognized her, he must have been one of the men who took her.

He made the mistake of speaking instead of running.

He panted, as if he had been running for a long time and finally caught a break. "Hey! Aren't you supposed to be locked up-?"

Loki conjured a dagger in his hand, in just seconds. He stabbed him before he could finish and then pulled his dagger back afterwards, letting him fall to his knees with terror in his eyes.

This, the tale of reckless love, living live of crime on the run. I'll rush go a gun, to paint these days green, and red.

"Wha-" He fell over, dead.

Loki frowned at the body. "Did you know him?"

Sylvie shook her head, gripping her shoulder as they moved again. "No, he must have been one of the people who took me."

"Serves him right." He helped her walk steadily, and picked up the pace.

"Let's get out of here."

"Right. We're not far from where I saw the ships." He said, conjuring his dagger away.

"That's our way out?" Sylvie asked him. "There's not a more subtle way to get put of here?"

Loki nodded and lead her through the tunnels. "Yes. But I want to kill a few of these bastards on the way out."

She accepted this answer.

They walked for a little, which was a bit painful to her, but she kept going, what choice did she have? They came to where the ships were, something like a hangar. There were some who were guarding them, or atleast they were supposed to. But they all seemed panicked and hadn't noticed Sylvie and Loki in the shadows.

"Stay here." Loki pushed her against a wall, hiding her. "I'll be right back."

"Damn it, Loki." She growled. "Im not completely useless, I can fight."

You'll never take us alive. We swore that death will do us part. They'll call our crimes a work of art.

You'll never take us alive.

He didn't seem to hear her, or didn't care, as he went toward the hangar with the ships they would use to later escape. He left her there, and Sylvie was pissed. Sure, she was hurt but that didn't mean she couldn't do shit!

Sylvie quickly followed him and she saw that there were a lot more guards than what she initially saw. Loki was nearly cornered, and Sylvie let out a green light from her fingertips that threw the guards away from Loki.

The guards didn't get up, and the ones that did, scrambled away. Loki spun around, and was disappointed to see her. He frowned as she joined him at his side with a cocky smile.

"You're welcome." She said smugly.

He was annoyed. "For?"

"Saving your butt." She joked, he was definitely annoyed, maybe even mad.

"I thought I had told you to stay." He said angrily as they made their way toward a ship.

"I'm not a dog." She snapped. The back door of the aircraft opened. "So since when do you get to boss me around?"

"Since I started to have to rescue you, Sylvie." He growled, gesturing for her to get in.

A bullet of some kind hit the side of the ship. Just inches from their faces, the two gods stopped their bickering and turned. Another wave of guards were comming this way, and they were shooting.

You'll never take us alive.

"Get in!" Loki practically shoved her in the ship and closed the backdoor behind him. "We'll finish that later."

"Certainly." Sylvie said, angrily as she heard bullets hit the door, but nothing actually made its way through. "Can you fly this thing?"

"Ofcourse," He said, heading toward where the controls and steering wheel was. "This one seems simple enough."

"Get it in the air!" She cried, they must have shot something more powerful, because the ship rocked slightly.

"Sit on the passenger!" He said, firing up the aircraft.

She quickly did. "What do I need to do?"

"Nothing." The god said, he got them to hover and started pressing more buttons. "Just hold on!"

She did. He got them off the ground, and turned the ship so it was facing thier attackers. A few of them ran once they saw the two in the ship, a few idiots kept firing. The ship had weponds and Loki blasted them all to bits within seconds.

He then directed them away to the exit of the hangar and then toward the air. He looked to be very proud of himself, and relived. He put the ship on autopilot and spun his chair toward Sylvie.

We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners, partners in crime...

"Are they still firing?" She asked, looking out of the window.

"No, and don't worry, darling. They won't be anytime soon." Loki pulled a device put of his pocket and pressed a button.

Still looking out the window, she saw the place where they just were blow up. The explosions were so loud that she could hear them, despite being in the air. But that wasn't it, more and more destruction followed.

And if the heat comes close enough we'll play with fire, cause you'll never take us alive.

"Oh shit..." She breathed and turned toward the god. "Loki! You blew up practically if not, the entire planet!"

"That was the plan." He looked by no means bothered. Neither was she.

She raised an eyebrow as she saw his golden curved horns reflect light. "I think you killed all of them. The entire race and whoever the hel else lived there."

He stood up and walked toward her, a smile on his lips. "As said, that was the plan. That's what they get for messing with you, darling."

"Well thank you." Sylvie said with a small laugh as she leaned back in her chair. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled the god down. He grinned, leaning down and pulling her into a passionate kiss. One of his hands was on the armrests of her chair while the other ran up and down her arm. They kissed until he went a little too high and touched her shoulder.

She only winced in pain, but he didn't fail to notice once more.

He frowned and looked at her injury and then back at her. He gave her a sad smile. "Why don't we clean your wounds?"

She nodded and he lifted her up, she let him. It wasn't like Sylvie could do much anyway. She wrapped her legs around his waist and kept her arms around his neck, lowering her head down onto his shoulder. All of which made him smile.

He set her down on a table and then grabbed supplies from the ship. "Let me look at your wounds."

"It's just the one on my arm." She said as she took off a piece of her armor so he could see it better. She grinned at him. "So, how is it, doc?"

Loki smiled as he took a look at her arm, "Not too bad, thankfully. It will take time to heal and some rest, but you won't die."

"Like you would ever let me."

The god smiled.

He then worked quietly, disinfecting her injury before anything. However, he was quiet and she could tell that he was extremely angry at the fact that she was hurt. He probably attempted to hide his emotions, but Sylvie knew him all too well.

She touched his arm. "Loki, stop being such a drama queen, it isn't like I died. And just like you said, I'll be fine."

He shook his head, putting down the small towel that he was cleaning the blood off with. "If someone ever hurts you again, it'll be over my dead body, and damn it, I'm pretty hard to kill."

"Impossible. Impossible to kill." She said with a playful smile, she gave him a small kiss and he seemed less grumpier.

"Hmm." Was still his only response.

She found it... cute, perhaps was the word, about how much he cared for her. Though she didn't say it outloud, he would hate being called 'cute'. Or anything of the sort. But it was true, and she made a mental note about it.

She grabbed his arm. "Hey, I'm sorry for not listening to you earlier and running after you. I just... felt useless you know?"

"I just wanted to keep you safe." He said with a tired, almost sad  sigh.

"And you did." Sylvie said with a small smile, and that alone made his mood slightly better. "I'm here aren't I?"

"I suppose."

"Hey, you did." She repeated. "Keep me safe, that is. If it weren't for you, I'd still be stuck in that hellhole."

"I'm not so sure about that." He looked torn, guilty even.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that it very well might have been my fault that you were taken. I've done many things Sylvie, and I've made many people mad. I can't help but wonder if someone might have taken you as some sort of sick, twisted revenge."

"You can't be sure of that."

"It's a possibility." He wanted to run his fingers through his hair but his helmet stopped him from doing so. He took it off and set it aside. "What do you think they wanted with you?"

She shrugged, she had never gotten the chance to overhear anything.

He looked at the front of the ship, not worried about its steering. For being on autopilot, it flew smoothly. "Did you atleast catch anything about who they were?"

She smiled and joked. "Oh yeah, I had plenty of heartfelt conversations with them. As one usually does with her captors. They know about you too, want to meet them? Oh wait they're dead guess you have to wait for the reunion."

He chuckled.

She was glad to see his mood lighten a little. "How did you find me, love?"

He sighed, in a better mood now. "You left someone alive, I convinced him to give me some coordinates, but then it turned out they only lead to some remote location."


"I had to convince yet someone else to give me your location. Thankfully, the second time around, I was a lot more convincing, and they told the truth. I would have found you earlier if it wasn't for that lying scum."

"I feel that the word convince, means torture and kill for you." She said with a smile as she leaned against him.

He grinned. "That's exactly what it means."

Sylvie laughed.

"Seriously!" Loki said with a big and proud smile. "I had to drag the second guy with me through the time door. He was half dead by that point though. I promised I would let him live if he told me."

"And he believed you?" Sylvie was extremely amused.

"He did!" Loki said, matching Sylvie's enthusiasm. "The idiot looked all hurt when I killed him too!"

She laughed at this too. But then she frowned in confusion. "Wait, so you got someone to tell you where I was, but you didn't ask him anything else?"

He frowned too. "I... guess not."

"Loki." She was slightly annoyed with him, but apparently she found his idiocy, somewhat attractive.

"What? I just wanted to find you as soon as possible." He said defensively.

The goddess smiled, leaning into his arm lovingly and relaxed. She closed her eyes, exhaustion washing over.

"Sylvie..." Loki said gently, so soft it was almost a whisper. "I'm sorry but I have to finish cleaning your wounds."

"Oh right," She mumbled as she opened her eyes. "Sorry I'm... tired."

"It's alright." He said as she sat up on the table. "When I'm done I'll let you sleep while I fly."

She didn't quite like that plan, she would much rather fall sleep with him but she nodded anyway.

Loki jumped off the table and finished disinfect her injury on her arm. He was extremely gentle, but she was in pain anyway. He then worked on wrapping a tourniquet.

"Thank you," She said as she watched him work. She yawned.

"I'd say 'Yeah anytime' but I'm afraid that you'll just get yourself hurt more often." He joked, and finally let go of her arm. "That should be good. Does it hurt more? Is it too tight?"

"No, it feels fine." She took her eyes away from her arm and spotted his helmet. She slipped it on her head and smiled. "Be honest, how do I look?"

"Amazing. You look amazing." He breathed, making Sylvie smile, she most certainly didn't expect that.

He leaned forward, his hands now on either side of her. Loki gave her his signature, mischievous smile before kissing her. She kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck, only pulling him closer. Loki pushed Sylvie back against the table, further and further until she was fully laying on it, not once breaking their kiss.

We live as ghost among these streets, lovers, and partners- partners in crime

Partners in crime...

Partners in crime, it applies to Loki and Sylvie because of the song and because they're.... well, Loki and Sylvie.

It's a term that describes someone that you do things with, especially something that other people aren't too fond of it it isn't approved. Or sometimes it's just two people who commit some kind of crime.

Appropriate, isn't it?

I have a few announcements here.

Anyhow sorry this chapter took so long to get out. I recently published yet another one shots book. It's for Burns and Smithers, from the show 'The Simpsons' and its been a busy few days and week. I've made the cover for it (which I love) as well as picked music and wrote in some ideas for future chapters.

If any of you like Smithers and Burns, you should totally go and read it! I'm also taking requests there!

Anyhow, happy valentines day!

I know this was published at 11 pm, atleast where I'm at, so it may not even be valentines for some of you, so happy late valentines if so! I hope some of you had someone to spend it with and if you don't, wrll I'm on the same boat.

Also, look at this gem that I found.

I swear, It's reasons like these why I love Loki-

I hope you all liked this part two of this request which was actually requested by MLBFANGIRL123, so thank you!

Any of you guys can request a chapter, just comment an idea that you would like to see with these two!

They suggested previously, that Loki would probably do something like murder an entire race just for Sylvie. And so, I made sure to include it in the story I this chapter!

I hope you all enjoyed, and listened to the music above. As said, it goes well with the chapter!

(Also, please check out my BurnSmithers book.... if you like them and the Simpsons anyway.)

Until next time
