Loki's Christmas Gift


"....add chocolate chips."

"Do we even have those?" Loki asked, opening cabinet after cabinet to find them.

"We're making chocolate chip cookies, so I sure hope we do."

"Found them!"

It was Christmas Eve, and it was very late. About 11:30 if she had to wager on it. But the couple was waiting for the clock to strike midnight, and for the festive holiday to officially began once and for all. They baked cookies to pass the time, and although Sylvie nor Loki had done such a thing, it was going smoothly.

So far anyway.

"Alright, add... one cup of chocolate chips, it says."Sylvie told Loki as she looked over the recipe.

"Right." Loki said, walking up next to her, chocolate chips in hand. But she then watched him add the full cup of chocolate chips and then some more.

"The recipe says one cup, not one cup and then whatever more you feel like Loki." She said as he took the spatula from her and mixed the ingredients together.

"Ooh, when did you become such a stickler for rules darling?" He said flirtatiously.

"Since we starting making cookies."

"So it's a little extra chocolate, what's the worst that can happen?" He argued.

"The recipe bring off balance I bet."

"Hey, this is supposed to be fun," He reminded her, his forehead creased in worry. "Relax." Loki said gently, then took the spatula he was stiring the cookie dough with and ate the dough off of it, satisfied with himself.

"That seems unsanitary." Sylvie joked, though in reality she couldn't care less.

"Seriously?" Loki smirked. "I literally kiss you all the time and yet, that's not unsanitary now is it?"

"My apologies, I meant to say that, is raw Loki." She said, leaning against the counter. "And I really don't want to be taking care of you all day again."

"I had fun."

"Yeah, because you got to sit in bed and do nothing for two days."

"Well, Midgardians do this all the time, and it's not that bad, try it." He said practically shoving the spatula in her face.

"Hmmm" She took it from him and tasted it, with caution. It wasn't that bad actually, enjoyable even.

"Ha!" Loki started triumphantly. "You like it, I'm of the hook for this one then."

"You're so stupid," She said, laughing while Loki gave her a proud grin in return.

She placed the spatula back into the mixing bowl and left little balls of dough on the tray, spaced out evenly. Loki looked at what she was doing and mimicked it, he even took pieces of dough here and there.

"Stop that," Sylvie scolded him, she smacked him on the head with a spatula.


"If you keep eating it were not going yo have any left to make cookies with Loki." She said as they continued working.

He snorted. "Its not like I'm going to eat all of it."

"Yeah, only because I'm here."

"I have self control!" He said, which only made her laugh.

"Yeah right!"

"I don't enjoy being mocked." He said with a frown

"Im sorry, but you just make it too easy." Sylvie joked, kissing him on the cheek reassuringly.

He eased into a smile and held her close to him. It was one of those comforting embraces where neither of them wanted to ever let go. But he looked into her eyes for a moment before she broke the silence. "What?"

"You're stunning." Loki replied simply, without hesitation. "I just love you so much."

She didn't get much of a chance to ask him where the statement came from, for he pressed his lips into hers, and she wasn't complaining. It was one of those long, passionate kisses that neither of them wanted to stop. But he stopped after a few seconds, only to whisper loving words into her ear before continuing to make out with her.

Weird. That's what he had been the past few weeks. It wasn't rare for Loki to be affectionate to her, but this was different, atleast that's what it had felt to her. But not different in a bad way, mind you. She had tried and asked him if anything was wrong but he had responded with 'Couldn't be better.' And a genuine smile that she couldn't find anything wrong with.

She would figure it out later, she told herself.

Beep, beep.

The two gasped due to the long kiss that they both they both very much enjoyed. But, the oven had gone off, meaning that it was finally at the right temperature.

Sylvie untangled herself from Loki's arms and grabbed the two trays of raw cookies. "Open the oven, will you?"

He did so, opening the oven as she quickly slid the two trays in. After, she set a timer for the appropriate time.

"What time is it?"

Sylvie looked over at the clock. "Its past 12 already. Want to open the presents now?"

"Uhh... yeah." Loki replied. "Let's go open our presents."

Only Sylvie and Loki lived in that house and so the only presents were for the two of them and were for each other. But the two didn't mind, they didn't really know what to expect for their first Christmas anyway. But so far it was going great in Sylvie's opinion.

They made their way to the living room, where under the tree only one present sat, hers.

"Where's yours?" Sylvie asked, she had to admit, she was a little hurt that he didn't get her anything.

"My present can't go under the tree, but don't worry darling, I did get you something." He assured her.

"Its alright," She said, though she was relieved. She grabbed her present and passed it to him as they sat down on the couch. "Here, you can open mine first."

"Well thank you." Loki said graciously, undoing the bow that held the box closed and opening it to the contents inside. "Its... beautiful."

In Loki's hand was a simple enough dagger, but the colors on it made all the difference. It wasn't complex by any means, but the simplicity of the greens and golds on the handles might have just been what made it so pretty to the both of them.

"I thought they were nice too," She admitted, "But I thought they were perfect for you. Do you like them?"

"I love them, trust me." He said genuinely. Sylvie smiled, internally pleased with herself for being able to pick a good present for Loki. He put the daggers back into the box and moved them out of the way.

"Sylvie..." Loki looked down at his hands, and a little nervously so, it was something she had rarely seen on him. He tried again, "Sylvie... I..."

"Did you forget to get something?" She asked, she was... a little hurt but she didn't want him to feel bad either, she loved him. "It's alright love. Tell you what, let me borrow your daggers sometime and we're even."

"No that's not it," He chuckled, looking up at her. "O- oh gods I love you."

"Well so do I." She agreed, moving closer to him.

"No, I mean..." Loki stuffed his hand into his right rocket. "Sylvie, before I met you, I didn't know what love was and I didn't care to find out. If I hadn't met you, I don't know where I'd be at the moment. But thankfully I did meet you and you changed my Sylvie."

Had she? Had she really changed him so? But then again, is that was true, he had also changed her.

Loki smiled. "You taught me to love in a way I didn't know was possible. And that I could be loved too. I love you Sylvie. I know I say it a lot, but every time I say it, it's true. And it'll always be true, no matter what you do."

Sylvie reached for his hand, "Loki, I love you too."

He nodded and continued. But what he was continuing exactly, she had yet to know. "I've put a lot of thought into this Sylvie. And I mean a lot. But time after time, I've learned that there's only one thing that I want in this life, and that's you. I've learned that I don't ever want to leave you, and that I will always want to be around you. Until the day I die. When I wake up in the mornings, I want you. And no one else."

"Loki... what are you saying?"

He let go of her hand, and kneeled on one knee infront of her. In his hands, he held a small green box. He opened it, more nervous and excited than she had ever seen him. Inside was a ring.

"I'm saying, Sylvie- I'm asking, will you marry me?"

Will you marry me? What a question, because it was an immediate yes, no hesitation. Sylvie loved Loki, more than she could ever think she could love anyone. Just like him, she also wanted to spend the rest of her days with him, how many ever that may be.

"Yes," Her voice broke slightly, all that stuff he had said had made her tear up and she slid down to where he was kneeled and hugged him. "Yes, I'll marry you, you clown."

Loki chuckled in what sounded like relief, and he wrapped his arms around Sylvie. "I'd be honored if you were to be my bride."

"There's no one else I would ever get married to." She assured him.

The two pulled apart from their hug, though they were still on the floor and next to each other.

"You probably want this," Loki said, taking a ring out of a dark green box and slipping it on the appropriate finger. Sylvie took a moment to just stare at it in awe.

It was gorgeous. Mostly silver with a line of gold, which was decorated with what she could only guess were tiny but real emeralds. The main stone was also an emerald, just bigger, and above it, we're two little horns, one which was broken off. Just like her own helmet.

"Do you... like it?"

"I love it," She replied, taking her eyes away from the ring. He wrapped an arm around her back , and she moved closer into his embrace. "You know, I thought my gift was good, but way to prove me wrong."

"What can I say? I'm an excellent gift giver."

"Yeah right, let's just see how next Christmas goes."

"It'll be better than this one."

She doubted that. This was perfect, it was going to be pretty hard to top this year.

"Hey, you don't have a ring." Sylvie noticed as Loki intertwined their hands together.

"I'll get one at some point, all I really wanted was to get you your gift."

Sylvie yawned. Her eyes could barely stay open and she could feel herself drifting in and out of sleep. Half asleep, she mumbled. "Its late..."

"It's alright, go to sleep. I'll carry you to bed later. " Loki said in almost a whisper.

"Alright," Sylvie really didn't need to be told twice. She laid her head on his chest, as Loki kept his arm wrapped her. She yawned as she made herself as comfortable as possible, all with a smile on her face.

The events that had just happened made Sylvie keep her smile. She heard Loki make one last comment before she drifted to sleep, where she would later find herself in bed.

"Comfortable, are we?"

Hello everyone!

This honestly has to be the most cringy think I've written on this site, and keep in mind, I've been here for the past 3 years.

Anyhow, SSMEOWL requested this and I was more than happy to write it, it's not my favorite, but if you all enjoyed it, we'll then that matters more.

Remember, you can all request chapters to, just comment what you would like to see in the next chapter and I'll write it at some point, might take me a while tho

Oh, also in case any of you were wondering, Sylvie's ring is based off this one I found on Google. Just imagine one of the horns cut off I suppose.

I honestly thought it was really pretty, if I was into jewelry, I would definitely get it. Anyhow, I think that's all. Thank you all for yours reads, votes and comments!

Until next time,
