S2 E3: Brutal Bear Brawl

(A/n: Now before you comment, yes, I did change the episode title because this episode is different from the original one. Take note that it follows the plot that I write for this book, ok?... Ok, now onto the story!)

The scene opens to Sandy's boat as MK is lying down on a chair with Mo lying next to him.

MK: "Aww, Mo. Such cute lazy cat, you ain't got a trouble in the world, do you?"

The boat thuds, causing MK to fall backwards on his chair and Mo lying across. The camera moves over to Liù, who now punched a punching bag off its chains and into the ocean.

Liù: "*blows hair off her face* That was better, maybe a little more force into it."

She walks over to the pile of punching bags and starts to grab another one.

MK: "*peaks from behind the fallen chair* Uh, Liù? What are you doing, exactly?"

Liù: "*pulls the punching bag across the floor* Training, *huffs* what does it look like?"

MK: "I thought we were supposed to have a day off, you know, after the dumpling soup incident?"

Liù: "*gives MK a bored look* Ha, funny, I don't have time for breaks. Besides, the only reason why we have a day off is because we had to spend our work and off hours cleaning that mess up. Also, I'm using my time off to train myself for more enemies that come our way."

MK: "But there hasn't been a single threat over a week! I'm sure that the spider goons wouldn't ruin this break for us!"

Heavy footsteps echos through the boat before MK and Liù look over at the city to see a trail of smoke in a direction.

Liù: "*glares at MK* Wouldn't ruin this break, huh?"

MK sweat drops and chuckles nervously before Liù hops off the boat as she runs off in the city.

MK: "Huh?! *hops off the boat and runs after Liù* Hey, wait for me!"

The scene cuts to the streets as Liù and MK running down the street as citizens are running away from the smoke. They heard a crash before they both turned the street corner and were socked to see what was in front of them. A destroyed road in front of Pigsy's Noodle shop as Mei is trapped in a giant cloaked figures hand and the others on the ground in pain.

Mei: "*squirms in the giant hand* Let me go! What do you want with us?!"

Giant Cloaked Woman: "*getting mad* I won't ask you again little girlie, WHERE IS SHE?! I know that the pip squeak works with you dorks! I've heard the rumors!"

A trash can lid is thrown at her head, which does not phase her, but turns to the source with a glare.

MK: "You let our friend go or I'll throw another trash can lid at you!"

The cloaked woman moved her gaze to Liù as MK is talking. She grinned darkly before she lets go of Mei, who quickly rushed over to the two.

Giant Cloaked Woman: "Finally, after so many years, you've been hiding here."

Liù: "Do we... know each other or something?"

Giant Cloaked Woman: "You don't recognize me? YOU DON'T RECOGNIZE ME?! I'm the one others couldn't defeat! The one who was the top in our fights! And the one, *removes her cloak* that you challenged, 6 YEARS AGO!"

She revealed herself, wearing a bear costume and mask before she started roaring in the air.

Liù: "*shocked* No way... Brenda?"

MK: "*whispering* Liù, who is that lady?"

Brenda: "*stomps over to them* You have no idea, WHO I AM?! I am the champion of the wrestling matches I have, even for those that have challenged me before. *looking over Liù* That includes the pip squeak that challenged me those many years ago."

MK/Mei: "What?!"

Liù : "That's doesn't matter now, why are you even here?"

Brenda: "I, Breanna the Wrestling Bear, challenge you to a rematch. The last match we had was interrupted by a certain boss of yours, but this time, we'll finally settle the score once more!"

MK: "What?! But Liù left that place for a reason! And she's changed!"

Mei: "Yeah, so leave this city and never come back!"

Brenda: "Would you brats just shut up! *grabs the two forcibly* I'm in the middle of a conversation with the pip squeak here! So why don't you two just pop back where you came from?!"

She messed with their limbs making them into a giant knot before tossing them to the side.

MK: "Ugh, my... leg."

Mei: "My... everything."

Brenda: "Last chance Liù, do this rematch with me or see the next thing I do to your 'friends.'"

Liù: "... Fine."

Brenda: "Great, the rematch starts tonight, you should know where it is like usual, pip squeak."

Liù: "*grits through her teeth* How could I forget it?"

Brenda: "Doesn't matter either way, see you tonight! If you can live through it!"

She stomps away from the scene laughing mockingly as Liù glares at where Brenda left. The scene then fades to Sandy's boat as Liù is staring at the sunset view of the ocean on top of the boat. She hears something behind her and doesn't look back as MK is climbing up to the top where Liù is.

MK: "*huffs* Made it!"

He then walks over to where Liù is and sits next to her.

MK: "Hey... You uh, you doin' good?"

Liù: "... He's made at me... isn't he?"

MK: "Well, I wouldn't say that's he's mad at you. I think he's just mad that you were forced that decision either way."

Liù: "That means he's mad at me."

MK: "What, no! He's worried for you just like us right now!"

Liù: "Then why are you here? To put sympathy on me? Cause I'll tell you this, no matter how much people pity me, they still see a monster from me."

MK: "But you're not a monster, you're still you!"

Liù: "That's just how you view me MK. On the outside I'm like this, but when I lose my cool... *sighs before pulling her knees up to her chest* You wouldn't see me as a friend anymore."

MK stares at her with a shocked look as Liù looks away from him, feeling tears peak from her eyes. MK thinks for a moment before he starts humming softly, making Liù look at him in confusion.

Liù: "Uh, what are you doing?"

MK: "I'm humming."

Liù: "Why are you doing that?"

MK: "It's to make me feel better."

Liù: "Wha...?"

MK leans back a bit, propped up by his hands as he looks up at the sky that is now nighttime.

MK: "You see, sometimes when I'm in a bad mood or a sad mood or even a happy mood, I like to sing. It's how I do feelings. Why do people think that you're a monster?"

Liù: "*chuckles* Well, I've just never been great in social interactions before and I've never had friends like you before."

MK: "Well, you've been staring at the ocean and you smile. What does it make you think of?"

Liù: "... It's always moving, like me... I guess, it just reminds me of home before I came here."

MK: "Then sing it."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Liù looks at MK, who gives her a soft smile, and smiles back at him before she looks back at the ocean.

Liù: *breathes in and out* When I look to the ocean it feels like home. Wish to the waves could follow me everywhere I go. I can't move with it, one thing I know is that I'm meant to be alone.

Liù stands up and starts walking backwards as she continues singing. A bird hears Liù approaching before it flies away when Liù gets closer.

Liù: Follow follow follow, follow me home. If it don't it'll be alright, I'll be gone in the morning light. Follow me, follow follow follow, follow me home. Hanging on to the last of time, can't imagine the moments mine, so I'm alone.

The clouds part away to reveal the stars and MK looks at Liù in awe with a little blush on his cheeks. Liù feels down again and hugs herself close as she sways around the boat a bit.

Liù: I have felt burning stares and judging eyes, certain they only see just my outside. I'll never be for them, that's clear to me now. My home... is where I'm by myself.

MK: Oh yeah, yeah. *approaching her* Look at me, look at you don't you see we can move with it? Take my hand, I'm here today. *gently grabs Liù's hand* It's a chance, leap of faith, what it be, what we do with it. Without you, I lose my way

Liù: *moves her hand away* But I can't move with it, (move with it) one thing I know, (one thing I know for sure) Is that we'll...

Liù/MK: Never be alone.

MK takes Liù's hands and starts dancing with her slowly under stars in the sky.

Liù/MK: Follow me, follow follow follow, follow me home! Everything's gonna be alright, I can see through the other side! Follow follow follow, follow me home!

Liù: Take it now 'till the end of time, ('till the end of time!) take the moment,

Liù/MK: The moments mine!

The stars above them glowed brightly in the sky, making it shine like a spotlight on the two as they continued to dance. MK smiles before he spins with her, making her laugh and smile as tears peak from her eyes.

Liù/MK: It's gonna be alright! It's gonna be alright!

Liù: You can follow me!

MK: You can follow me!

Liù: You can follow me (follow follow)

They stopped dancing in leaned close to each other, their foreheads touching each other. They held each other close before they opened their eyes to look at each other.

MK: "Feeling better?"

Liù: "A little, but, yeah, I'm good now."

They looked at each other in the eyes with soft smiles.

MK: "Liù... I-"

He was cut off when a ringing sound was heard from Liù's pocket. She pulls away from MK before she took out her phone that says "Alarm 9:30 pm Time to practice!"

Liù: "*sighs* Look, thanks for the song and dance. It was nice while it lasted, but I have to go get ready."

She starts to leave as MK tries to stop her.

MK: "Wait, Liù! You seriously have no chance to beat her! Couldn't you just skip the night?"

Liù: "I would if I wanted too, but your life and city's life depends on me to defeat her. And if I don't, well you saw from what happened today."

MK: "There has to be something then! Something that'll cancel the match or something to defeat her or-!"

Liù: "MK!"

Her sudden shout made MK stop from rambling.

Liù: "*sighs* I get it, you want to help everyone, but you can't save everyone. I've made my choice to fight her to save you... I got someone hurt from her before, I'm not going to let that happen to you guys again."

MK: "Hold on-!"

Liù: "I'm sorry, MK."

She disappeared into a shadow portal as MK tries to stop her from leavening. He lands on the ground on his knees as MK stares at the spot where Liù was. He then gets angry before punches the top of the boat, making a dent on it. Tears fall down from his eyes as he failed to try and stop Liù from doing this fight.

Boarus: "So are you just going to sit there and cry all night?"

MK: "Huh?"

MK looks over to see Boarus approaching him with a serious look. MK quickly wipes his tears away as Boarus gets on one knee and looks at MK with a tense expression.

Boarus: "I asked if you're going to cry all night and do nothing?"

MK: "But what am I supposed to do?! I'm unable to help her and she won't listen to me! I have no idea on how to help in this situation or know anything about this fighting thing!"

Boarus: "You might not, but he does."

MK: "Who?"

The scene cuts to the living room of Sandy's boathouse as Sandy makes MK and Boarus a cup of tea. He hands MK a cup of and was about to give Boarus a cup too.

Boarus: "No thanks. I don't need tea tonight."

Sandy: "Mmm. So let me get this right. You want my help so that MK here what's to help Liù defeat an old fighter?"

MK: "I'll take any help or advice from you Sandy. I just want some way to help Liù to defeat Brenda."

Sandy: "Brenda? The bear fighter?"

Boarus: "You knew her?"

Sandy: "Well yeah, she was once a member of the elite fighters until she was kicked out. No one knew how she was kicked out, but she's been trying to get back to the top since then. I'm surprised that she's not banned yet."

MK: "Wait a second, banned?"

Sandy: "You see, fighters like us have rules we need to follow to not cause too much chaos. One of those rules is to never use magic in a fight, and if magic was involved, the match will be canceled."

Boarus: "So that explains why some demons can't use their magic in those fights."

MK: "Well Brenda is fighting Liù tonight! How is that supposed to help?!"

Boarus: "MK, think about this. How Brenda this strong to attack the city if it took her 6 years to do?"

MK thinks hard as the gears shift in his head before he gets a lightbulb and gasps dramatically.

MK: "Then that means, she's cheating!"

Sandy: "Cheating? Brenda? It's hard to believe that a former elite fighter was a cheater. No one could find evidence from the fights she won against."

MK: "Then I'll have to find that out myself! Thanks guys! I have to go save a beautiful strong woman, Kay bye!"

He dashes out of the boathouse as Boarus and Sandy watch Mk get on his tuk-tuk and leaves the scene.

Sandy: "Does MK know what he's doing?"

Boarus: "We can only hope my friend... and also hope to the idiot knows what he's planning."

The scene cuts to the stadium as the crowd members roar and cheer in excitement.

Female Announcer: "Are you ready for the main event?! *points at a screen* Our first fighter is a big woman, she will crush your skulls with a single stomp and rip your skin in fear with her fangs! Please welcome, one of the former elite fighters and who might get back to the top tonight, Brenda the Wrestling Bear!"

She appears from the smoke as the audience cheers for her. She roars loudly like a bear before she hops into the arena.

Female Announcer: "*points to the other side* And for our second fighter! She was a former member from 6 years ago who now makes a dramatic return from the dead! Give your hands up for the legend, Liù the Shadow Beast!"

Liù runs out from the smoke before she leaps in the air and lands in the other corner of the arena.

Female Announcer: "I hope you all brought popcorn! Because this will be a night to remember!"

Brenda: "Time to tear you apart!"

Liù: "*gets into fighting position* We'll see about that."

Female Announcer: "Time to *tears her coat off to reveal a black and white striped shirt* Blip, blaow and wow fighters!"

The bell rings twice and the two stand against each other. Liù jumps back and leans against the ropes before she fires herself at Brenda, only to miss.

Brenda: "Ha! That was a weak shot!"

But she didn't know that Liù landed on another set of ropes before launching herself again, this time punching Brenda in the face. Brenda gets knocked back from the punch as Liù lands back down at a distance. She growls before she starts charging while roaring at Liù, who does the same as well. Before either of them could throw a punch, the lights suddenly turn off, making everyone confused. The spotlight moves to the crowd as the camera shifts to a a cloaked figure standing on the railings.

Female Announcer: "What? Another surprise twist!"

The cloaked figure clicks the play button on the boombox before they jump down into the arena, cutting in between Liù and Brenda.

Female Announcer: "I don't believe it! A new mystery fighter has joined the match! *puts microphone up to their face* Tell us who you are new stranger!"

Cloaked Guy: "My name is..."

They remove the cloak and tossed it away to reveal a familiar face.


The crowd roars in excitement as Liù stares at MK with shock and Brenda stares at him in confusion.

Brenda: "Who is he again?"

Liù: "Noodle dude, what are you going here?!"

MK: "Isn't it obvious my friend? I am here to help my friend the Shadow Beast defeat the Wrestling Bear!"

Liù: "There's no way this counts in the rule book right?"

Female Announcer: "I said anything goes! What I thought was going to be a two-way match will now be turned into a Triple Trouble Chaos in the cage!"

She removes the cap of the microphone to reveal and button and presses her thumb on it. The arena shakes before a cage was formed around the arena stage below.

Female Announcer: "Now the Wrestling Bear will now have to fight against the Shadow Beast and the Monkey Fighter!"

Liù: "*glares at MK* You just had to make things worse, didn't you?"

MK: "*chuckles nervously* My bad."

Brenda: "Well it doesn't matter either way, I'm still going to destroy you both!"

She tries a punch at the two, but they move out of the way fast.

MK: "Ok, what can I do to help?"

Liù: "You do nothing, I'm handling this fight myself!"

MK: "Wait, Liù! I can help-!"

Liù runs forward before she jumps at Brenda and lands on her shoulders. She wraps her legs around Brenda's shoulders and holds on tight as Brenda tries to get her off.

Liù: "Give it up Brenda! You'll never make it back to the elites!"

Brenda: "Your wrong, why don't I show you how I defeated my competition from the blast in the past."

She pulls out some purple powder and blows it in Liù's face, making her let go and punched away to where MK is.

MK: "Liù! Are you ok?!"

Liù: "Ack! No I'm not! She just blew something in my face!"

She opens her eyes but notices something wrong with her vision.

Liù: "Wait a minute, I can't see! What's going on?! What is this?!"

MK gasps and looks at Brenda's direction and looks down at her hand, revealing some purple powder on her hands.

MK: "*gasps* That's it! That's how she lost her spot! She was cheating!"

Liù: "Cheating?"

MK: "Yeah! It looks like that purple powder made your vision blind!"

Liù: "Did no one see that?!"

MK: "I don't think they saw it up close, so let's reveal the truth! *places his hand Liù's shoulder* You up for it?"

Liù: "*chuckles* Alright. Let's show the city who she really is."

Female Announcer: "I don't know what's happening in there, but I can tell you this folks! It looks like Monkey Fighter is handing Shadow Beast some type of blindfold to cover her yes! What a triple twist!"

MK: "Don't take off the blindfold until we're in the clear, ok?"

Liù: "Got it. But, question, what was your plan exactly?"

MK: "We're actually halfway through my plan!"

Brenda: "What are you two chipmunks talking about! Quit your chirping and fight me!"

She goes to attack them, but MK carries Liù bridal style as they avoid Brenda's punches. They kept dodging her before MK jumps back into a corner.

Brenda: "*laughs darkly* It's over chipmunks. *raises her fist up* Say goodbye to your sad sorry life!"

Tang: "*offscreen* How about a welcome back from the dead?!"

The audience members gasp in shock as the spotlight's move over to the sidelines to reveal Tang.

MK: "Hey! Right on time too!"

Liù: "Wait, was that glasses' voice? I can't tell."

Female Announcer: "What's this? A fourth fighter in the same-?"

Tang: "I'm sorry Miss, but I need to stop you right there. *turns to the crowd* Everyone in the stadium! This whole match was rigged by two cheaters!"

The crowd gasps in the shock as Brenda glares at the announcer, who sweats in nervousness.

Female Announcer: "*laughs nervously* There are no cheaters here sir. So why don't you just-? Oof!"

She gets knocked down by Mei, who jumps on her back and grabs the microphone.

Mei: "What's up everyone?! Like my friend here said, this match was a setup from two cheaters! Tang explain!"

He pulls out a book and opens it to a certain page before he clears his throat and reads it out loud.

Tang: "It says here in this rule that no one is allowed to bring outside use of medicine until the fight is over. Meaning that this fighter *points at Brenda* has been using the itching powder to blind her opponent illegally for 4 years!"

Everyone gasps at that as the cameras on the screen revealed Brenda's hands covered in purple powder. Brenda sees this and tries to cover/remove the stuff off her hands.

Mei: "There is also another cheater,who's been siding the Wrestling Bear for 4 years! *points at the female announcer* This announcer here is a fraud!"

Fake Female Announcer: "What?! No I'm not! You can't prove that!"

Mei: "No, but this guy will!"

She points at the ground that reveals a mole demon that reaches up to her foot.

Steve: "I'm Steve the mole demon. And I'm the real announcer of the wrestling matches!"

Tang: "*taps on a different page* It says here in the book that fighters are not allowed to hurt the announcer or they are disqualified immediately."

Fake Female Announcer: "But, but that's not fair!"

Security grabs Brenda and the woman, who struggles against their grip, as they begin to escort them out.

Fake Female Announcer: "You can't do this to me! You'll hear this from our lawyer! If we manage to find one!"

The scene fades out to the locker rooms as Steve stands in front of the others.

Steve: "Thank you for saving my life friends. I would like to award the winner tonight, but I think it's best to say that the match is canceled."

MK: "Thank you sir. But, what's going to happen to them?"

Steve: "It best if none of you know about it. Farewell for now friends, come back again if you want too."

He enters a hole and leaves the locker rooms.

Mei: "So... now that's done, should we head back now?"

Liù: "Yeah, but I still can't see anything."

The group leaves the stadium as the sun starts to rise slowly and MK helps Liù guide her.

Tang: "I'm sure Sandy probably has something back at the boat to help your eyes."

MK: "Yeah! He's the best with that stuff!"

Liù: "You sure?"

MK: "Im sure! *sighs* I admit, this was the coolest thing we ever did."

Tang: "Now I'm tired."

The camera moves up to the sky before it fades to white.
