S2 E2: Dumpling Destruction

The scene opens to Pigsy's Noodles, MK mops and Liù sweeps while Mei takes a picture of them.

MK: "Mei, would you-?"

She takes a picture.

Liù: "*covers her eyes from the flash* Hey cut it out!"

She takes another.

MK: "At least get my good side! *poses and drops his mop* No!"

MK blinks and his eyes start to glow gold.

Sun Wukong: "*off screen* Hey bud! Can you hear me? Hello?"

Pigsy: "You feelin' alright kid?"

Liù: "Did his eyes flash gold or something?"

A gold projection of Monkey King appeared right next to Tang and Mei.

MK: "Monkey King?"

Sun Wukong (astral projection): "Hey, there you are bud! Oh good, you're not dead yet, that's a relief."

MK: "Dead?! *checks himself as the others watched in confusion* Wh-What! What's happening to me?! Is this what dying is like?"

Sun Wukong (astral projection): "Pfft- Relax! A little telepathic communication never hurt anybody. I think..."

MK: "I heard that!"

Sun Wukong (astral projection): "Anyway, everything is fine! Well, mostly fine, so listen. We got a bit of a problem."

MK: "Uhh-?"

Woman: "What is that?!"

The group head outside to look and see a giant-sized dumpling falling from the sky and heading towards the city.

Mei: "Is that a-?"

Pigsy: "Giant dumpling?"

Boarus: "And this ain't even Tuesday!"

Liù: "How is that thing so huge?!"

Tang: "As delicious as it is, terrifying!"

Sun Wukong (astral projection): "So yeah, me and the boys got into a bit of a food fight up here in the Celestial Realm. Anyway long story short, I need you and emo girl to handle a tiny itty-bitty dumpling before it falls to earth and destroys everything."

MK: "What?! And how are we supposed to do that?!"

Sun Wukong (astral projection): "Ah, you're both smart, *mumbles to himself* well, one of you is. *normal voice* you'll both figure it out. I probably got something that can help you back at my place. Anyway, I gotta go, remember, believe in yourself and you could do anything, ok bye!"

MK: "Wait but I-"

He was cut off when Monkey King already left. The scene cuts to Monkey King as his smile dropped and turns to the person he's now questioning.

Sun Wukong: "Now... where were we?"

The camera pans back to reveal two giants that are now knocked out as one is holding his chopsticks in fear.

Sun Wukong: "Oh yeah, I think you were gonna tell me something about this, right?"

His tail digs through his pocket and pulls out a scroll before he tosses it in the air. The scroll turns big as it lands on the table and it unrolls revealing a picture of an evil skull with ancient inscriptions on both sides.

Sun Wukong: "And do yourself a favor... don't drop any more food...!"

The camera falls back down to the city as the giant dumpling is still slowly falling down towards them.

MK: "Ok, this will undoubtedly be our most perilous mission of all time. A journey to the room where Monkey King keeps all his junk to find uh, something to stop the celestial dumpling from destroying the world!"

Liù: "Looks like most of us have to split up in two groups. One to head to the mountain and the other to stay and help the citizens, what our options here?"

MK: "Obviously you and I are going on this one and there is one other person with the smarts, the bravery and the heroically awesome hair to help us on this mission of certain death."

Mei has sparkles in her eyes when MK said that.

Tang: "*pops up next to Mei* I mean, it's me, right?"

Liù: "Ha! That is not what-"

MK: "*shoves Mei aside* I mean, obviously."

The two laughed as Liù glared at them.

Liù: "WHAT?! Please tell me that was a joke?! There is no way he's helping us with this!"

MK: "No I am not my sweet, sweet Liù. Tangy and I are the experts on the Monkey King! So yeah, this makes sense."

Mei: "MK! This is so obviously a mission just for you and me and Liù! *shows off a jet* I even got a sweet new jet!"

They didn't listen and ran off, dragging Liù before they start to fly off in MK's Hover Bike with Tang driving.

MK: "Sorry Mei! Can't hear you over my awesome new Hover Bike! Kay bye!"


The scene cuts to MK, Liù and Tang as they arrive towards Flower Fruit Mountain.

MK: "You'll wanna hang a left and land up at the top of the mountain!"

Tang: "*scoffs* I'm pretty sure I know how to fly a futuristic Hover Bike."

Liù: "That sounded so off- AHH!"

She was cut off when Tang sped up the Hover Bike.

MK: "Uhh, Mr. Tang, Mr. Tang. I said the top!"

They ended up crash landing in the sand, causing the monkeys to run away in fright. MK sat up and spat out a mouth full of sand and then Liù sat up and roughly banged the side of her head to get the extra sand out of her ear.

Tang: "*sits up unfazed* Like I said, I know to fly. Anyway, I presume it's this way."

Tang got up and walked in a direction towards the mountain. MK gets up and coughs up the last bit of sand before his collar shirt was grabbed by Liù, who held an angry expression as they start to talk, far from Tang to not hear them.

Liù: "Out of all the people you picked, why did you pick the geek?! He's just going to slow us down with his crazy obsession with the Monkey King!"

MK: "Look, I know that sounds like a bad plan, but he won't get distracted that often and he's not so bad."

Liù just glares at him, who immediately shivers up in fear and starts walking slowly towards Tang.

MK: "You know, I'll try talking to him alright? Just please, no angry outbursts this time, please?"

Liù: "... *sighs* Let's just see how long that lasts."

MK walks towards Tang as Liù walks behind them, giving a silent glare towards Tang.

MK: "You know, I'm starting to think we should've brought Mei."

Tang: "Oh pfft, don't be silly you two! Who else would know the difference between the legendary trishula and your average nine dragon trident? *laughs* Come now! *points up to the mountain* Onward to the peak of mount Huaguo! *leans towards the two* That's where Monkey King's cave is, by the way."

MK sighed as Liù crossed her arms before they followed Tang up the mountain. The scene cuts to the top of the mountain as the giant dumpling was still falling down as the camera moves to the waterfall. It also reveals Huntsman as he is looking at the screen on his watch before looking at the waterfall.

Huntsman: "It's close... I can smell it..."

Just as he placed his hand on the waterfall, a barrier blocks him and the shockwave knocks him back.

Huntsman: "*growls*... it's never easy."

He hears noises from behind him and quickly hides in one of the trees. MK walks up slowly with Tang on his shoulders and Liù walking next to MK.

Tang: "Why thank you, my young friend. I thought we were done for back there when my weak ankles began to give me trouble. *laughs as he motions his perfectly good leg*"


Tang: "*adjusts his glasses* Well, childhood injuries do pick rather convenient times to flare up again, do they not? And I would have asked for Liù to help, but she's just going to be aggres-"

Liù: "*glares at him and grits her teeth* I'm what exactly?"

Tang: "... aggressively nice when helping, you know you should learn to be gentle."

He leap-frogged off MK and walked forward, not noticing the death glare Liù was giving Tang with MK holding her back. The trio jumped over stepping stones before coming face to face with the waterfall.

Tang: "*looks at awe* Wooaah, Shuilian Cave! That's the name of the Monkey King's cave-!"

MK: "Yeah, we know!"

Liù: "We've literally been here before, glasses!"

Tang just shrugged it off and placed his hand on the waterfall before he was knocked back, causing him to crash into MK and Liù. MK got up and spat out some water with some fishes before Liù got up and knocked some water out of her ear.

Tang: "*stands up, not noticing the fish on his head* Ahh, yes, I thought that might happen."

Liù: "*groans*, glasses, only the Monkey King can get through the magic barrier!"

MK: "*taps his fingers together and looked a bit bashful* But also me, because I'm the Monkie Kid!"

MK starts walking towards the waterfall and places his hand on it, causing the waterfall to split open for the trio to enter. Tang gets excited and walks in first before MK and Liù follow him, not noticing that Huntsman is now watching them enter with an evil grin.

Liù: "Ok, so what do we need to stop that thing like a stupid magic cross bow or some useless cannon or-?"

Tang: "A vase."

Liù: "A what?"

MK: "*simultaneously* Come again?"

Tang: "*sighs* That dumping looks to be more of a guan tang xioa, meaning it is potentially filled with some kind of delicious soup. Simply blasting it won't do."

Liù: "So, how does this *makes air quotes* 'vase' going to help us?"

Tang: "Legends say Monkey King sought help from Guanyin, to defeat a demon I don't remember the name of. She used the vase that contained pure water, enough to flood a whole mountain range. It seems logical that we should use that to suck up the soup and save the world from third degree burns."

MK: "Sounds good enough to me, we can probably find that with all Monkey King's other junk, *motions to a giant door* behind this giant door that we've never noticed before!"

Tang walked over and placed his hand on the door, but was immediately knocked back due to another seal on the door.

Liù: "*rolls her eyes and sighs* Moron."

MK walks up to the door and opens it, revealing a giant storage room filled with old stuff the Monkey King had collected. MK groans in frustration as Liù is shocked at the sight because nothing is organized in there.

Tang: "*goes to pick up a mirror* Oh, that's the Demon Revealing Mirror! *gasps and picks up a spear* And the Fire Tipped Spear! And-! *gags as his scarf was held back by Liù*"

Liù: "*turning Tang to face her with an angry look* Glasses, you can't just be this distracted and screaming because this whole time you were acting like the slacking know-it-all you are!"

The trio didn't realize that Huntsman was now in the room while Liù and Tang argued as MK tries to stop them from fighting.

MK: "Ok, let's tone down the tension-"

Tang: "See, I don't understand why people like MK can handle you! *shoves himself out of her grasp* You lose your temper so easy and it causes others to not like you!"

Liù: "Why would I care about what other people think?! You just like to act cocky when you think being smart makes you confident, when it doesn't!"

MK: "Guys-"

Tang: "Hey, I can be brave too! I'm going find the vase myself to prove to your useless temper is not under control! *runs to a random pile*"

Liù: "I have good control of my temper! *runs in the opposite direction* I'll find it first before you do, glasses!"

Tang: "Don't call me that!"

MK: "*sweat drops before laughing nervously* Ok, so splitting up is good idea. I'll just go look this way."

He walks to a random pile and lifts a box, revealing a small Huntsman who immediately notices MK. MK puts the box back down as he was grossed out before the pile is destroyed by Huntsman and attacks.

MK: "*screams and runs away* He looked tiny because he was far away!"

Huntsman sees the Demon Revealing Mirror and grins before shooting out a web to grab it. MK stopped it with the Fire Tipped Spear before Huntsman punched him in the stomach, knocking MK into a giant pile. Huntsman picks up the mirror before looking up to see the pile MK was knocked into was about to fall down on him.

Huntsman: "*wide eyes and sweat drops* Ohh..."

Tang was looking at an object when the pile crashed down that shook the whole place as smoke was made. Liù heard the sound quickly slid over to the giant mess and pulled MK out of it as he begins to snap out of it.

Tang: "*panics* Ahh!! Guys, I can find the vase anywhere!"

MK: "*growls* Do I have to do everything?! *uses gold vision to find a crate full of bottles* There! That crate is full of them!"

Tang: "Why didn't you do that sooner?!"

Liù: "He couldn't because he couldn't handle a- *Huntsman cuts through the giant pile* spider goon?!"

Huntsman uses his webs to grab a couple of swords and swing them towards MK and Liù. They both block the attacks by using their staffs. One of the swords is heading for Tang before MK quickly shoves him out of the way. Tang fell onto the crate full of vases and looks down to see every bottle laid out on the ground. Huntsman continues to attack MK and Liù with his attacks.

Huntsman: "I can smell your fears, children."

MK: "It's my conditioner!"

Liù: "Look out!"

His spear gets knocked out of his hands and lands near an inch away from his face. Liù tries to stop Huntsman, but she ends up getting knocked back to where Tang is. MK tries to run away before he is pinned to the wall by Huntsman.

MK: "Tang, Liù, hurry!"

They both look around before Tang sees the shakujo, which seems to be glowing. He was about to reach for it when Liu's hand grabs a bigger sword that Huntsman used before.

Liù: "*looks at the sword with a grin* You know, this might actually be useful. *turns to Tang with a menacing smile* Let me show you how a real person fights."

Tang shivers in fear at Liù as she has a dark aura around her.

Huntsman: "Time's running out, little chimp."

MK: "You know if we don't stop that dumping, you die too, right?"

Huntsman: "Huh?"

A blast cuts through, making Huntsman jump away from MK as the Demon Revealing Mirror rolls on the floor. The camera shifts to Liù holding the blaster before it shifts back to a heavy sword.

Liù: "*looks at the sword/blaster in awe* I love this thing."

Tang: "*laughs nervously* Uh, yeah! And there's more where that came from! Now get outta here and let us save the world!"

Huntsman looks back at the Demon Revealing Mirror before looking back at the trio.

Huntsman: "You know, you got a point. How about a truce, just this once?"

MK/Liù/Tang: "WHAT?!"

Liù: "What kind of villain are you?!"

Huntsman: "The kind who's got better plans than getting boiled to death by dumpling soup."

He shoots a web in the air and shoots another web to grab the Demon Revealing Mirror.

Huntsman: "Until next time, monkey boy and shadow freak. *leaves the scene*"

Tang: "Hey, he's a monkey man and she is not a shadow freak!"

MK: "*stars in his eyes* This is the greatest team-up ever! *gawks at the sword* That thing is awesome! We should use that thing to blow the dumpling into bit!"

Liù: "*puts the sword behind her back* MK, aren't you forgetting something?"

MK: "Oh yeah, right, the soup."

Tang: "*picks up a bottle* This is it! The legendary vase which will save the- no wait, wrong one. *digs through and pulls out a different bottle* Yeah, that's it, that's the right guy!"

MK: "Then let's go!"

He quickly grabs Tang and Liù and sped all the way back to the Hover Bike and left the island fast. The scene changes to the city as the giant dumping gets closer to the city as Boarus, Pigsy and Mei watch in fear.

Boarus: "Where are the three when you need them?!"

MK: "*off screen* GUYS!"

They turn to see MK, Liù and Tang flying towards them, but only crashed land to the ground before they rushed up to climb onto the rooftop.

Pigsy: "Did you find something to stop this thing?"

MK: "Sure... I mean, maybe?"

MK and Liù looked at Tang, who just gave them a shrug.

MK: "Ok guys, the vase! *holds the bottle up high*"

Mei: "Vase?! Why didn't you grab a magic crossbow or a cannon or-?!"

MK/Tang: "Because if the dumpling is guan tang xioa-/ Becuase the dumpling is full of hot soup-"

They both look at each other before they started laughing.

MK: "*chuckles* I said that because you said that earlier."

Tang: "Because you said the thing I said. *chuckles*"

Liù: "Hey, focus here people! *grabs the bottle with MK* Lets end this storm!"

They got in front of the others and Liù removed the lid, releasing a huge water tornado as it starts sucking up the dumping. They were being pushed back by the impact a bit before Mei and the rest helped them as the dumping was getting sucked in. Soon, the dumpling got into the vase and MK placed a lid on it before the others looked at it.

Mei: "So... did it work-?"

The vase exploded and splashed the dumpling soup all over the city.

MK: "*sighs off screen* Sometimes, all you can do is your best."

Tang: "*off screen* We probably should've grabbed a few more vases, hmm."

Liù: "*off screen* Yeah, you think glasses?"

Tang: "*off screen* Would you stop calling me that?!"

The scene changes to the spider cave as a splotch of soup fell onto Syntax's shoe, causing him to quickly shake the soup off his foot. The Spider Queen held her gaze on the giant mech design before smirking.

Huntsman: "*emerging from the shadows* Ahem, my queen."

Spider Queen: "Well? Did you get it?"

Huntsman: "*pulls out the object* One Demon Revealing Mirror."

He smirks as he saw Syntax giving him a glare and Zhizhu giving Huntsman thumbs up with a proud look. But just as Huntsman was about to hand it over, he saw a bone creature in the mirror and turned to see the Mysterious Child next to him.

Mysterious Child: "May I...?"

She grabs the Demon Revealing Mirror before she walks over the furnace and drops it in, making the scene go black.
