S1 E5: Calabash

MK is snoring in bed. Suddenly, his room begins to shake.

MK: "What? Earthquake!"

The shaking stops and MK looks up and sees that most of his stuff fell down.

MK: "Oh, no-o-o-o. All my pwecious pwossessions! *looks at the clock* Huh? 9:01? I'm late for work! *tries to summon his staff* My staff, my staff, where's my staff? Staff? Pigsy's gonna kill me! Okay. Socks. Jacket. Bandana. Let's go."

He dashes downstairs to Pigsy's Noodles.

MK: "And I'm here. Pigsy! *gets on his knees* I'm so sorry I'm late. I overslept, and I guess I didn't set an alarm?  Honestly, I don't even remember going to bed. And the earthquake, and-and-and- please don't fire me."

Pigsy: "Fire you? Ha! *turns to face MK with a big smile* Why would I fire you?"

MK: "Uh, well, last time you said, *intimidates Pigsy* 'If you are one minute late ever again, you are fired!'"

Pigsy: "I said that?"

Tang: "That doesn't sound like my best friend Pigsy. *laughs with Pigsy*"

MK: "Uh-"

The world shakes again, causing MK to stumble and falls forward, not noticing that Tang and Pigsy begin to static a bit before the world stops shaking again.

MK: "*panics* It's happening again!"

Pigsy: Again? What you talking about, MK? 

MK: "Did you not feel that?"

Pigsy: "Feel what?"

Tang: "I think MK's got a real case of the Mondays, hmm?"

MK: "Hmm, maybe it's an inner ear thing? *try's to summon his staff again* Oh, the staff. Yep. Uh, must be in there real good."

Pigsy: "*laughs* Your staff ain't in your ear, kid."

MK: "Oh. That's a relief. Wait, where is it?"

Tang: "On top of the mountain, sealing away the Demon Bull King and his entire family."

MK: "Uhh, say what now?"

Tang: "You do remember, right? *sighs* I keep saying you work him too hard."

Pigsy: "That's it. You're taking a day off."

MK leaves the noodle shop in excitement.

MK: "My first day off in two whole years! This is a perfect day!"

Crowd: Perfect!

MK: "*flys through the street on the Hover Cloud* No traffic at rush hour?"

Crowd: "Perfect!"

MK: "*drinks the cheese tea* Free shoes and cheese tea samples?"

Crowd: "Perfect!"

MK: "*playing at the Gravity Arcade* Beat all the high scores on Monkey Mech?"

Crowd: "Perfect!"

MK: "More free cheese tea samples?"

Crowd: "Perfect!"

MK: "*chuckles awkwardly* You guys really are driving that point home, huh?"

The world shakes again and the crowd flickers behind MK as he stumbles before regaining his balance and the world stops shaking again.

MK: "Whoa. What was that? *bumps into someone* Oof!"

Liù: "noodle brain?"

MK: "Liù! *gets kicked in the face by her* Ow! What was that for?!"

Liù: "Oh thank god. I thought you were one of those weirdo's. Also, *grabs MK by the collar while glaring at him* What is going with everyone here, is this a prank of yours or did you just agree to someone's prank? Because if it is, it's not funny."

MK: "Liù wait! *covers his face in reflex* I'm just as confused as you are! I don't know what's going on here either, believe me!"

Liù stares at him for a moment before sighing heavily and then letting go of MK's collar, causing him to fall to the ground.

Liù: "Ok, if you don't know, then something is going on here."

MK: "*stands up quickly* Exactly! But what? *thinks really hard before he remembers something* Hmm. Pigsy smiled. He never smiles. We got to tell Mei!"

He grabs Liù hand to run off and find Mei, but she appears out of nowhere, causing MK and Liù to smack into Mei and falling down.

Mei: "Hey, MK. Hey, Liù. You two good?"

MK: "Mei. Boy, am we glad to see you. Please tell us that you can see them too."

The crowd fawns over MK and Liù's shoulders, making MK nervous and Liù being creeped out by them.

Crowd: "*creepy voices* Perfect."

Mei holds up her hand to shush him before grabbing MK's and Liù's hands, leading them to somewhere.

Mei: "None of that matters. You guys gonna be late."

MK/Liù: "Late for what?"

Mei: "Your romantic river cruise for two."

The scene cuts to Sandy's boat, which is decorated in a romantic fashion as the cats play romantic music.

MK: "*now suddenly wears a suit* Uh, love what you've done with your boat, Sandy."

Sandy: "Isn't it perfect? I've finally figured it out. I felt like I really needed to cement what my role was in the group dynamic. And then, it just came to me. Boom! Romantic cruises! Okay, I'll be right back with the hors d'oeuvres."

MK: "*chuckles awkwardly* Mei, something really bad and really weird is going on. I think I'm losing it. There's all these earthquakes, and Pigsy said I beat DBK, and everything is is all-"

The area goes dark for a moment before a light comes on and presents Liù in a different outfit.

Mei: "*slides next to MK in a different look and whispers* Perfect?"

Liù: "What did you do Mei? What am I-? *looks down and sees that's wearing different clothes before leans her head back as she blushes in embarrassment* Please tell me that this is not happening."

Mei: "It's happening girl! It's your first date with each other!"

MK: "*blushes* What?!"

Liù: "*glares at Mei* You can't be serious?!"

Mei: "I am and now it's time for you two to dance!"

The music changes to slow dance music as the spotlight is now on MK and Liù.

MK: "*whispers to himself* Oh no, this is not how I want to spend my first date yet!"

Liù: "What is happening right now? *turns to MK in confusion l* And what did you just whisper, noodle brain?"

MK: "*blushes* NOTHING! *shakes his head* I mean, *clears his throat* would you like to dance with me?"

Liù: "What? Since when can you dance?"

MK: "*whispers to Liù* I don't! So please just go with it for now? Please?"

Liù: "... *sighs before taking MK's hand* Fine."

MK leads her to the dance floor and starts to dance with Liù slowly.

Liù: "*whispers to MK* We seriously need to find out what's going on, noodle brain. Can you summon your staff or something?"

MK: "*whispers to Liù* I tried to summon it a couple times, but not with me!"

Liù: "What?! Then where is it?!"

The boat rumbles, causing MK to fall on Liù and land on the floor.

Liù: "MK, what are doing?!"

MK: "*panics and blushes before he hops off of Liù* I don't know, I'm sorry!"

Mei: "I'm sorry you two, it's just, um-"

The scene cuts to two demons arguing over the Calabash in a run-down building.

Yin: "No, it's my turn. You're just going to tell 'em everything's perfect again."

Jin: "Oi. You forfeited your turn when you told me they should be in love."

Yin: "Oh! That was your idea!"

He motions to the two pictures of MK and Liù with a heart around them. Jin sweat drops and tears it down before he says,

Jin: "But they're just friends. You should know that."

Yin: " Dah! Well, there's got to be something about this in our scheme book."

He places a giant book on the table and opens the oversized book with many tabs.

Yin: "Okay, uh, let's see here. Step one: Imprison Monkie and Shadow Kids in the Calabash."

Jin: "Right. Done."

Yin: "Step two: Convince Monkie and Shadow Kids they're not in the Calabash."

Jin: "Okay. We'll call that one 'work in progress'. Next?"

Yin: "Yeah, that's- *sees nothing else after step two* that's it. It's just the two steps."

Jin: "Oh! We really need to put in more time into the development stage. *takes the Calabash, shocking Yin* All right, all right, I can fix this. *pitches his voice higher to impersonate Mei* Haha, are you both good from your dance?"

It echos through the Calabash, getting it through the fake Mei.

Calabash Mei: "I meant to say... I love that you two are just friends. *laughs*"

MK: "Uh, you know what? We-we-we need to-"

Liù: "We both need to leave, like right now. So yeah."

Calabash Mei: "As friends?"

Liù: "*weirded out by that statement* Yeah, something like that."

Liù grabs MK's arm and they both leave the boat. Calabash Mei drops her smile for a moment before saying,

Calabash Mei: "I think I nailed it."

Calabash Sandy: "Hm. Let's make sure."

MK and Liù both head to an alley after they changed back into their outfits. MK trips and fumbles into trash before Liù shushes MK and helps him stand back up.

Liù: "Ok, besides the people around us acting weird, that boat thing actually worse. I mean, what makes people think that we're a couple?"

MK: "*chuckles nervously* Yeah, weird, right?"

???: "*offscreen* How you doing down there?"

MK and Liù look up and see Monkey King, who is standing on his cloud.

MK: "Monkey King! Wait a minute. What are you doing here?"

Calabash Sun Wunkong: "Ah, you know. Hanging, chilling. Monkey Kinging around. Uh, anyway, enough about me. What's new with you two? You guys seem agitated."

MK: "Well, yeah. I mean, everyone's got dumb brain! Pigsy gave me the day off, and Mei made me and Liù a-"

Liù: "Weird boat thing and she says that we're 'in love.' If I hear one more weird thing I think I might go crazy.

Calabash Sun Wukong: "Ah, you're not crazy. This is all very normal. My power's just... so great. It's probably too much for your brain to handle. You're going to see some weird stuff. You've just gotta accept it."

MK: "Accept it, huh?"

Calabash Sun Wukong: Yeah, accept it. Apart from that love bit, it all sounds fine. Perfect. Uh, but you know, if you think about it, actually, maybe you and Liù would be... like a really-"

He notices that MK and Liù have left the alley.

Calabash Sun Wukong: "Guys? Gaw, dang it."

The scene changes to the mountains, inside the cave, a black portal opens from the floor and MK falls out of it, falling face first.

Liù: "*comes out of the portal and shuts it behind her* You good, noodle dude?"

MK: "*stands up and brushes the dust off of himself* Yeah I'm good, thanks for the portal ride, much faster than just walking."

Liù: "No prob. It takes a bit of my energy. Now, go get your staff and fix whatever is going on."

MK: "Right."

They both walk deep in the cave until they see the staff where D.B.K. was originally sealed away.

MK: "*gasps* There's the staff!"

Calabash Mei appears suddenly behind MK and Liù.

Calabash Mei: "Hey, MK, Liù. What are you two doing?"

MK: "Ugh, Mei. Uh, I was just gonna take the old staff for a spin."

Calabash Mei: "Take it? You can't take it. If you do that, then the Demon Bull King will return!"

Liù gets into a fighting position as MK backs away from Mei. He bumps into Sandy.

Calabash Sandy: "Leave the staff where it is, dude."

Calabash Tang: "Oh, MK, you don't want that mean DBK to return, do you?"

Calabash Pigsy: "Why don't we just go back to the shop? I'll have Boarus make us all a nice pot of noodles."

Calabash Monkey King arrives.

Calabash Sun Wukong: You can still have your perfect life.

Calabash Mo: "*hops onto Liù's shoulder* Yeah, we can all just hang out."

Everyone paused for a moment before MK and Liù stare at Mo with shocked expressions before realizing the problem.

Liù: "*realization on her face* I KNEW IT!"

Calabash Mei: "Jin. The cat's not meant to talk."

Calabash Pigsy: "Yeah, jig's up. Let's get 'em!"

Liù: "MK! Get the staff, I'll try to hold them off!"

Everyone starts to attack as Liù try's to keep them away from MK. MK reaches for the staff before the others start to pile on top of him.

MK: "Here... comes..."

Calabash Tang: "No!"

Calabash Sandy: "He's too strong!"

Calabash Pigsy: "Stop reaching!"

Calabash Sun Wukong: "No!"

Liù: "Grab it MK!"

MK: "...Monkie Kid!"

MK grabs the Golden Staff escapes the Calabash with Liù. MK and Liù return to the real world, knocking the two demons back. Liù stands up and starts to rub her head from the impact before MK also stands up as he feels dizzy. Liù smacks the side of MK's head to snap him out of it before they look at their surroundings. They hear a crash and looked over to find Yin and Jin trying to sneak away, but they notice MK and Liù staring at them. MK screams as the two demons start screaming to while Liù is just standing there with a deadpan look.

MK: "Who are you?!"

The two demons look at each other for a second before giving MK and Liù the evil look.

Jin: "We're your worst nightmare. Jin."

Yin: "Yin."

They both chuckled evilly before they make a weird pose as Jin shouts,

Jin: "The Gold and Silver Demons!"

Yin: "Mate, it's silver and gold. Silver and gold-!"

Jin: "I'm not having this conversation again! It's gold and silver!"

The two tackled each other while MK and Liù just watch.

Liù: "*bored look* Okay, we get it. You're both demons. But, what are we even doing here?"

Yin: "We heard about the great Monkie Kid and the sneaky Shadow Kid and knew that you both would be a worthy adversary."

Jin: "Yes. And through cunning and guile, we called out to you both, and the two of you foolishly... answered."


MK was delivering noodles with Liù, who was cautious about the area around them, to Yin and Jin.

Past Jin: "*cracks the door open* Who is it?"

Past MK: "Pigsy's Noodles, home of the world's longest-"

Past Liù: "I have a bad feeling about this place, noodle dude."

Past MK: "It should be fine Liù! Let me check and see if anyone is in there."

Past Yin: "They have to answer to their names, remember?"

Past Jin: "Oh, yeah. *clears his throat* This app thingy says you have to identify yourselves. Are your names 'MK' and 'Liù'?"

Past MK: "Uh, well, yeah her name is Liù, also I'm currently going by MK, but it used to be-"

MK and Liù are now getting sucked into the Calabash.

Flashback Over

Jin: "The Calabash was supposed to contain you forever!"

Yin: "At least until we figured out step three."

Jin: "Right. Uh, but instead, we'll have to destroy you the good old-fashioned way."

MK: "*sighs* Fine! *draws out the Golden Staff* I feel like a fight. What about you Liù?"

Liù: "*stretches her neck before summoning her dark staff* Yeah, I'd like to beat up a bunch of idiots."

Jin: "Um, I think they know we're bluffing."

Yin: "Oh, I just figured out step three."

Yin/Jin:  "Smoke bomb!"

They throw down twin smoke bombs and escape to an exit away from MK and Liù.

Jin: "*laughs* We're the greatest tricksters."

Yin: "Ever!"

They both flee the scene as MK and Liù watch.

Liù: "Those two have to be the worst demons I ever seen."

MK: "Ditto."

The scene changes as MK and Liù return to Pigsy's Noodles again.

MK: "*peaks through the door* Um, Mei? Mr. Tang?"

Pigsy: "Where have you been you two? I've got-"

MK: "Pigsy. Wait, is it? *pokes Pigsy's face*"

Pigsy: "If you don't get your hands off me, you're fired!"

MK: "*hugs Pigsy* It is you. Oh-ho-ho-ho, my sweet Pigsy. *sobbing* Pigsy, it is you!"

Boarus: "*pops from the kitchen* Uh, what's happening?"

Liù: "It's been a long day, believe me."

MK: "Sorry. It's just... I'm just really glad none of you are perfect."

Pigsy, Tang, and Mei: "What?!"

Pigsy: "What are you talking about? This job's the most perfect thing you're ever going to get!"

Tang: "I so too am perfect. You've got dumb brain. That's what you've got!"

Mei: "Wow. I'm going to reset your Monkey Mech character. How about that?!"

Pigsy, Tang, and Mei dissolve into argument. MK sighs contentedly.

MK: "Perfect."

Liù just face palms herself and she shakes her head in disappointment as she sighs heavily.
