S1 E4: Noodles or Death

The scene opens to Tang, Pigsy and Boarus as they shop through the market that is taking place in the city.

Pigsy: "Ho ho! Now this is a beautiful carrot! Couple more finds like this baby and we're golden!"

Tang: "Looks the same as the last 20,000 carrots we've looked at!"

Pigsy: "takes back the carrot* Give me that! I wouldn't expect you to appreciate a fine carrot like this. You ain't no culinary genius, *Laughs* like me and Boarus!"

Boarus; "Pigsy's right, Tang. In order to get the perfect noodles, you have to have the right recipes, meaning that you have to find the perfect ingredients."

???: "*chuckles* My, my, my! You boys are making quite a scene. Looking to buy some ingredients? Something tasty? You've come to the right place. *Blows kiss*"

Tang: "Uh...oh! Come on, guys, let's just keep going. Huh!?"

Pigsy: "*Laughs* Y-you are selling beautiful vegetables today?"

Boarus: "I mean, for someone who's an expert, you have the stuff we might need, right?"

Tang looks in the booth and sees that the boxes are both empty and looks at Pigsy and Boarus as he says,

Tang: "Are you both blind?"

???: "That's right, sugar, this is the finest store in the whole market. Why don't come around back and look at my exclusive wears?"

Pigsy: "Ooh!"

Tang: "Pigsy, I'm not sure, uh—"

Boarus: Tang, shush! Don't wreck this for us! We need this!"

Tang gasps as the mysterious woman walks deep into the booth with Pigsy, Boarus and Tang following the mysterious woman.

???: "A little closer, a little closer!"

Pigsy, Boarus and Tang scream as they fall down a trap door. The mysterious woman laughs as the trap door closes on them. The scene changes to the Sea-Crate HQ, Mei is playing Monkey Mech.

Sandy: "Hey, you think it's weird that we don't spend much time in the Sea-Crate Base? Like, we haven't been down here for weeks."

Mei: "Yeah, and if you think about it, do we even need to be down here right now?"

MK: "*appears in the panic* Guys! Pigsy and Boarus is missing!"

Mei: "Missing? What do you mean they're missing?"

MK: "I mean, they didn't open the shop this morning!"

Liù: "*appears from behind MK* We tried to call either of them or Tang, but they didn't respond."

Sandy: "But he's never not open his store before!"

MK: "They've been pig-napped!"

Sandy: "I immediately fear the worst!"

Liù: "I'm sure nothing bad happened to them, they're probably out shopping or something."

Mei runs to the computer and shows a recording of Pigsy and Boarus from earlier in the market.

MK: "Hey, that's Pigsy and Boarus. Oh phew, they just went shopping."

Liù: "Told you."

Sandy: "Who's filming this?"

MK: "It's Tang! Oh, I realized now, Tang is also missing. What is this?"

Mei: "I attached cameras to all of you guys a while back. Not so creepy now, is it?"

MK: "It's a little creepy."

Liù: "No MK, it's all the levels of creepy."

Sandy: "Aw, she seems nice. Maybe they're fine."

Liù, Sandy, MK, and Mei see the rest of the video to where the guys suddenly fell through the trap door.

Sandy: "Oh, no! I was wrong. This is very, very, very bad!"

MK: "Scary nightmare hole! What happened?"

Liù: "*squints her eyes it the monitor* What is that? Mei can you enhance the footage on that figure? *points at the figure on top of the trap door*"

Mei: "Yeah, sure. It looks like..."

Mei rewinds the video to see the woman in a different appearance.

Mei: "Is that..."

Sandy: "Enhanced! Enhanced!"

Mei zooms in the video, revealing that the woman is the Spider Queen.

Liù: "Wait a second, why does that lady look like a-?"

MK: "Uh, Spider Demon?! Come on. No. Ew, yuck, I hate spiders. Hate, hate, hate! With their eyes, and feet, and furry butts!"

Liù: "What's wrong with you? Got a spider phobia?"

MK: "No! They just look creepy and feel weird!"

Liù: "*turns to Mei as she smirks* Spider phobia."

Sandy: "Okay, a Spider Demon's got our friends. You know what that means?"

Mei: "It's time for..."

Narrator: "Operation: Rescue Tang, Boarus and Pigsy from the Nightmare Hole."

Mei, MK, Liù, Sandy and Mo prepare themselves for the rescue mission. They went to Sandy's Speedboat and left the base.

Sandy: "Where to?"

Mei draws out her phone, but she nearly drops it. She catches the phone.

Mei: "Across town!"

At Megapolis, the citizens see MK, Mei, and Sandy on the speedboat.

Liù: "Why couldn't we have just used a car or something?!"

MK/Mei: "Woo-hoo! Rescue mission!"

The scene changes to Pigsy, Tang and Boarus being tied up in webs in a cave of sorts.

Tang: "You just had to go in there."

Pigsy: "*scoffs* She said she had ingredients."

Tang: "I don't think that's what you both were looking for, Pigsy."

Man 1: "*muffles*You tell him. No one likes a know-it-all."

Man 2: "*muffles* Know-it-all? You're the know-it-all!"

Man 1: "*muffles* I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the three new suckers!"

Spider Queen: "*shushes them* Babies, quiet time. The Queen is back."

Pigsy: "What do you want? Money-?"

His mouth was shut by a spider web.

Boarus: "Pigsy-!"

He was cut off when the web now covered his mouth.

Spider Queen: "What could I want, hm? I used to be the most feared creature in the land. I wasn't a queen, I was the queen. Empress of Terror and Mistress of Horror. But now, uh, just look at this place. Look what's left of my empire. Nothing but a hole in the ground. So, what do you think the Spider Queen could possibly want? Anyway, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And you lot, will do."

Tang: "*laughs nervously* Uh, do for what?"

Spider Queen: *she chuckles then licks her lips* Dinner."

She leaves and maniacally laughing while Pigsy, Boarus and Tang began to shake in fear. At the surface, MK, Mei, Liù and Sandy continue to head towards the market with the speedboat.

Liù: "You know this is a bad idea using a boat on a literal road?!"

Mei: "*she points at Spider Queen's store* Dead ahead!"

They enter the tunnel through the trap door.

MK/Mei: "Rescue mission!"

The Spider Queen begins to make her meal in a giant pot.

Tang: "Don't worry, guys. I'm sure the kids will be here to rescue us any minute."

Spider Queen: "*laughs* Ain't no one gonna rescue you, sweet thing."

Tang: "*struggles against the webs* Shows what you know. Our friends, the Monkie Kid and the Shadow Kid, are probably already on their way."

Spider Queen: "The Monkie Kid and the Shadow Kid? *laughs* Why would they come and help you?"

Tang: "Well, I'm kind of like a father figure."

Pigsy rolls his eyes and Boarus shakes his head, wishing he could face palm himself right now.

Tang: "*laughs* I think you better let us go. Before the Monkie Kid comes and, uh, squishes you with Monkey King's legendary staff! Or that the Shadow Kid will use her strange shadow powers to stop you!"

Spider Queen: "Hmm. Interesting. 'Fraid dinner would have to wait. We gotta get this place ready for company. *laughs*"

She leaves as the guys watch in worry.

Tang: "Don't worry, guys. MK is far too smart to fall into one of her traps and I'm sure Liù is there helping him right now."

With the others, MK was trying to get out of the speedboat, that is now tangled in webs.

Mei: "Maybe you should've saved your boat for an adventure with more water."

Liù: "*sighs* I told you that bringing the speed boat was a bad idea."

Sandy: "Yeah, I, uh, just got excited."

MK: "*screams* Spider Demon!"

The baby spider on MK's hair laughs. Liù flicks the spider off of MK.

Liù: "Noodle dude, it's just a little baby spider. If you can't handle a little spider, then go back. Me Sandy, Mei and Mo will find the guys."

MK: "I told you I'm not scared! It just caught me off guard, ok?!"

Liù: "*mutters to herself* Tell that to someone who has Spider phobia."

Mei: "Come on guys! let's go find Piggy and Boarus."

Sandy: "And Tang."

MK: "Ok, I'll use my super sight of truth to find our friends in this palace of nightmares."

He uses his Golden Eyes of Truth through a wall of webs.

Sandy: "What do you see, MK?"

MK sees some spiders before he freaks out again.

MK: "Ew! Ew! This place is full of webs and horror! We're never gonna get through all this!"

Mei: "*puts her hand on MK's shoulder* Ahem, if you'll allow me."

She grabs her sword, and blasts a hole in a wall to let the others get through.

Sandy: "*sees Pigsy, Boarus and Tang* Pigsy! Tangy!"

Pigsy tries to muffle something but they didn't understand what he was trying to say.

Liù: "Um, can you repeat that?"

Mei, Sandy, and Mo get taken away by webs, leaving MK and Liù alone.

Mei: "MK! Liù!"

MK: "Mei!"

The Dragon Blade drops in front of them as Liù summons her dark staff and looking around their surroundings. MK begins to quiver until he turns around, seeing the Spider Queen.

Spider Queen: "Don't tell me you're scared of spiders?"

Pigsy: "*spits out the spider web from his mouth* Kids, run!"

Liù takes MK by the arm and they run off while the Spider Queen chases them. Pigsy sees the Dragon Blade on the ground.

Pigsy: "I'm sorry, Tang. Me and Boarus got ourselves into this mess. We're gonna meet to work together to get out of it."

Tang: "Mm-hm."

The guys start to swing themselves off the web and land on the Dragon Blade, cutting the cocoon and freeing themselves.

Narrator: "Operation: MK From the Nightmare Hole."

The scene cuts to the Spider Queen looking around, trying to find MK and Liù.

Spider Queen: "Where did you go little ones? I promise it won't be so much painful if you both would come out~. *chuckles darkly*"

From a distance behind a sledge, Liù peaks from behind it and watches the Spider Queen, who walks away deeper into the cave.

Liù: "*releases her breath* Ok, we should be clear. Let's get back to the others and-"

MK: "*fear on his face* I can't."

Liù: "What?"

MK: "I can't go back out there. *turns away from Liù* You were right, if can't handle a little spider, then I'm not good enough to help or fight back!"

Liù: "Noodle brain."

MK: "And if I'm not good enough to fight back, then I won't be worthy enough to be the Monkie Kid-! *Liù smacks MK's face* Ow! What was that for?!"

Liù: "Trying to knock some sense into you! *grabs MK face* Listen to me, you are worthy of being the Monkie Kid and you can fight back. You can't just let those fears catch up with you, alright?"

MK: "But... I'm scared, I don't want to do this alone."

Liù: "I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're not doing this alone. Besides, you kinda called me your friend, right? So I'm not leaving, neither are the others, we'll all be there to help you through the danger and that's a promise."

MK: "*smiles softly and blushes a bit*... Your right, thank you."

Spider Queen: "*offscreen* Aww, ain't that sweet?"

MK and Liù look and see that the Spider Queen has found them. The Spider Queen shoots a web at Liù, trapping her in the webs on the ground before the Spider Queen lunges towards MK, pinning him against a spider's web. The Golden Staff falls to the ground. MK begins to hyperventilate.

Liù: "MK! *struggles against the webs and tries to break herself free*"

Spider Queen: "Do you wanna know what you are? You're my ticket back to the throne. All that power the Monkey King give you. After I made my dinner, it's all gonna be my power."

Pigsy: "*offscreen* Hey, you, bug lady!"

Tang: "Here comes Monkie Kid and Shadow Kid's...friend's!"

Pigsy: "That's right! We got a catchphrase too!"

Liù: "*gives them a deadpan look* Seriously guys?"

Spider Queen: "You and your friends are terrible guests."

Mei: "You were gonna eat my best friends! And also these guys! Well, now you're gonna eat this! *presses one of the speedboat's buttons, which activates a laser* Mo, fire!"

Mo uses the laser to distract the Spider Queen long enough for MK and Liù to escape.

Liù: "MK, grab the staff and let's get out of here!"

MK: "Right!"

He struggles to get the Golden Staff off of the ground. The Spider Queen comes back and begins to attack MK with her mech.

MK: "Urgh, get off me!"

The ground starts to crumble, causing MK's team and the Spider Queen to fall. The Spider Queen catches herself by using her mech. MK, Mei, Liù, Pigsy, Boarus and Tang scream as they continue to fall. Sandy notices a stream.

Sandy: "Water adventure? It's a water adventure! MK, ⁣Liù, come on!"

Everyone gets on the speedboat. They head towards a sewage pipe and reach of the ocean.

MK, Mei, Liù, Pigsy, Boarus and Tang groan from the escape as Sandy flips his beard in a cool way.

Narrator: "Operation: Rescue Tang, Boarus and Pigsy, success."

Mei: "At least we don't have to deal with her again. *laughs nervously* Right?"

Liù: "*groans* Please don't say stuff like that."

Back at the cave, the Spider Queen walks up to the giant pot as her helmet falls off.

Spider Queen: "*chuckles* They think they've won?"

She puts the strand of hair she took from MK into the cauldron, which begins to glow gold. She laughs.

Spider Queen: "The game is just beginning."
