S1 E7: Impossible Delivery

Somewhere in Flower Fruit Mountain, MK is training with the Monkey King. The Monkey King dodges MK's attacks until he uses his tail to wrap around MK's leg, throwing him out to the inside of Flower Fruit Mountain.

Sun Wukong: "Better. Way, way better. *catches MK before positioning him upright* You're totally getting the hang of this, bud!"

MK: "Aw really?"

Sun Wukong: "I mean, it does make sense. You are getting trained by me. Now, we just gotta work on your focus."

MK: "Yeah, I am the best of focus— *gets close to Monkey King's face* What do you mean, 'work on my focus?!' I-I'm like No. 1 Focus Guy!"

Sun Wukong: "*moves MK's face away before pointing at himself* Ugh, if anyone is No. 1 Focus Guy, it's me."

MK: "What?! *pulls out his book* Literally, your entire legacy is about you being impulsive and dodging responsibilities!"

Sun Wukong: "*grabs a bag of Peach Chips* That's where you are wrong."

MK: "The time that you ate all the Immortal Peaches that you were meant to guard?"

Sun Wukong: "*opens the bag of Peach Chips* That was a long time ago."

MK: "When you kept annoying everyone at the Celestial Realm?"

Sun Wukong: "*grabs a chip from the bag* That's a matter of opinion."

MK: "The time you pick a fight with Buddha-!"

Sun Wukong: "*shoves a Peach Chip into MK's mouth* See, that right there is the problem. You stressed too much about the negatives. Focus is taking in everything, but honing in only on the one thing that matters. Right now, I'm talking to you while also honing in the speed of the wind, the moisture in the air, these 37 emails for my lawyer, the first 18 seasons of Monkey King: The Animated Series. The inner resonance of my soul that contemplate the fact that I am an immortal being, who will never be able to die. And that bug right over there. But... *eats another Peach Chip* I'm paying attention to you. Take in everything, choose what you want to do, and then do it. That is focus."

MK: "That sounds... super confusing, and like you're just constantly distracted."

Sun Wukong: "*raises his eyebrow at MK* Or maybe, you just can't handle real focus?"

MK: "*gasps* I-I can totally focus. I focus all the time! In fact, the very next thing I do, is gonna be the most focused thing ever!"

The scene fades as MK is now at Pigsy's Noodles.

Pigsy: "Hey, uh, MK. You mind explaining to me why I have two hundred orders of noodles that haven't been delivered yet?!"

MK: "*chuckles* I thought Mr. Tang was gonna do it?"

Liù: "*mutters to herself* Too late to use the distraction now."

Pigsy: "Distraction. That's your greatest weakness, MK. You need to follow through on the task at hand like Liù does, Understand? *turns around to see MK on his phone*"

MK: "Huh?"

Pigsy just throws a spoon at MK while Liù just gives MK a deadpan look.

Pigsy: "That's it. I'm done. It's over. Pack your bags. You're outta here."

MK: "*gasps* What?! Give me another chance. Please. I-I can do better!"

Pigsy hears his phone rings and he answers the call.

Pigsy: "Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Of course. Right way. *hangs up* Fine. One more chance. But, if you slip up, even a little bit. Well, the Deliverybot 9000 is surprisingly affordable."

MK: "No! I'm not gonna let you down, Pigsy. I'm gonna have to focus, like I've never focused before."

He prepares to leave the shop until Pigsy clears his throat, reminding him about the noodles. He takes one of the bags of noodles.

Pigsy: "Oh, and one more thing. Liù is going to go with you this time."

MK/Liù: "*eyes sparkling* Seriously/ *glares at Pigsy* Why me?!"

Liù: "Why do I need to go with him?!"

Boarus: "*pops from behind the pile of bags of noodles* Because you need to learn to control your temper."

Pigsy: "He's right. The last few customers who had their deliveries complained about a black haired girl losing their cool and beating them up lately."

Liù: "*scoffs* Well in my defense those guys were staring at me weird the whole time and it just irritates me! *mumbles to herself* It's not my fault that they don't know how to keep their hands to themselves."

Boarus: "And that's not how we do things in the delivery business. So MK, *points at MK, who tenses up* you are going to teach Liù on how to be nice and have self-control. And Liù, *points at Liù, who crosses her arms and gives him a bored look* you're going to make sure MK stays focused during the delivery, got it?"

MK: "Right!"

Liù: "Whatever."

They both leave the noodle shop before Pigsy speaks up and says,

Pigsy: "He delivers noodles literally every day. How is this suddenly... *sighs*"

Boarus: "Let's just hope those two can learn something for once."

Liù hops in next to MK as he starts the tuk-tuk and drives it until he reaches a stoplight.

Liù: "So the reason that you're trying to stay focused is because it was a lesson you're learning from the Monkey King?"

MK: "Yep, I have to do just like Monkey King said. Focus. Take everything in. *looks at his surroundings* Lamp post. Street sign. Amazing awesome arcade, filled with the best games in the universe. *gets distracted* Ahh, no! I have to focus. Focus!"

Man: "I win!"

MK looks at the arcade again and dashes inside, playing the games until he gets smacked in the head by Liù.

Liù: "Hey, noodle brain, What happened to staying focused? We have no time to play arcade games. *starts to drag MK by the hood, who whines and try's to reach on of the games* Let's just get back to the vehicle and get back to delivering."

Anti-Gravity Arcade Employee: "Hey, um, I got some more tokens-"

Liù: "No! *knocks the tokens off the employee's hands and glares at him* We have to go, like now! *storms out of the arcade while dragging MK*"

Anti-Gravity Arcade Employee: "Rude much?"

The tokens land on the employee's head. Liù throws MK into the tuk-tuk before saying,

MK: "*sits up in his seat* Liù! That was so rude, why did you do that?!"

Liù: "It's so obvious that the arcade machines are distracting you, show you an example of focus, I'm driving."

MK: "What?!"

Liù hops into the driver's seat of the tuk-tuk and drives off, leaving the other drivers to stay behind a red light. Liù drives the tuk-tuk through the street's fast as MK holds onto the seat tightly.

MK: "Liù, slow down! You're going to hurt someone if you drive too fast!"

Liù: "Would you just calm down, I'm getting us to the location as fast as possible. I can do it. Nothing is gonna stop me-!"

She gets hit by a soccer ball and stops the tuk-tuk in its tracks.

Liù: "*growls before moving the soccer ball out of her face* Hey, watch it!"

Kid: "Jeepers. Sorry, Miss. Hey, you two want to play? We need two more players so we could have a proper game."

MK: Aw-w-w. Aw, we really wish we could, but-but if we do..."

He imagines what would happen if he plays soccer with the kids before he gets smacked into reality again by Liù.

Liù: "*glares at the kids* Look brats, we have no time to play games. So just take your little a ball and bother someone else!"

She drives off before one of the kids pick up the ball as he and the others change themselves into their true forms, revealing to be demons.

Green Demon Kid: "How did you think she knew that we were going to imprison them forever?"

Red Demon Kid: "Who knows. But she called us brats, not a very nice lady."

Blue Demon Kid: "Oh, look. Here comes another one."

The green Demon Kid prepares to throw the ball.

MK: "*screams* You can't just call them brats Liù, that was way too harsh!"

Liù: "*drives through town* Look, I just saved your butt from being fired if you played with those demon brats. *sighs* Let's just get this delivery done and then-"

MK: "stops by at a food stall* Uh, can I get a large-?"

Liù: "*glares at MK* MK!"

She quickly walks over to MK, who was about to grab his drink, and grabs him by his collar again as his drink falls to the floor.

Liù: "Listen to me noodle brain, You fought deadly demons! Survived active volcanos! Faced Pigsy's wrath on a Monday! You could easily cover over 5,000 blocks in eleven minutes. Let's just get this over with!"

They both stop at a sign pointing in two directions. One path leading to a normal path, and the other leading to a forest.

MK: "I think we all know what the obvious choice here is."

Liù: "Yep."

MK/Liù: "Head down the dark forest and go left/right. *hears what they said to each other* Wait what?!"

Liù: "What makes you think the left path of the dark forest is a good idea? We are supposed to be heading towards the right side of the dark forest, It's the fastest route!"

MK: "Well, the GPS says we need to go towards the left side of the dark forest, besides It's never been wrong before!"

Liù: "Well then that means a death trap for you then *hops out of the tuk-tuk and starts walking left* I'm heading left to the location as fast as possible."

MK: "*groans* Fine! I'm going to head right then if you won't just calm down and maybe learn to actually be nice to others!"

MK then drives off down the right side as Liù walks down the left side. Liù walks down the dark forest while she grumbles to herself.

Liù: "I'm nice to people, they just don't know when to leave me alone when I try to do my job! *sighs* Noodle head is just dumb, I'll get this delivery done and-"

She reaches for the bag, but realizes that she doesn't have it with her.

Liù: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! UGH, Great now I have to find the moron before something happens to the order or I swear-"

She hears a snap, causing her to stop and look around the dark forest.

Liù: "*growls* Look, I don't have time to deal with you! So if you want to fight me, *summons her dark staff* then come out and fight me! *looks around the forest* Where are you?!"

She points the staff forward but fails to see that a vine was slowly creeping up to her on the floor. Liù hears something on the floor behind her and turns to look, but gets tripped by the vine before she gets dragged into a dark area of the dark forest by the ankle. The scene cuts to MK, who is now driving through the dark forest with the look of fear on his face.

MK: "I should be getting close. I'm *checks the monitor* so far away! *stops the tuk-tuk* Ugh, Liù is right, I'm never gonna be a master of focus if I end up being distracted! I'm not giving up. Just do what Monkey King said. First, take everything in: Trees, yes. Random skeleton that I'm definitely gonna report to the police later? Yes. Spooky pathway that will inevitably lead to my doom, yep, check, noted. I might have taken too much in."

He screams as his phone jumps, with an incoming call from Pigsy.

MK: "*answers the phone* Pigsy! H-H-Hey, how're things with you? I'm definitely not lost in a terrifying forest and Liù is safe with me!"

Pigsy: "*over the phone* Hey, you know this-"

MK sees vines weaving their way towards him as Pigsy is talking on the phone.

Pigsy: "*over the phone* -Deliverybot 9000 can deliver over 9,000 deliveries a day? So you-"

MK: "Oh, is that so? That's very interesting!"

He ends his dialogue in screams as the vines come for him.

Pigsy: "Kid, you okay?"

MK: "You're breaking up. Uh... *makes static noises* 'Kay, bye! *hangs up on Pigsy*"

MK sighs for a moment before he hears someone shouting,


He bumps into Liù, who is now tied up behind his back literally, as the vines start surrounding them more and more.

MK: "Liù?! What happened to you?!"

Liù: "*pulls against the vines with her one open arm* Well I was about to make my way and find you since you have the bag with you and this stupid vines *manages to rip it off, but now three vines are wrapped around her arm* won't leave me alone! No matter how much I try to fight back, they just keep coming back with more! *grunts and struggles against the vines*"

Monster Trees: "*Pigsy's voice* One more chance! *Monkey King's voice* You can't handle real focus! *Boarus' voice* Try to be nicer with people!*Pigsy, Boarus and Monkey King's voices* Focus! Calm! Focus! Calm! Focus! Calm!"

The voices echo through them as MK looked terrified before he remembered what the Monkey King said earlier.

Past Sun Wukong: "Take in everything, choose what you want to do, and then do it."

MK: "I want to deliver these noodles. I want to deliver these noodles. I am going to deliver these noodles!"

MK looks at the vines and sees that they are slowing down a bit before MK gets an idea.

MK: "*gasps* That's it! *try's to face Liù* Liù, try to listen to me, I have a plan to get out of here!"

Liù: "*grunts* What's your plan, make it fast because there's more coming!"

MK: "That's the thing, these vines react on people's emotions! If we try to calm down, then the vines will leave us alone!"

Liù: "How do you expect me to just *grunts* calm down when I can't with danger getting close to us!"

MK: "*wiggles his hand free* Then hold my hand."

Liù: "What?!"

MK: "Just trust me, I know something that can possibly help you calm down. Please, *offers his hand to Liù* do you trust me?"

Liù turns her head for a moment before wiggling her hand free and now grasps onto MK's hand.

Liù: "*notices the vines surrounding them* Ok, now what?"

MK: "Now, I want you to breathe slowly and listen to my voice, alright?"

Liù barely nods her head before a vine wraps her neck, making her breath heavily and panic as the vines are starting to reach their faces. MK takes a deep breath and closes his eyes before he does something unimaginable.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

MK: You're ok, you're alright, I'll never ever leave your side. I will stay and I will fight, with you

Liù couldn't believe what she was hearing, her breathing starts to slow down as their hands suddenly glow a beautiful yellow and purple color. MK hums before the vines start to leave their bodies, making them slowly descend, as the vines start to retreat back into the dark forest.

MK: You're ok, you're alright, I'll stay here through the darkest night. All the way and I will fight, with you

He opens his eyes and sees that the vines have now left them alone and that voices have now stopped.

Liù: "That... I... what did you just do?"

MK: "Well, you might have not noticed this, but the vines could sense fear and stress from us, that's what made them stronger. And when I used my thinking brain, I figured that positive emotions would be its only weakness!"

Liù: "So holding my hand and singing a song-?"

MK: "It helped you calm down, didn't it? *walks over to the tuk-tuk and hops into the drivers seat* Now come on, we have a delivery to deliver!"

Liù looked at MK for a second before she chuckled softly and hopped in next to MK before he drives off.

Liù: "Your weird, you know that?"

MK: "Yeah well, you're hanging out with me, right?"

Liù: "*scoffs* Shut up."

They both drives through Monkey Village before they park in front of a temple. MK rushes out but remembers his order of noodles before Liù walks up and knocks on the door to the temple. The customer prepares to open it until MK barges in.

MK/Liù: "*excited* Pigsy's Noodles!/ *calm* Pigsy's Noodles."

The customer is revealed to be Monkey King.

Sun Wukong: "You finally made it and I see that you brought your edgy friend too."

MK: "Monkey King? Wait. *gasps* This was all a lesson to see if I could focus!"

Sun Wukong: "Uh... yes! I wanted to teach you a valuable lesson. I definitely didn't just order three helpings of noodles to my shame temple. *clears throat*"

Liù: "Is he even telling the truth at this point?"

MK: "It's ok, Liù, he was right. Because I really was, honestly, terrible at focusing. But then-"

Sun Wukong: "*grabs the bag from MK* I'm just gonna take those off ya."

MK: "-I paid attention to everything, but I only focused on one thing: delivering... your... noodles! Oh, and helped Liù by learning on how to be calm too!"

Sun Wukong: "That's great, bud. I'm proud of ya. But... this isn't my order."

MK: "What?!"

Liù: "Are you serious?! We did all of this for nothing!"

MK chuckles nervously before he sweat drops at the mistake he made about mixing up the orders.

MK: "Uhhh... Oops?"
