S2 E0: Revenge Of The Spider Queen (part 3)

Sandy has finished fixing his mech.

Pigsy: "*in the distance* Sandy!"

Sandy sees Pigsy, Boarus and Tang running towards him. They jump on board.

Sandy: "Pigsy! Tangy! Boarus! You got the pills!"

Tang: "Uh huh! We also have spiders! *fiercely points at Huntsman running towards them* They followed us here!"

Sandy: "*sweat drops* Oh."

Pigsy: "Where are the others?!"

Mei: "*in the distance* Sandy!"

They see Zhizhu carrying Red Son and Mei with Strong Spider after them.

Tang: "Start the engines! It's time to go!"

Zhizhu hops on why still carrying Red Son and Mei.

Pigsy: "What about MK and Liù?"

MK: "*in the distance* Sandy!"

They see the two being chased by the Lion Guardians.

Liù: "Start! The! Drone!"

Sandy starts up the engines as Huntsman tries to jump but Strong Spider pulls him back.

Huntsman: "What are you doing? I could have made it."

Strong Spider: "Aw, sure you could, buddy. Huh?"

Behind them, the guardian lion mech leaps for the drone and makes it.

MK: "Yeah!"

They blast off back to the mortal realm.

Huntsman: "*growls* The Queen ain't gonna be happy about this. And what was wrong with Zhizhu?!"

Strong Spider taps him and they see the Lion Guardians behind them.

Strong Spider: "Uh, nice monster doggy?"

The Lion Guardians proceed to tear them up as screams can be heard. The scene cuts to the sky drone as the team has regrouped back in the mortal realm.

Tang: "So uh, what now?"

MK: "We find a place to lie low, make the antidote, and save everyone."

Red Son: "Ugh, you're back to your disgustingly, enthusiastic self. What happened?"

MK: "I got a new power. The power... of self-reflection."

Mei, Pigsy, Boarus and Tang: "Whoa!"

Red Son turns away in disgust as Zhizhu gives him a deadpan look.

Zhizhu: "Well that was anticlimactic."

Liù: "It's called maturing, not that you would get it."

Mei: "So! Where we headed?"

MK: "Set a course... for Flower Fruit Mountain!"

Back at the Spider Mech.

Sun Wukong: "What do you think, big guy?"

Demon Bull King growls, glaring at him.

Sun Wukong: "Enjoying the party?"

Demon Bull King: "She would never have subdued me had you not given her the power she needed."

Sun Wukong: "Or it's just that she captured me first 'cause I'm her favorite."

Macara: "*deadpans at Monkey King* Your a moron, you know that?"

Demon Bull King roars in anger as Spider Queen looks on in pleasure. The mysterious child, Huntsman and Strong Spider arrive at the door.

Mysterious Child: "My Queen. It seems the Demon Boy, the Shadow Apprentice and the Monkey King's protégé are working together."

Spider Queen: "So? What can they do? This city is mine!"

Mysterious Child: "Perhaps you should-"

Spider Queen: "Enough! I don't need you coming here being a party pooper. You know what we need to do? Celebrate! Bring in the Year of the Spider in style!"

Mysterious Child: "... As you wish."

The scene changes to Flower Fruit Mountain as Liù is sitting on a rock while MK is wrapping her foot up in bandages.

MK: "Aaannnnd, done! *wipes the sweat off his forehead* Good to know that Sandy keeps a med case on him just for emergencies. Feeling better?"

Liù: "A little, this just reminds me of the time when we arrived at the mountain and I had my wrist mildly injured."

MK: "Yeah, that was also the same day when we became the Monkie and Shadow Kids!"

Liù: "Has it really been that long?"

MK: "Yeah, but this time, it'll be better this year! New MK! New Liù! New life!"

Liù: "*sweat drops* I'm not sure if that sounds any better."

Liù stands up and grabs her makeshift crutch that lied next to her starts to hop over her Red Son is, where he starts preparing to make the antidote.

Liù: "How's the antidote, is it ready?"

Mei: "Not yet, he's doing this magic circle thing in order to make the cure for the venom."

Liù: "Got it. *looks around sees that Zhizhu is not with them* Uh, Mei? Where is she, I thought you and Sandy were supposed to keep an eye on her?!"

Mei: "She got away before we arrived. But don't worry, she still doesn't have her stuff, *holds up a duffle bag* so we're good!"

Liù: "*groans* Great, now she going to report back to the spider freak. The antidote needs to be done pronto."

They turn to see that Red Son is now starting to make the antidote while laughing.

Red Son: "I, Red Son, will find the powers of the Celestial artifacts with the Spider Queen's own venom, save my father, and reforge the world as I see fit! *laughs evilly*"

Mei: "Red Son, that was amazing!"

MK: "Such a good hero speech."

Liù: "That's nowhere towards to being a hero speech, dude."

Red Son: "Villain speech! And perhaps my best of all time!"

Liù: "Ok, what's next now?"

Red Son: "We do nothing. I add the ingredients in a very precise order *MK has disappeared from the view* you wouldn't understand."

Mei: "Uh, there's only two more ingredients, Red Boy."

MK: "And I already chucked them in."

Red Son: "What?!"

MK: "You're welcome."

Everyone is left on the ground, coughing. They go over to check the antidote.

Tang: "Ooh, I think it worked."

MK: "Alright. Time to take the fight back to the Spider Queen and end this nightmare once and for all."

Boarus: "How? Those spider people aren't just gonna line up for a sip."

Tang: "And even if they did, are we forgetting about Spider Queen? She defeated the Monkey King! How are you..."

MK: "We'll find a way! We always do."

Liù: "Ok, but just for clarification, how are we going to give it to the possessed people in the city?"

Sandy: "Well, I might have an idea."

He pulls out another remote and presses the button. Water shooters pop out from the Sky Drone.

Mei: "Oh, yeah!"

MK: "With this, we might have a chance!"

Liù: "Now, let's go kick some spider butt!"

They blast off with the antidote towards the city. The scene fades to the city streets as the Spider Queen is celebrating Year of the Spider.

Spider Queen: "Oh, here comes the spider float! And the spider dancers! This is how you rule the world! *sees Zhizhu running towards her* Oh hey sweetie, how was your hunt?"

Zhizhu: "*pants* My Queen-!"

Spider Queen: "*puts a finger to Zhizhu's mouth and shushes her* What did I tell you young lady?"

Zhizhu: "*sighs before she muffled* Just to call you mom when it's just you and the guys."

Spider Queen: "Exactly. And I- Huh? *sees a Monkey King sign in the crowd* What is that?"

Syntax: "*looks through a clipboard* I don't know. It's not on the approved parade schedule."

The team reveals themselves just before Spider Queen looks to her side and sees that the mysterious child has disappeared.

MK: "If it isn't Spider Queen throwing herself a party, prepare to meet your doom! *cackles*"

Red Son: "Now that's a hero speech!"

Mei: "Wow, MK, you're handling your spider phobia so well."

MK: "*up close, he's revealed to actually be sweating* I'm internalizing a lot of stuff right now. Release the antidote!"

The team releases the antidote as it starts to spray all over the city.

Spider Queen: "What? No!"

Citizens: "Freedom. Freedom. I'm free! I'm free!"

Mei: "It's working! Let's finish this!"

The group jumped down from the Sky Drone and poses cool before MK points his staff at Spider Queen.

MK: "You reign of horror is- *trembles* over."

Spider Queen: "Oh, Monkey Boy, you're nothing without your master. There's nothing that can stop me! Nothing!"

Spider Queen powers up her mech. MK leaps at her with the staff but she stops him and shoves him back. He crashes into the wall.

Mei/Liù: "MK!"

The rest of the team jumps at her but she catches them all in her webs. Liù was about to summon her dark staff before she is knocked back in the stomach by the Spider Queen and rolls over in front of MK. Liù looks up at Spider Queen as she uses her webs to now trap Liù in it. The scene changes to the Spider Mech as Demon Bull King is trying to restrain Spider Queen's attempt to use his powers.

Sun Wukong: "It's a shame, really. You being trapped here. No one to protect poor little Princess Iron Fan."

Demon Bull King: "My wife doesn't need protecting! She will decimate all in her way!"

His anger starts to break the webs. Macara notices Monkey King's plan and goes along with it.

Macara: "Oh yeah? How about that half-baked son of yours? Spider Queen's gonna eat him alive all because you were too weak."

He rages and breaks through the webs, freeing the other demons along with Monkey King and Macara.

Sun Wukong: "Hah! It worked! Excellent! *Demon Bull King grabs them* Whoa!"

He slams the two to the ground.

Sun Wukong: "Buddy! We were just getting you angry so you can-

Demon Bull King: "I know what you were doing, simians!"

He rips off the webs from Monkey King and Macara before he turns away from them.

Sun Wukong: "Wait. Where are you going?"

Demon Bull King: "To find my half-baked s... son."

He barges out the base, creating a hole in the wall.

Sun Wukong: "I've honestly missed that guy. *sees Macara leaving* Hey, wait a minute, Pulms! Where are you going?"

Macara: "I appreciate the plan that you had, but we still have to save my student long with your so called protégé of yours too."

Sun Wukong: "Wait, Plums I-"

Macara: "*glares at him* Don't, call me that. We were over the moment you left me behind, *turns away from him* so don't think I will be crawling back to you this time after this."

She disappears through the portal below her as the shadow leaving through the hole DBK destroyed.

Sun Wukong: "*sighs* Yep, knew she was gonna say that. *groans* I really need to be back in my game."

Behind him, the mysterious child makes herself known as she appears behind him.

Sun Wukong: "So, you thought you had all the pieces right where you wanted them."

Mysterious Child: "There are so many moves I have yet to play."

Sun Wukong: "You should have stayed buried."

He leaps at her but she disappears before she reappears again behind him in a different form.

Mysterious Woman: "I will rip the memory of you from this world."

She sends him visions of her inevitable future rule with the city being destroyed, MK screaming and two figures standing as one of them is being impaled and the other looking at them in fear.

???: "*weakly* Why...? How could you?"

Monkey King snaps back into reality and looks where the mysterious child/woman was. The scene changes to the group outside, they are tied up as Spider Queen approaches MK and Liù, monologuing.

Spider Queen: "Hmm. After all I've won and lost and won again, you think I was really gonna let some boy take it from me. But first, *raises her leg up towards Liù* Bye bye, problem child."

MK: "NO!"

She prepares to take her out but her powers go out.

Spider Queen: "Oh! *sees the Spider Mech losing power* No. My powers!"

Demon Bull King: "*bursts out* I am no one's slave!"

He lands and sends everyone flying but he goes to Red Son and rips off the webs.

Red Son: "Father."

He frees Mei from the webs, who was struggling to free herself from the webs.

Spider Queen: "All of you together can't beat me! I am the Queen!"

Sun Wukong: "Oh yeah?"

They look up to see Monkey King walking down the walls. He takes the staff and frees MK.

Sun Wukong: "Well, I'm the King. Turns out, I'm not so good with spiders either."

Macara: "*appears from the portal and frees Liù* As expected much, you're never going to be the queen of this city at this point.

Spider Queen: "If I can't rule this world. *uses her web to lift her back on to the base* No one can! I'll level this whole city!"

MK and Monkey King leap up to confront her.

Sun Wukong: "Alright, kiddo! It's now or never!"

MK: "Right!"

Monkey King grabs MK's hand and gets ready to throw him towards the Spider Queen.

MK/Sun Wukong: "Here! Comes! Monkie!"

Sun Wukong: "Kid."

He throws MK towards the base and starts to swing his staff.

Spider Queen: "No!"

MK destroys the base but then realizes that he starts falling.

MK: "No."

Monkey King catches him but they still freefall quickly. A giant shadow figure leaps up and grabs them both as the base explodes.

MK: "Thank you— *realizes who saved him* Liù?!"

Liù: "*next to him* That's not actually me."

MK: "Wha-? But, then who is-?!"

Macara (Giant shadow form): "You should know that there is difference between me and her, right?"

MK: "Um... Is there?"

He sees the sky and they all look at the aurora lights lighting up the skies.

MK: "Whoa!"

The others watched as Red Son is being supported up by Mei.

Sandy: "Whoa."

Sun Wukong: "*lands on MK's head* Hah, now those are New Year's fireworks! Huh?"

The scene fades as everyone is gathered at the rooftop, enjoying the rest of New Year's.

MK: "We should really get better at not smushing the city."

Sun Wukong: "Eh, priorities. *he laughs with MK* You did really good today, bud?"

MK: Are you okay? After-"

Sun Wukong: "It's fine, bud. It's dealt with. Want to tell your friends to take it down a bit?"

He peeks over his shoulder at Tang who is gawking at him.

Tang: "Monkey King! *gets up close to his face* I-I'm your biggest fan!"

Mei: "Hey! Daddy Bull King! Your baby Red Boy did real good hero work today!"

Red Son: "No! No! For the last time, I am not a hero!"

Mei laughs and Liù snickers at him a bit.

Red Son: "Father, let's never tell Mother anything that happened today?"

Demon Bull King: "Agreed. Come along... Son."

Red Son: "*eyes sparkling* S-Son?"

He cherishes the moment greatly before composing himself and leaving the scene with his father.

Tang: "Where did Monkey King go? Huh? *sees a box of treats left by Monkey King* Oh. Well, don't mind if I do."

MK watches Monkey King fly off in his bird form.

MK: "Happy New Year's, Monkey King."

Mei: "*offscreen* Ooh, yummy!"

MK: "Wait, no! Don't eat that!"

Tang: "Tastes like hair."

MK looks at where Liù is, who's walking towards the edge of the rooftop and sits down, before he walks towards her and sits down next to her in a good distance.

MK: "Soooooo... I'm sorry about the whole New Year's thing going wrong and not being there for you at the festival. I guess I was just so caught up with trying a whole new level of trying to be different, but that's never going to happen, is it?"

Liù: "That's not entirely true, you did change this year I have to admit."

MK: "What do you mean?"

Liù: "Well, at first being partners with you, both work and hero junk was really fun. Second, despite you being weird, you've actually managed to convince me to go through all these shenanigans that's happened to us. And third, you might have screwed up on the lessons you're supposed to learn, but you somehow managed to figure it out mostly with my help or on your own."

MK smiles at the memories that Liù mentioned in the past.

MK: "Yeah, I guess this was a fun crazy year."

Liù: "Mhm."

MK: "Oh! I did have a surprise for you actually!"

Liù: "Really?"

MK: "Yeah! *digs through his pocket and pulls out a small box* Happy New Years!"

Liù gently takes the box from him and looks at it curiously before unwrapping the box. She opens it and finds a small bracelet with a little sun attached to it.

MK: "I got you a sun bracelet! It'll remind you of our first friendship together and that we work together as partners!"

Liù: "Huh, odd coincidence, because I have a similar gift for you too. *pulls out a bracelet with a little moon attached to it* Happy New Years, MK."

MK: "*gasps* It's so pretty, like you!"

Liù: "What?"

MK: "Huh?... *realizes what he said and blushes madly* I mean, because the moon is beautiful and your similar to it! I-I-I mean, not that you look like the moon, I mean you are but, I just-! *slips from the edge and falls from the rooftop as he screams*"

Liù gasps and looks down as MK crashes down with sounds in the background before it goes silent.

Liù: "You ok MK?"

MK: "*shouts weakly* I'm ok! Ow."

Liù giggles a bit as she looks at the Sun bracelet before she puts it on around her wrist. The scene changes to the cave as Spider Queen is sobbing.

Spider Queen: "Where were you?! What happened to my destiny?!"

Mysterious Child: "Your destiny has not been changed or diminished. Your enemies have done exactly what we needed."

She brings in the Trigram Furnace.

Mysterious Child: "And now, my Queen, the real game can begin."

The scene flashes before it all goes black.
