xv. catnip

"Hey, I have a surprise for you."
Lisa barely stirred at Jungkook's words from her sleepy position on the couch, her phone on speaker in her hand that was hanging off the edge. "Hm?"
It was her day-off, and she hadn't found the motivation yet to get out of her pyjamas or move from in front of the TV all morning. 
"I kind of need to see you to give it to you though."
"Oh?" she said, her interest now a little more piqued.
"Yeah, can I come round?"
"This isn't just a ploy to get me all alone in the dorms, is it, Mr. Jeon?"
"Don't make me sound like a creep! It's nothing like that."
"That's a shame."
"Hehe, just kidding," she snickered. "Yeah, you can come round. My unnies will be out until later this afternoon."
"I know."
"Nothing. I'll be round in a bit then."
"Okay, see you in a bit."


Lisa finally slithered off the sofa to pick out something to change into. She opted for a baggy t-shirt and a customary pair of sweatpants. When a bit of time had passed without Jungkook showing up, she flopped back into the sofa.
"He's late," she mumbled, too lazy to be annoyed at him.
She continued watching her drama while she waited, and managed to finish an episode and start the next one before the doorbell rang.
She took her time getting up and answering it. When she swung open the door, she was glaring.
"You're late."
Jungkook smirked at the sight of his girlfriend with mussed hair, a small glare on her face and pouted lips.
He leaned down to plant a quick peck on her ready lips before straightening and moving past her into the apartment. "You'll have to forgive me if you want your surprise."
"What's so great about this surprise anyway? You were the one who asked to come round and then you were the one who was late." Her voice didn't have much heat in it but she didn't feel like conceding so easily today.
"Trust me, you'll like it."
His voice trailed off expectantly but Lisa was still waiting impatiently, staring at him as if he had gone mad.
"So..." she started. "What is it?"
Just when Jungkook's smirk couldn't get any bigger, there was a small sound that sounded suspiciously like... a meow.
Lisa's eyes narrowed. It was only when she heard it again did they widen in disbelief. "Is that... a cat?"
Finally she noticed the box by Jungkook's side, his left hand gripping it's top handle.
She stared through the grating, trying to peek at its dark contents, and could definitely see something moving in there.
"Jungkook, you didn't..." She moved closer and he eventually relented and put the carrier down on the floor gently. He kneeled beside it and opened the cage door.
Lisa watched with her breath held as a little kitten ambled out into the sun-lit room, blinking curiously at the new environment.
"Jungkook-ah," she cried happily, as she scooped up the kitten. It protested with a weak mewl but Lisa kept it firmly within the protection of her arms.
"Is this kitten for me?"
Jungkook nodded, grinning at how happy Lisa looked.
"That's why I was late, I had to pick him up first and he put up quite a fight when we tried to get him into the carrier." He pulled up his sleeves as evidence, where little red scratches trailed up his forearm.
She simply hummed and picked up the kitten to hug it to her chest. She ignored the squirming in favour of snuggling her cheek into its warm fur. "Did meanie Jeon Jungkook try to force you into a cage? Huh, he did, didn't he?"
"Hey!" he protested but he couldn't help his laugh at seeing Lisa taking to the kitten so quickly.
"Jungkook, this is the best present anyone has ever gotten me! And you remembered I said I wanted a Scottish fold. Thank you so much."
Jungkook smiled back and shifted closer to her so he could pet the kitty too.
"Ah!" she suddenly exclaimed. "What if my unnies aren't okay with having a cat at the dorms? And what if Dolgomie goes crazy at having a cat in the same place?"
"Don't worry, I knew you were splitting your time between your place and the dorms a lot recently so I asked them and they all said they were fine with it. Jisoo-noona assured me that Dalgom gets along with other animals."
"You asked them?!" she asked, her eyes wide in surprise. He nodded in reply and her expression melted.
She gave Jungkook a head rub too, in much the same way as she been showering on her new pet. "Good boy. You really do think of everything."
He pouted and smoothed his hair back into place. "Honestly, anyone else would think you suddenly got two new pets today, instead of just the one."
She grinned back at the teasing. "Seriously though, I'm surprised my unnies managed to keep it a secret. They know how I've missed my two cats back in Thailand so much."
"Yeah, and I also know how homesick you've been lately. This little fella can keep you company when neither me nor your members are around."
"Thank you, Jungkookie," she repeated shyly. She had already shared her thoughts with him about getting a cat, but it was such a nice surprise that he would actually gift it to her. It made her first pet in Korea much more special.
"What are you going to name him?"
She hummed in thought, but couldn't come up with anything on the spot. "I don't know, any ideas?"
Jungkook also thought for a bit before coming out with, "Chul."
He announced it with a lot of conviction but Lisa couldn't help but stare back at him unimpressed. "That's like naming him John..."
And then, "Junsu."
She crinkled her nose. "Why are you picking only old man names?"
He laughed and shrugged. "Maybe you can come up with something better with your members."
"I'll just call you kitty for now," she said, snuggling once again into its warm fur. The cat objected and squirmed around in her arms, even scratching weakly at her.
"Ouchie," she scolded with a tut. She finally relented and put him down, the cat finally bounding around to explore his new home.
"Is your arm okay?" Jungkook asked with a worried frown.
She nodded, rubbing away the red marks that the scratches had left on her. "Yeah, cat owners get used to it. Is yours okay?"
He grinned and showed her the scratches again lining his forearms. They were superficial and didn't sting anymore. "The shop assistant said this cat is feisty but said he'll grow out of it."
"I'll love him no matter how many scratches he gives me."
"Even if it's painful?" Jungkook asked sceptically, always having owned a dog and unused to a cat lover's weird tolerance.
"Of course. My love is unconditional," she grinned at him. He couldn't help but feel warmed at her reassurance and grinned back.
"You're making me feel a little jealous."
"Of a cat?! You probably should be, to be honest," she laughed. "I think I have a new favourite boy." She stared fondly at the cat's antics pawing at a bit of the floor that was half in sunlight and half in shadow. It chased the dust particles that moved around in the light.
Jungkook scooped up the kitten in one hand and tucked him into his hoodie's large front pocket. The cat's little head poked out curiously but he seemed to like his new perch. "Right, I'll be taking him back this instant." He stood up, making a show of heading to the front door to leave.
She scrambled up after him and hastily gripped the sleeve of Jungkook's hoodie to hold him back. "No no, wait!"
Jungkook kept his back to her stubbornly. "Something to add, Manoban?"
"Alright alright, Jeon Jungkook. I'll always love you the most, okay?"
Jungkook tried hard to resist the smile that was pulling at his lips but failed miserably. "That's what I like to hear." He turned to face her and gave her a chaste kiss on the mouth.
"Now give me my baby back," Lisa petulantly said, reaching inside his pocket to scoop the kitten back out.
"Ah, I knew it wouldn't last long..."
They spent the rest of the afternoon playing with her new kitten, baiting it with bits of string and treats.
"Alright, I should probably get going," Jungkook said, standing up and brushing off his pants.
"I have a couple of meetings this evening over dinner."
She nodded her head in understanding and got up too to see him to the door. "Thank you again, Jungkook-ah."
He smiled at her shy, sincere gratitude and leaned down to place a slow kiss on her lips, savouring the moment. "Send me lots of videos and pictures of him. And update me when you have a name for him."
"Of course I'll update, you're his father after all."
Her words made his cheeks light up and he grinned. "A father to a healthy, happy baby boy? This is the best day of my life." He kissed her again, a deep, straight-from-the-movies type of kiss that left her light-headed and made her toes curl.
"Stop it," she giggled, slapping him lightly away. "Go seriously, before I don't let you leave for your dinner."
He chuckled back deeply, but saluted at her and bid her another farewell.


A few weeks later and they both found themselves walking beside the Han river. They both had masks and bucket hats on but it was late enough that they had only passed by two or three people since they started their midnight stroll.
"I've missed you so much," Lisa said with a small pout. Jungkook had just gotten off a flight from the States, where BTS's fame had skyrocketed again after their release of Fake Love, and were doing the rounds of chat show performances and other gigs.
"Me too, it's been so crazy these last few months. I've barely gotten to see you." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer.
"Those video calls definitely don't do this face justice," she said, reaching up to pinch his cheeks where they were exposed above his mask. She laughed as he swatted her hand away.
"And I miss hearing that laugh in person."
She sighed again, her mood dropping. "It's only going to get worse as June approaches."
"Your comeback, right?"
"Yeah, they're going to promote us hard with this one."
He sighed too but promptly tried to change the subject to something lighter.
"How's little Leo?"
At the mention of her cat, Lisa's expression instantly changed. After Jungkook had left her dorms after gifting her a kitten, her members had returned and they had all played around with the newest member of the PetPinks. Rosé had been the one to suggest naming him Leo, and it seemed to fit perfectly.
"He's the cutest little thing. You need to come round again to see your son getting so big." She showed him a few pictures she took of Leo that morning on her phone to Jungkook.
"Looks just like his mama," Jungkook teased, play-acting his role of a proud father. "I got him a gift from America." He dug into his inner jacket pocket and pulled out something small, about the size of his palm.
Lisa took it with surprised joy - it was a stuffed fish that squeaked when squeezed. "It's cute! He'll love it." She rewarded him with a peck over the top of their masks.
"Did you get me a gift too?" she teased, poking his side. Really, she was just happy that he was there with her in that moment, but to her glee, he did actually rummage around again in his jacket.
"Of course I wouldn't forget about you." Jungkook pulled out a small unopened gacha capsule and presented it to Lisa with an extra hand flourish.
She giggled as she excitedly twisted the egg-shaped container open and shook the toy into the center of her palm. It was a small figurine of Tom from Tom and Jerry.
The small, inexpensive gesture meant the most to Lisa, more than anything designer or high-end. It meant that whilst he was away on his travels, he had seen this Tom and Jerry gacha machine and it had reminded him of her, and it didn't matter that it was just some cheaply-moulded plastic.
"You know me so well," she said wistfully, thinking that she could add this to her small, but growing, collection of figurines, ranging from minions to bear bricks. "I love it, thank you."
Jungkook took a quick glance left and right to check that the path and road were empty of people before he pushed his whole body against hers until she backed into the sturdy concrete wall that acted as a barrier between the footpath and the river below them. He had placed his hand at her lower back to soften the blow there.
"Jungkook-" Lisa started with a small yelp at his sudden actions.
"I know a good way you can show your gratitude," he said, his voice dripping with suggestion. He lowered his mask down to his chin and presented her with his cheek.
She thought he was going to suggest something a lot more scandalous, as out of character as that would have been for him, so a peck on the cheek was easy and slightly tame for Lisa's taste. She complied anyway and followed his example to pull down her mask. He leaned down a little so she could reach without standing on her tip-toes, and she went in for a chaste kiss. However, just as she was close enough, he turned his head abruptly and they ended up in a lip lock.
Jungkook's arm behind her back tightened around her, whilst his other free hand went to box her in on her other side. His body pressed even closer to deepen the kiss and when she eventually responded, they both melted into it naturally.
They didn't know how long they remained making out by the river for, but a loud shout and giddy screaming quickly pulled them apart. They tugged up their masks quickly, eyes darting around to find who may have discovered them in a severely compromising position.
It was three kids messing about on skateboards that passed them just as Jungkook and Lisa had been wretched apart.
"Yo, get a room!" one of the kids shouted, laughing to his friends as they whizzed past. They didn't spare the couple another glance, and Lisa and Jungkook both let out a collective sigh.
Lisa's heart was still beating erratically though from the close call.
"Honestly, Jungkook-ah, you can't control yourself, can you?"
"It wasn't me who let out the moan just then," Jungkook teased back, his tone light enough to remove the tension from the air.
Lisa incredulously gaped at him. "I didn't moan!" She could barely distinguish if she was telling the truth or not, because her mind has been so hazy when she was kissing Jungkook that she didn't remember whether she had moaned into the kiss or not.
They continued following the path for another half an hour, their banter and conversation flowing again, but there was now about a foot of space between them now and their hands stayed firmly at their own sides.
