mandu_cheeks - unity

mandu_cheeks 🔒

♥️Liked by jonginnie_bear, chichu and 365 others

mandu_cheeks thank you Blinks if you can hear me... tonight was fun. Well done to my members too, we all worked hard and put on a good show. Especially our maknae Lili, whose ankle hurt but she persevered - fighting!

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jonginnie_bear wish we could have been there to see you perform...

----- mandu_cheeks it was amazing, you really missed out

----- jonginnie_bear so cruel...

rosie_posie love you ♥️

chichu cute Jendeukie! We all did well. We'll look after Lisa now and make sure she rests.

v_private congrats on the win, we missed half but the half we saw was amazing 🔫

jeonjk is she okay?!

----- mandu_cheeks yes

----- chichu she took pain meds on the night but she's recovering now

----- jeonjk okay, I'm glad to hear... Tell her to take better care of herself...
