viii. in the air

Spring was now in full effect in Seoul, with the air smelling sweet and alive from the budding cherry blossoms and the sun making its appearance more and more these days.
The Pinks' schedules had intensified as June and the comeback date were drawing closer and closer. However, having just finished filming the music video for As If It's Your Last, they had been rewarded the whole weekend off.
"Are you going to be okay by yourself, Lisa?" Jennie asked, worriedly hovering by the front door. She was spending her day off with her mum, and they were going to go out for lunch and shopping.
Lisa nodded cheerfully. "I'll be fine, unnie. Now go, before you're late!"
"I'll buy you something whilst I'm out!" Jennie called back to assuage her guilt, as she was leaving.
"Make it something delicious!" Lisa called back.
Rosé and Jisoo had already left yesterday and were spending the weekend at their families' homes.
This left Lisa with the dorm to herself. She had found herself transforming into her natural self when she was alone, which meant baggy lounge clothes, curled up on the sofa with a blanket and watching k-dramas on Netflix.
Her mobile pinged beside her with a new message alert. It was from the goth boy who was so nick-named because he always wore black. She really should change the contact name now they had gotten closer and he was being less annoying to her.


Change contact name from Annoying Goth Kid to Him 💜?

Yes | No


Him 💜
27th May 10:54 AM

Good morning

Morning Jungkook-ah

What are you up to today

My day off!
I don't know how to spend it

Quality time with your members?

They're all with their families. 

What about your family?

They're busy in Thailand rn so can't visit me.

I have a day off too (:
Want me to keep you company?

I mean, are you sure?

Yeah 🤗
Can I come over?
We can watch Netflix and play games

Sounds perfect.
This is the address: ...
Make sure you don't get caught coming in 🤫


Lisa couldn't stop smiling at her phone. She didn't want to admit it to her members but being left alone when she couldn't see her family members right now, and hadn't seen them since before Christmas of last year, made her want to wallow in her self-pity for the day. She would be crying at the television but secretly crying for herself while pigging out on snacks.
But thankfully, she was spending the day with Jungkook. Saying it in her head finally let the information sink in...
"Oh no," she said aloud to the empty room. She questioned whether it was wise to bring a guy over to their dorm but he wasn't a stranger to any of the Pinks. Instead he was the guy who she had had a celebrity crush on for many years, only to meet him and find out he was just an average human - albeit a good-looking, annoying, teasing human. He was the same man who could never fail to make her blush with just a few flowery words. The same one who had greeted her good morning for the last few months via text and had sang her to sleep just a few days ago. She smiled at where they were now.
She swept her eyes across the living room and kitchen and suddenly pulled the blanket hastily off her. She had to tidy up some of the mess before he got here or he would think the girls lived there as slobs!
She was so busy organising the living room, vacuuming up crumbs and washing the dishes, that she barely had enough time to check her reflection. She decided it was fine to stay in her matching beige lounge set with no make up but she had to do something about her hair at least.
She undid the roller that was holding her bangs up and shook out her messy ponytail, brushing a hand through her long hair.
The doorbell rang and she ran to go answer it.
"Hey," she greeted, her breathing still quickened from her rushed state.
Jungkook was dressed in his usual black garb, consisting of a plain hooded sweatshirt, some jersey joggers and chunky sneakers. He wore a cap and a mask to help hide his face.
"Hey, I brought lunch." Jungkook held up the bags be was carrying in both hands with an eye crinkle.
"Ahh you even thought about that," she said, opening the door wide to let him in.
"You haven't eaten yet, right?"
"No but I was getting hungry."
"Good, I didn't know what you liked so I bought a lot."
She led him to the living room where they unwrapped the food he had brought over on the low coffee table. He hadn't lied when he said he bought a lot. This was at least four people's servings! There was Korean food, fried chicken and even some Thai food.
"How did you know to choose gamjatang?!" Lisa exclaimed in surprise.
"You like it?" Jungkook asked. He dipped a spoon into the spicy pork bone soup and took a sip for himself.
"It's my favourite dish," she grinned. "You must have magical psychic powers."
They both made themselves comfortable on the floor. He pulled out his wallet and keys from his back pocket so they wouldn't dig into him and placed them on the floor next to him. Lisa had a piece of chicken halfway to her lips when she noticed the little key chain attached to his house keys. 
"Hey! It's ice cream kitty!" she pointed accusingly at the little plushie that he had won from the claw machine at the karaoke place a few months back. She had wanted to win it for herself but had run out of coins, so
Jungkook had taken over and won in one go. Instead of gifting it to her like she thought he would, he instead kept it for himself and apparently carried it with him wherever he went. 
"I won it fair and square," Jungkook warned before she could accuse him of anything.
She pouted a little and looked at the keychain longingly. "It's so cute though. We need to go back there and get me one!"
"We?" he asked a little sceptically.
"You're obviously a lot luckier at games than me!"
He shook his head hopelessly, realising she was dead serious about getting her hands on the cat keychain.
"You're totally a cat person, aren't you?" he asked, although he was already sure of the answer.
She nodded her head enthusiastically.
"What about you? Are you a cat or dog person?"
"Can't I be both?" he asked with a raise of his eyebrow. 
She shrugged. "I guess. I would have kicked you out right now if you said you didn't like cats though."
"I love cats, but I only have a dog back home."
"We only have cats back in Thailand. I really miss them." Her face fell a little as she thought about her home and her family. 
"Must be hard, huh? Being away from them for such long periods at a time."
Jungkook's observation made her raise her head at him again. She nodded with a small, sad smile on her face. "Yeah, I mean I could say I'm getting used to it after so many years away, but that would be a lie..."
He nodded in understanding, but didn't otherwise know what to say or do to comfort her. So instead, he nudged her arm lightly and gestured to the array of food with his chopsticks. "Eat," he commanded lightly, with a small tilt of his lips. Food always worked as a remedy to any ill.
She nodded back and tucked in, and eventually her smile reappeared, much to Jungkook's relief.
They put on the TV and watched a variety show that was on while they ate, laughing at all the ridiculous stuff the hosts had to do. After they had tidied up their meal, they settled back on the couch. Jungkook had suggested watching a horror movie on Netflix, as it was his favourite genre. Lisa had never done very well with scary movies, but she bravely agreed, sure that it wouldn't even be that scary.
"Oh my goddd," she squealed, covering her eyes with her hands. They were only a few minutes into the film, and she was already scared. But her curiosity to know what was happening was winning over her fear, so she parted her fingers to still be able to see the screen.
"Should I put the volume lower?" Jungkook asked, but through his consideration for her, she could hear the amusement in his voice.
She elbowed him as payback for finding entertainment in her scared reactions.
"No, leave the volume," she replied stubbornly.
"Are you sure?"
"No, but I'm doing this. It's a good movie so far, I just don't do very well with scary scenes."
As if on cue, the possessed child in the movie suddenly started attacking his own family with a knife and Lisa jumped out of her own skin. She turned her face away from the gore, unaware that she had unconsciously buried herself into Jungkook's side, using his oversized hoodie to cover her eyes.
"Oh my god, that really scared me," she said, still clutching onto his side. Her eyes peeked out, glistening with her fear, but still curious as to what was happening on screen.
Jungkook had stayed very still while all this had happened, not really concentrating on the film anymore. He didn't think she had realised yet that she was so nestled into his side. Her legs had even come up to tuck themselves beneath her on the couch and her hands were buried in the fabric of his hoodie. He could smell her sweet scent from this proximity and was tempted to wrap his arm around her body to bring her even closer.
He didn't do that, and instead stayed stock still.
There were several other jump scare scenes in the movie, and each time, Lisa used Jungkook as her shield. When she was feeling a bit braver towards the end of the movie, she detached herself from his side but still sat close to him and dragged his arm into her lap to hug when she got scared again.
He could do nothing to resist her. He smiled when she used his hand instead of her own to cover her eyes. Her hands were warm and small when wrapped around his own. She looked so adorable when she was scared.
The credits started to roll and only then did she let him go fully and sit up. She breathed out a sigh of relief and then beamed up at him. "That was a really good movie!" she declared brightly.
"Really?" he said incredulously. "You didn't look like you enjoyed it."
"Well, I'm surprised the kid didn't kill all those people in the end, but the part with the demon turning into the dad...! That was such a shock!"
He stared at her in bewilderment before he burst out laughing. "You're really something else," he said between fits of laughter. "You looked like you were going to cry out of fear on some parts, and you almost tore my arm off in the chainsaw scene."
Lisa laughed too and apologised for mistreating his arm.
"That's okay. We'll definitely have to watch more horror films together though." He was of course looking forward to their close contact again the next time they did.
"What do you want to do now?" he asked.
"Hmm... How about Just Dance?"
"Okay, don't cry when you lose though," he replied cockily.
She raised a brow back at him, hand poised on her cocked hip. "I'm a main dancer and the best female dancer at YG... some would even say of the whole k-pop industry. Of course I won't lose."
They ended up playing several rounds... and each time Lisa demanded a rematch because she kept losing.
Eventually they were both exhausted from playing and collapsed, Lisa onto the couch facedown and Jungkook onto the floor.
"Why can't I win?" Lisa said miserably into a cushion.
"I told you I was good at this game."
"You're good at every game," she said petulantly. She turned her face to the side so she could see him. His eyes were closed and his hair was starting to stick to his face. His chest rose and fell with each deep breath and his sleeves were rolled up to reveal his toned forearms.
He cracked an eye open. "What did you say earlier about main dancer again?"
She reached an arm off the couch to flick him lightly on the forehead. "Shut it."

e caught her hand easily in his and continued to tease her. "No really, I'd be really interested to hear what the best dancer of YG, and some would even say the best dancer in the whole k-pop world, has to say after losing to the measly Jeon Jungkook in several rounds of Just Dance."
She tried to pull away from his grip to slap him again but he held firm.
"That game's not fair! You don't need real dancing ability to play it!" she whined, still struggling to free her hand. She shifted position to try attacking him with her other hand but he soon grabbed that too, his larger hands engulfing both her wrists.
Before she could try to scold him with her words, he tugged with enough force that she slid off the sofa and landed on the floor with her face hovering over his.
"Just admit that I'm the best at dancing and I'll let you go," he said softly. They were so close she could feel his breath ghosting over her lips ever so gently.
She swallowed hard and looked between his intense dark eyes and his perfectly shaped lips. She licked her own dry lips and watched with some satisfaction how
Jungkook's eyes followed quickly.
Boldly she brought her face even closer to his. She made sure their eyes were locked when she shook her head gently with a small amused smile.
His eyebrows raised minutely.
"You don't want me to let go?" he asked, his voice only a hoarse whisper to not ruin the charged moment.
She shook her head again.
His lips pulled up at the corners and his hands tightened around her wrists, as he raised his head slightly and his lips pressed lightly to hers.
Their eyes slid closed and he moved languorously against her lips.
When they parted, she kept her eyes closed, savouring the feeling of Jungkook's kiss. Her head was foggy and her heart was hammering out of her chest, but she wanted the feeling to last forever.
When she felt him shifting and getting up off the floor, she finally opened her eyes.
He was holding out his hands to help her up, to which she obliged.
"It's getting late, Lisa, I should probably go before your members get back."
She nodded her head, still in a daze.
He stood in front of her, just looking at her for a couple of seconds. Just when she thought he was going to kiss her again, he instead placed a hand on top of her head.
"Take care, Lalisa."
