xi. win it for me

Him πŸ’œ
11th July 14:22 PM

How did it go?

Good. Better than expected (:
How did your unnies react?

They were so excited for us!
They guessed as soon as they walked through the door and I had a massive smile plastered on my face πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ
I really can't hide anything

My members were happy
But they couldn't stop teasing me πŸ™„
Saying how I'm the youngest
But would be the first to get married..

Married? Whoa there 😳

Lol that's what I told them too

Not until at least two years right? πŸ˜‰
Just kidding! πŸ˜…


Btw my members are very protective...
So if you get threatened by them, you better take it seriously Mr. Jeon!

Ack, I'm scared
Bam is already really scared of Jisoo noona!

It should really be Jennie you should be scared of...

My members already love you 😒

Well what can I say?
But seriously...
I won them over already?

Yeah they said we're a good match
I'm happy
You know Bang PD also found out quickly
I think RM hyung told him

Was he mad??

No lol he was super chill
We never had a dating ban
We just don't reveal our private lives to the public ever

Oh thank god
He's really okay with it?


I can't even tell my managers
Although I think one of them suspects...
But definitely can't tell Sajangnim!
We still have dating bans!
So please please please make sure no one on your side talks! πŸ™

Dw, none of the staff know
Just the members, my manager and Bang PD

Phew okay
Okay I need to get some sleep
Tomorrow's schedule is crazy

You want me to call for your lullaby?

Yes please πŸ‘Ό


My Lalisa πŸ’›
22nd August 8:38 AM


Yes girlfriend?

You want to go on a date with me?

Oh? This is a nice surprise

It's almost your birthday too

Of course I want to go with you πŸ’•

Let's take the subway...
Meet at Gangnam Station at 11, k?



Lisa and Jungkook had been official for a couple of weeks now and had been talking everyday through text or late night phone calls. This would be their first date as an official couple, but not for lack of trying. Both of their schedules had been packed during the month of July and start of August and they had missed each other both being in Seoul several times.
Now they were both finally granted a day off. Lisa had a surprise outing planned for Jungkook for his birthday that she was sure he would love.
After their dinner at her dorms, they had discussed that they would have to keep their relationship extremely low-key and secretive. Both idols couldn't afford scandals. They both understood that meeting in person would be difficult a lot of the time and a lot of their relationship would be long-distance while they were touring or busy.
To be extra careful, Lisa put on an inconspicuous outfit of a large hooded sweatshirt and wide-leg jeans with a black, mid-length wig. She topped off her disguise with a bucket hat and a black mask. When she was done getting ready, she doubted even Jungkook would recognise her at first glance.
"Jennie-unnie, I'm sneaking out."
"You're not supposed to tell us if you're sneaking out, maknae."
"I wanted to ask you to cover for me if manager-oppa asks!"
"Sure sure," Jennie agreed easily. "We'll just say you're under the weather and resting in bed."
"Thanks, unnie, you're the best."
Jennie accepted a hug from their youngest. She had agreed so quickly because she understood more than anyone that idols needed their own private lives, away from the public, the media and their management companies.
Lisa headed out to wait by the entrance to Gangnam Station. It was the end of summer and the streets were quieter on this weekday. Everyone must have been back at school or work. She hoped that where they were headed was significantly quieter too.
"Excuse me, miss?"
A voice and a looming shadow startled her out of her daydream and she looked up with wide-eyed apprehension.
However, when she had expected a stranger standing in front of her, she was instead greeted by the kind, familiar eyes of Jungkook.
"Oh! You really startled me!" Lisa said.
She could see his eyes crinkle in humour beneath his mask.
He flicked at her fake black locks. "I almost didn't recognise you at all."
"Then it's doing its job," she grinned.
She linked their arms and tugged him towards the subway entrance, and they made their way down the escalators.
"We're in a couple's outfit today," he said, referring to their matching bucket hats and baggy, casual clothes. "You look good," he complimented with a boyish grin.
"Really? I used to always get scolded for dressing too much like a tomboy."
"I love it when girls dress like this," he reassured her. Then slinging an arm around her shoulders, he whispered into her ear, "You're totally my type."
She elbowed him in the ribs for his teasing, pushing him away from her, but really, her cheeks were heating up beneath her mask.
"I usually like older guys but I guess I'll make an exception for you," she feigned nonchalance, quickly dragging him back to her with the material of his hoodie. He slung his arm around her again.
"Oh... What's so special about older guys?" he tried to ask casually, but a bit of his self-consciousness had leaked out from his tone.
"When I say 'older guys', I mean one in particular - Gong Yoo oppa."
It was his turn to incredulously push her away from him.
"Ahh, are you serious," he asked with a devastated shake of his head. "How am I supposed to compete?!"
She laughed and tried to capture his arm to bring him closer but he kept evading her, zig-zagging around the wide underground tunnel leading to the platforms. "Jungkook-ah, I was just kidding! I'll never be able to have Gong Yoo so I'll happily settle for the next best thing."
"That was the worst back-handed compliment ever," he deadpanned, to which she just had to laugh more.
"No seriously, I am kidding. I know a lot more about Jeon Jungkook than Gong Yoo and I still manage to like Jeon Jungkook more."
"It's still not enough, but I'll convince you in time," Jungkook said, finally relenting and letting himself be pulled back into Lisa's arms. He lowered his head and whispered into her ear, "I'll make you forget all about any other guys."
His declaration successfully made her turn a shocking tomato red colour, and she couldn't manage to look him in the eye, or she would have seen his huge smirk and attempt to stifle laughter at her reaction.
He spared her any more flustering, and abruptly changed the topic. "I haven't ridden the subway in so long. It must have been since just after debut," he admitted, looking around the station at all the familiar infrastructure.
She was glad for the distraction. "I like riding it whenever I get the chance. It makes me feel like a real Seoulite!"
Lisa took the lead and led them onto a train that was heading east.
"Aren't you going to tell me where we're going?"
The train car was relatively empty and they managed to find a seat with no problems.
"It's a secret until we get there. Just trust me, you'll like it!"
She lay her head on his shoulder throughout the journey and inspected their clasped hands to pass the time away. Her hands were relatively large for a girl's but his still dwarfed hers.
Finally, when they arrived at their stop, the pin dropped for Jungkook.
"We're going to a funfair!?" His face lit up like a child on Christmas day when she nodded.
"Happy birthday, Jungkook-ah!"
She purchased the tickets for the both of them and they headed into the funfair with no issues.
"Do you like rides?" he asked, already eyeing up the biggest, scariest rides with loops and steep drops.
"Of course! I wouldn't have suggested coming here if I was scared."
They ran hand-in-hand like little kids to the ride. Although claiming that she wasn't scared, she screamed the whole time, making Jungkook burst into laughter that his stomach muscles hurt when they got off.
They rode it two more times along with the pirate ship, the carousel and the dodgems.
For lunch, they ate corn dogs and warm pretzels. The weather at the end of summer was still hot and so they also shared a large helping of shaved ice.
"Look at that!" Lisa said excitedly, pointing to something. "It's so cute and fluffy!"
Jungkook turned to see several stuffed toys by the funfair games. Lisa was pointing to one in particular that was the largest out of the selection. It was a white bunny rabbit, which was fitting.
"Come on," Jungkook said resolutely, taking her hand. The game was a shooting game, which he knew he was good at. Just knock down all the cans.
It only took him 2 tries and then he had mastered it and won the giant stuffed bunny. He had to grab it from the game attendant with both arms.
"Kook..." came Lisa's quiet voice. Looking around the bunny, her eyes were large and looking at him innocently. "Are you pulling a ice cream kitty on me again?"
She was referring to that time at the karaoke place, where she had tried winning a cat plushie key chain for herself, failed, enlisted the help of Jungkook, who had used his own money and won it one try, and then who had failed to give her the prize she had sought so desperately.
He constantly showed off the key chain that he kept linked to his keys - it was a quick and surefire way to see her cute face turn all flushed and annoyed.

e considered teasing her and withholding the huge stuffed toy, but thought better about it and laughed. "I won it for you this time, silly."

Her eyes lit up when he handed it over to her. It was huge and dwarfed her when she hugged it with both arms stretched around it.
"Ah, it's so cute. My little bunny," she struggled to reach around to tap the tip of Jungkook's nose with a delicate finger. "And my big bunny." She muzzled her face into her newest stuffed toy.
He helped her carry it around the funfair as they played a few more games. Eventually, the sun started setting and they made their way back on the train.
They ended the day where they had started it - at Gangnam Station.
Before parting ways, they hugged each other, Lisa wrapped her arms around his waist, and Jungkook draping his arms over her shoulder.
They stayed like that for several seconds, both closing their eyes and remembering the moment. They both didn't know when they would have a day like today again. BTS were still on tour for the rest of the year, with building popularity and schedules. Blackpink were entering their reality show, Blackpink House soon and with cameras around her 24/7, she wouldn't be able to sneak out.
When they parted from each other, Lisa had a pout on her face that let Jungkook know exactly how she felt.
"Don't be sad, we'll see each other again soon."
"When? We're both so busy and when we do see each other, we have to sneak around like this," she gestured to their masks and disguises.
"You're still Lalisa Manoban under there, aren't you? And I'm still Jeon Jungkook. That's all that matters." He kissed her pout away in the next moment and then she really didn't want to leave.
"Okay, Jeon Jungkook. I'll trust you on this one," she said, finally turning away to go their separate ways. "Message me, okay?"
