v. virtual games

After the '97 liner's (plus '95 Jisoo's) karaoke session, Jungkook went straight back to his dorms that he shared with his members. It was fairly late but he stayed up for a while in the living room, eating a late night snack of leftover noodles.
He made himself comfortable on the couch with his plate balanced on the arm rest, as he switched on the TV. They were playing a replay of the performances from the Seoul Music Awards, and Blackpink's performance was currently on. As the song transitioned from Playing With Fire to Boombayah, he was impressed all over again at seeing Lisa perform her rap section. She had so much charisma on stage but she was incredibly goofy off stage, as he had come to learn. Even his hyungs had talked about finding it hard to reconcile the two images they had of her.
Seeing Lisa's performance again made him reminisce on the time he had spent with her so far. It had only solidified the crush he had had on her since first seeing her in the Whistle music video. Obviously, back before he had met her, he only admired her as a fellow idol, but now that he had gotten to know her, he liked their banter and their easiness around each other. He hadn't gotten along with somebody so fast in a long time, especially not a female. He usually didn't like it when girls fawned over him or acted too obvious, but seeing her blush around him made him feel weak. An involuntary smirk came to his face just thinking about how he was purposefully trying to get her to blush now and she could be set off by the simplest of compliments.
But he was quickly learning that what he liked the most about her was her laughter. It truly did light up the room and it was instantly infectious.
"Oh JK, did you only just get back?" J-Hope walked through the living room in his pyjamas on his way to get a drink from the kitchen.
Jungkook nodded and then they sat for a while and caught up on each other's day. They lapsed into silence for a while and Hoseok was about to call it a day and go back to bed but Jungkook's thinking face made him pause.
"Is something wrong?" he asked.
JK looked surprised that he noticed, even though his face gave away his emotions all the time. "I think I just need some advice. Maybe Namjoon can help. Is he awake?"
Hoseok shook his head. "He went to bed hours ago. I can help though." His large grin and suggestive eyebrows made Jungkook instantly sceptical of any advice his hyung could offer him, but then again... 'maybe this is a good thing,' Jungkook thought.
If Namjoon were giving advice, the leader would obviously tell him to err on the side of caution and do the safe thing. However, Hobi was the opposite...
"Okay, hyung..." he started tentatively. "Let's say, theoretically, that there was something I wanted to do... But I wasn't sure whether it was the right thing to do..."
Hoseok nodded along, listening attentively and trying hard to not interrupt the rare time that the golden maknae needed his help.
"Again, theoretically... If I did this thing, it would make me happy. But if people found out I did it, it could hurt the group. And other people too..."
"This is awfully vague, Kook," Hoseok sighed eventually. "And you don't have to keep saying it's 'theoretical'. It's pretty obvious it's not."
Jungkook almost looked like he regretted his decision to ask his hyung but swallowed his awkwardness and started again.
"Okay, so as an example... Let's say I wanted to try racecar driving in my spare time. It's my dream and would make me happy. But if the fans find out, they might worry because it's too dangerous. They might also get the wrong idea and think I don't have time for music and the group anymore with my new hobby. So even though it's a new experience and would make me happy... Do I do it?"
J-Hope sat deliberating for a few moments, stroking his non-existent beard. Finally he flashed Jungkook a thumbs up. "If that's what you want, you should go for it! You need to experience new things while you're still young. And if you're concerned about what the fans think, if they were true fans, they will come to accept whatever makes you happiest. As for the group, we'll stick together no matter what. Some things in our lives shouldn't be made public, so whatever you're thinking - your racecar driving or whatever - if you keep it quiet from the public, no one will get in trouble. Although I hope it's not racecar driving, that shit is dangerous as fuck."
Jungkook broke out into a grin and patted his hyung on the shoulder gratefully. "It's not but maybe one day I'll say what it really is. Thanks hyung, that's exactly what I wanted to hear."
J-Hope grinned back. "Ahh, I'm glad I could help. I'm going to bed now. Don't stay up too late."
Hoseok made his way out of the living room and down the corridor to his bedroom. He shook his head with a wistful, knowing smile on his face. Their golden maknae was growing up.


20th February 11:38 PM

Yo Bam
You up?

Why? R u feeling lonely 🥴😛💦


Loool jk JK
What up bro?

I have a favour to ask

Oh 😏
I never thought u'd ask

Whatever you're thinking... I don't want to know.
Just get your mind out the gutter.

Fine fine ur no fun
How can I help?

Give me lisa's number.

Oh 😏
V interesting.


Actually u can have it
I'm not going to get involved
Just be nice to her k?

I'm always nice

Lol sure u r
It's 0xx-xxxx-xxxx
U owe me 1

Thanks bam
I'll treat you next time

Yes thats what I'm talking about
Glad to be of service today


21st February 8:56 AM

Hi Lisa
Hope you don't mind me texting
I got your number from Bambam

Who is this?

I'm a friend

Oh cool is that all you're going to give me?

Guess 😉

If you're Bambam's friend, you must be from GOT7


Or from another JYP group

Colder ❄️

Or his school friends from Thailand

Freezing 🥶

Are you even an idol?

Getting warmer again

97 liner?


Did we meet yesterday?


Yugyeom is ruled out if you're not from GOT7
So you must be either Jaehyun, Jungkook or Mingyu


K thats kind of annoying
And who else is annoying...?
You can only be one guy



Wah wah wah...

Just kidding 😜
There's only 1 guy out of those 3 that would make me play such a pointless game
And get disappointed when I call someone else annoying
You gotta be Jeon Jungkook

The one and only 😉


New Contact
Annoying Cute Goth Kid

Save | Cancel


Annoying Cute Goth Kid
21st February 9:34 AM

I knew it was you pretty much instantly

? Oh?
Were you waiting on my text?😏

I just had a feeling

No really, what gave me away

Your insufferability for one

Black-hearted Lisa


Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

No I'm actually very well rested tyvm
In fact still in bed

No schedule today?

Not until this afternoon
It's too cold to get up

Lucky you
I'll be in the studio all day

Fighting 💪
Random question...
What have you saved me as in your phone?


That's boring lol
I'm disappointed

Y? What did you save me as?

It's a secret

Is it International Playboy?
Orrr Mr Cute and Handsome?

Only in your dreams


Change contact name from Annoying Cute Goth Kid to Annoying Goth Kid?

Yes | No


Annoying Goth Kid
21st February 10:03AM

You can call me Miss Cute and Handsome


I can do both
I'm your noona and your hyung 🌓
NO actually
Call me long leg Lisa
No wait
Call me THE hottest

Okay I changed it

To the hottest?🥵

To 'i regret starting this conversation'

Hm it's a bit clunky
But whatever floats your boat
Okay serious question now...
Why did you actually decide to text me?

Well... you promised you would tell the Bambam egg incident story

I never promised such a thing!
I remember that we never ended up reaching an agreement.

Maybe... but could you tell me anyway? 
You can't see me but I'm pulling an adorably cute face

Sorry, I don't negotiate with aegyo-faced manipulators 


But I will tell you if you tell the pants story!

Deal! And what shall be shared here will be sworn to secrecy!

I admit the egg incident isn't even that funny, just something Bambam won't let me live down... I thought babies came from eggs until... a really embarrassing age. When Bambam found out, he tricked me into presenting it to the whole school. I've wanted to get back at him for the longest time about that


You're laughing, aren't you?

... Just how old were you when this happened?

I'd rather not say...

No, please say! I've not revealed the pants story to anyone else before this!

... Fine. I was 10 when I learnt that babies do not in fact hatch from eggs.

I promise I am not laughing so much that my sides hurt and my hyungs are looking at me as if I've gone mad

Sure sure, have your fun now
It'll be my time soon...

Ah yes, the promised pants story...
Oh my hyungs are calling me. We need to go for a schedule

Wait! Jungkook you promised!

It'll have to wait for another time.
It was nice chatting to you black-hearted Lisa.

Eugh! Whatever, you're so annoying!
