YoonJin •Baby Blankets•

Yoongi furrowed his brows together after he heard some movement on the stairs "Jin? Is that you? Jinnie?" He asks. Listening intently, the movement ceased, making Yoongi wonder if he had just imagined hearing something. Unmuting the tv, Yoongi balanced the remote on top of his belly, his hands locking together underneath his belly. He should be in bed, it's past midnight, except the baby girl living inside his belly thought differently. She decided it was time to be active. His belly stuck out far past his hips, and was carrying low. His previous pregnancy had not been this difficult. He was active only after provoked by Jin. But her, she moved and wiggled to spite Yoongi he had decided. Jin in an attempt to calm her, would sing her a lullaby. That had not worked tonight, so, Yoongi is laying on the couch wincing as she would kick him.

This time, instead of hearing movement, he could see a figure "Jin? How many times do I have to tell you that we are okay." Yoongi stands, surprised at himself for getting up without assistant. Waddling towards the stairs he was preparing to lecture his husband "Seokjin I told you- Minho? What are you doing awake?"
His son, frozen avoided looking at Yoongi "It is late. Why are you awake?" Yoongi asked again. Minho shrugged, not answering Yoongi's question. "Do you want to cuddle with me? Since you are here." Minho puts out his arms and nods "Snuggle with Appa." He chants. Yoongi picks up Minho, positioning the boy on his hip, when Yoongi flinched, clearly she is not happy about the new weight. "I hurt baby sister?" Minho whispered, looking down. "It's okay. Appa is getting bigger, but she is okay." Yoongi comforts. "You promise?" "I promise. Come on, let's cuddle." Yoongi waddled back to the couch, sliding Minho off his hip to the couch. "You first. You get comfortable Appa." Minho instructed, jumping off the couch, now pointing at Yoongi to lay down first. Yoongi positions himself comfortable on the couch "I need my snuggle bug." He said. Minho crawled back on the couch. He snuggles between Yoongi's legs, laying close as he can to Yoongi's belly "Are you cold? I have my blanket." Minho mentioned. "No, I am not. Thank you-" "I was talking to sissy Appa. I was asking because I do not remember being inside of tummy." "Well I do remember you being inside here. I was so happy." "And big." "Yes, I was big. But I had to be big, I was caring for you." Minho sits up "You are not big now Appa." He says. "You don't think I am big?" Yoongi asks. He pushed up hid pajama shirt, bunching against his chest. "Can I touch?" Minho questioned. Yoongi nodded, even after reminding his son he did not need to ask for permission.
Minho's small hand moved under Yoongi's bellybutton, where it recently had popped.
"Can she hear me?" Minho questioned, looking up.
"Sure She can. Try talking with her." His fingers running through Minho's hair. Minho lays his head on Yoongi's belly, he hovers his mouth over his bellybutton "Are you warm in there? Because I have my blanket. I do not mind sharing with you." Minho says. "I'm here to protect you. Did you know that? I will fight away the bad guys!" Yoongi cups Minho's face "I am happy to know you will also protect your younger sister." Yoongi praises. "I love her too Appa." "I know you do baby."
Yoongi tried to stifle his yawn, but was unsuccessful "Is baby making you tired?" Minho asks. "Yeah, She is telling me she needs to sleep too." Yoongi answered. "Let me say goodnight." Minho spoke through his bellybutton again "You sleep. I will share my blanket with you. I love you." Minho whispers. His mouth slurped a kiss against the skin. "Can I sleep with you Appa?" Minho requests. "Of course you can. Come on, let's get comfortable." Minho opts to lay in the space between Yoongi and the couch. "Wait wait Appa!" Minho whines "Sister needs my blanket." Yoongi watched, or sort of watched, as his son tucked his blanket into the waistband of his sweats "My blanket is the best, you won't get cold I promise!" Yoongi kisses his temple "Go to sleep." He whispers.

Jin wakes later that morning to an empty bed. He assumes Yoongi fell asleep downstairs.
Jin walked downstairs. On the couch he found his family. Minho tucked under Yoongi's arm, the small hand belonging to Minho laying on top of Yoongi's belly, and the blue blanket of Minho's tucked into the sweatpants of Yoongi. Jin lowers his hand to untuck the blanket "No Jinnie. It's for her, under Minho's rule. Leave it there." "It's for her?" Jin quirked. "He felt she would get cold." Jin looked past Yoongi at Minho who still was sleeping "He is going to take such good care of her." "I know he will." Jin nodded. "Do you need anything?" Jin wondered. Yoongi shakes his head "Nah, just more sleep." "You sleep. I will wake you when breakfast is done." "Yay food." Yoongi cheered, closing his eyes. "Three hungry people." He concluded. Jin kisses Yoongi's cheek as he lowered a hand to say good morning to his daughter.
"You better not have woken her up Seokijn." Yoongi warned, opening up one eye.
"Go back to sleep." Jin determined.

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See you beauties soon💜💜.

