ChanKai(exo)*Writes Of Protection*

Happy reading love. 💕

The hashtag had broken apart Twitter by the time either of them had woken up. #exobabies and #exohavingbabies were trending, worldwide. It was Suho who broke the news to them both "SM is trying to find the culprit who exposed or sold this article news." "Is there any reports? Any leads?" Chanyeol pushed. Suho shook his head "Nothing yet. Have patience and understand SM is doing all that they can to find who did this."
Chanyeol looked to the chair where Kai sat with his heads in his hands "The one thing we want to be kept private, the one thing. How can they do this! Chanyeol. are you not mad right now?" "I am mad. I am. Except I also feel this, me getting mad how is that to solve anything Jongin? It will help for only in that one single moment." "This is a lack of privacy! Someone took news of a pregnant Idol and basically exploited me, and you too. And her." Kai rounds on Suho "What are fans saying?" He asks. Suho quick glances at the other members "Hyung." Kai demanded "What are saesangs saying?" He repeated. "It is not good." Suho admitted. Kai lifts himself off the chair "So my life has gone to hell since I went to bed last night? Great! I wonder what else will happen today."
Kai walks away only to be stopped by a member "Kai, please just listen-" Kai shakes his head "No, I do not want to listen to anything right now. I do not want to be rational. I want to be allowed to be angry. Please allow me that." His members released their grip "You process your feelings how you feel are best for you. We will respect your wants Kai."

Locked in the bathroom, Kai opened Twitter. The hashtags did include his name and Chanyeol's name. Without thought he clicked the first hashtag.

Brought to a new page Kai read the tweets.
He saw the sorrow the fans felt of his unexpected pregnancy, and he read the anger fans felt. "Is nobody on my side this time?" Kai whispered. As he scrolled he continued to only see the negative. His once happy feeling of having his daughter drowned him into suffocation of uneasiness and full of anxiety.

"Jongin? It's me, only me. Please let me in." Chanyeol asked.

Kai unlocked the door for Chanyeol "Hi Kai." Chanyeol sits on the floor next to him "I talked with Suho." He says. "SM found the one who released the information." "That does not matter to me anymore Chanyeol." Kai replied. "But something is bothering you, or you would not be on the bathroom floor."
Kai moves to Chanyeol to put rest his head on his lap. Chanyeol runs his fingers through Kai's hair.
"I feel disappointed. Fans are not happy with me, with you, even her. They call us irresponsible. Some even say they pray for a miscarriage. I still have feelings, and Chanyeol, they have been hurt. It makes me feel weak, as if I never want to tell fans news of my life again. Whether it be good news or bad news..I do not want to be judged again. And feel as though I am a sinner. I want my pain to go away. Is that too much to ask for?" Chanyeol brushes away Kai's tears "No. That is not too much to ask for. Nobody should feel bad for sharing their exciting news, whether it is a normal civilian or an Idol as we are Jongin." "Why are they so mad though? I am so happy with her, starting our lives together. We are finally in a good place with our relationship, you and I. Only to be met by critics. Help me understand. Help me, tell me why." Chanyeol wipes his own tears "People have their opinions. We may not be able to change their opinions, what we can do is show them a way for them to understand something that the are afraid of." "I do not want to show them of my life. I refuse. I let them in, and they made me feel as this way. I trusted them, I..we trusted them." Chanyeol takes his hand to rub across Kai's bump "We did none of these things. We were betrayed by someone." "So now you are defending the fans!" Kai sits up "With the terrible tweets, the things I have read today, you still defend the fans." "No." Chanyeol exhaled "Jongin, please listen." He continues "This is something terrible that neither of us expected. We agreed to tell the fans on our time, not have it announced as a scandal." "What are you saying? It sounds like you are not on my side." Kai shakes his head "I am on your side Kai! I am. It's just..we risked this happening when we went in for our appointment. Fans are always watching us. Now we know for in the future we will need to be more careful and consider better moves. To avoid habit something like this happening to us again." Kai lays back down on Chanyeol's lap "You are right. I know that you are on my side, but we should not have separate sides. We are together which means our sides are together." Chanyeol takes his hands into his "What do you want to do with the perpetrator? We know who they are."
"No. Let them live their lives. I do request we relocate somewhere new, maybe where they do not know us."
"Suho Hyung already made an appointment for us. Her name is Doctor Moon, and she agreed to sign a contract of privacy, understanding we will bring a lawyer involved if she breaks any part of her contract." "That sounds serious. But that is what we need." Chanyeol nodded "Unfortunately so. Tomorrow you will meet with her."
"Well that is tomorrow. For tonight, let us go sleep."

So hey! :)
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