NamSeok *VMin* •Extra Love•

Kim Namjoon was direct. He blatantly told you his feelings, disregarding of your feelings. He was not a cruel man, but he had no time for tiptoeing around peoples feelings. The only person who could make him feel guilty by his words was his husband, Jung Hoseok. He was more of the sensitive one. He was not confrontational, unlike Namjoon. Hoseok would rather hope the problem would resolve by itself.

When the pair first dated, it was the authoritative aspect from Namjoon that drew Hoseok in. And Namjoon was not use to the qualities of shyness, and tenderness that Hoseok possessed.

After two years of marriage, Hoseok began talking about having babies. Both were fertile, which to Hoseok was great. One of them could carry their offspring. He always did want to see Namjoon round and filled with their child.

"We are too busy." Namjoon shot down his offer. "Namjoonie. I am not busy. I work from home. I could be pregnant." Hoseok reminded. "Yes, you do work from home. But being pregnant makes people lazy. And your work will then suffer JHope."
"What if I-"
Namjoon cut him off "No babies from us. If you want a baby, we will be adopting." Namjoon shuffled paperwork around in his suitcase, then bringing out a stack of papers "I have been wanting to talk to you about having a baby too."
Namjoon offers Hoseok the stack of papers.
"These are filled out. How long has this taken you Joonie?" Hobi asks. "I have been doing this for about four months. And there is more." Hoseok lifts his eyebrows, encouraging him to continue. "At the end of the week we have an appointment."
"What for? What kind of appointment?" "These young kids, they are looking to adopt their child out from them." "I do not understand." Hosoek confesses. "Their baby could potentially ours babe. They want to meet us. And I agreed on Thursday."
"You did all this without consulting me first?" Hoseok asks. "Yes. Are you mad?" Namjoon questioned, eyebrow cocked. "No! I..this is happening so fast. What if they like us? Their baby could become our baby!"
JHope walked to Namjoon, and sat on his lap, throwing one leg over each side of his legs "You continue to surprise me Namjoon." He whispered. His hands unbutton Namjoons slacks. Jhope reaches his hand into the waistband and smirked at him.

It was Thursday morning.
Ten o'clock was the appointed time, but the couple had been there since 9:15, so they were nervous.
The director of the agency, Mr. Kwong, greeted Namjoon, and shook hands with Hoseok. He went over the fragility of these younger couples, and now wishy washy with their decisions can be. In other words, try not to get too attached to the idea of adopting their baby.  

At ten after ten, Mr. Kwong excused himself "Let me go get the boys. They are nervous." He said.
Namjoon nodded, also feeling nervous.
"We will love their baby." Hoseok said.
"Let's meet them first. Then we can make our decisions." Namjoon reasoned.

"This is Park Jimin. And this is Kim Taehyung."

Namjoon looked at the couple; strong jawline. Beautiful eyes. Nice hair. And they looked to be in their late teens.

Hoseok stood first. He walked to the couple, hand stuck out "Hi, I'm Jung Hoseok." He introduces. "And this is my husband Kim Namjoon." Hosoek pointed behind him. Namjoon realized he is gawking. Standing up, he approaches the teens "Kim Namjoon. And you are Kim Taehyung."
Hoseok watches as Jimin puts his arm around Tae's waist "Kim is the one whose pregnant. This baby is not a mistake. But we cannot afford to do this, not now." Jimin spoke. Namjoon notices how soft his voice is. "Then this must be a very difficult thing to be doing."
"It's for the betterment of this child. So it's okay." Tae whispered.
"I will leave you alone to get aquatinted with one another." Mr. Kwong commented, as he was leaving.

Namjoon took Hosoek by his hand, directing them back to their seat.
Jimin held Tae's hand as he lowered himself to the chair, both men's cheeks were flushed by the time Tae sat down.
"In your picture you both looked very happy. And very friendly." Tae commented "Are you unable to conceive?"
"Tae, no. We talked about asking that question." Jimin scowled. Tae nods and bows his head "My apologizes."
"No. No, it's okay." Namjoon reassured. "We both can conceive. We feel like one of us being pregnant would put our lives on hold."
"Won't a baby put your lives on hold?" Hissed Tae.
"TaeTae, enough." Jimin shakes his head. Jimin smiles an apology to them, which they returned back. "Listen. I am not going to tiptoe around you Tae. You are becoming a father, a man, earlier than most men do. You need to make a choice. You cannot continue to push people away because why? You are unhappy? Of course you are unhappy. The baby that has been being nurtured by you, will be taken away from you. We are strangers Tae, and Jimin, you know only limited about us. Hell, that would scare me too. But please, do not put up a barrier. We want to help you both. All three of you." Namjoon spoke.
"Jimin thinks you two would look good with a baby." Tae says. "And I..I agree. We want you to adopt our baby."
Hoseok kisses Namjoon.

Six weeks had passed, Tae is now 30 weeks, and Hoseok can tell something new about his belly every week.  It was three weeks ago when the first time Hoseok felt their baby kick. It was in the middle of dinner. They were sat around the table, laughing when Tae gasps, bringing the attention to them "She kicked." Tae giggled. Jimins hand finds it place on Tae's belly.
"Would you like to feel too?" Tae questioned. Hoseok nodded eagerly. Crouching next to Tae, he directed Hosoek's hand to the kicking "Oh man! That was a kick! How incredible. You have to feel this Joonie!"
Namjoon wanders over, squatting opposite of Hoseok, his hand placed next to their hands.
"Wow! It felt like a butterfly." Namjoon gasped, peering up. Tae laughs. Jimin kisses his cheek "I hope one day we will feel that again, but know, we are not giving away our child."
Hoseok chewed on his bottom lip; he had failed to think abut their feelings. This child grew inside of Tae, only to be taken away.
He needed to talk to Namjoon about this immediately.

"Namjoon and I have been thinking." Hoseok says. The two called Jimin and Tae to talk around their table. Jimin puts his hand on top of Tae's "Yes? About what?"
"We want you to name the baby. Whatever the name you decide, we will keep it." Namjoon answered. "Are..are you sure?" Tae questioned.
"We want to tell our child about her biological parents. And that her parents chose the name for her."
"Take your time. You still have time before she joins us."
"Let's use the name we agreed." Jimin commented. Tae nods "We like Ava."
"Her names Ava." Namjoon patted their hands.
"Really Namjoon? You would do this for us?" Tae rubs his belly. Jimin huffs "Why are you being so understanding! Tae, these men are taking away our baby. I do not want to give her away, she was made from a moment of our love."
Jimin stands up and pointed at the two men "You will never be her dads. Fuck you." Jimin hisses.
"Jiminie, no. What are you saying? Please stop.. they are helping her."
Jimin shakes his head "I..I cannot be here now."
Jimin stormed off, ignoring the pleads of Tae to come back.

Hoseok approaches Tae "Are you okay Tae?" He asks. Tae shakes his head "Am I making a mistake? I know you both want this baby." 
"Just let Jiminie go. He will come back to you. And to her too."
"He has been against me giving her up for adoption."
"Then that is his problem. You have support from us."
"I know this is to help Ava prosper in her life, but how am I not suppose to feel jealous? I carried her and now I am giving up all my rights as her parent. What will she think of me? That I did not love her?"
"Ava will know how you struggled if that was best for you two. She will never not know about the sacrifices you gave up to birth her."
Tae slips his hand on top of Hoseoks "Did you know Jiminie was impressed when he read your application. He thought you two could provide what we could not." "I hope you both feel that way." Hoseok smiles. "I know I do."

Hoseok was spooning Namjoon, when a phone began to ring "Joon. That is your phone. Joonie, wake up."
Namjoon answers, then sits up straight "We are coming Tae. It will be okay."
Hoseok got out of bed, and dressed himself more appropriately.
"Jimin is in the hospital." Namjoon said. "What happened? How is Tae?"
"He has been admitted into the hospital because he is experiencing contractions." Namjoon explained.
"How could Jimin do this to Tae?" Hosoek wonders, shaking his head.
"It does not matter. He will have the two of us, that is what is important." Namjoon replied. "Now come on, I image Tae is scared."

Namjoon and Hoseok found Tae's room easily,immediately starting to comfort him.
He was clung against Namjoon like a koala.
There was a knock on the door, breaking the tranquil of the room "So, we have news on your boyfriend, Park Jimin." Tae tightens himself around Namjoon "Okay. And what if the news?"
"We tried everything we could." He began. "Park Jimin was involved in a hit and run."
"And he did not survive." Tae finished. "Sorry we had to give you this news." Tae wipes his eyes and sniffled "Thank you Doctor." The Doctor bowed, then left.

"I hate this baby." Tae commented.

"It's not the babies fault Tae." Namjoon reasoned.
"Our lives went to hell after we discovered I was expecting. Jimin has abandoned me. He promised he would stay with me during these nine months. He lied." "Tae. Yes, how Jimin left you is unfortunate. But for now, you should focus on the remaining weeks of carrying Eva."
"Namjoon and I are here for you. And her." Hoseok cooed. "You do not care about me, you only care about your daughter." Tae hissed. "No Tae, that is not true. You are her biological father, you have kept her safe. And you have been loving her."
"And you are mad. And I think you are also scared Tae." Tae covers his face "You are right JHope. On everything. I am scared, Jimin was the one who helped me. Made me feel like what I wanted to do with Ava was okay. I knew he wanted to keep her. But how could we keep her? We are young ourselves." Hoseok rubs Tae's back "We are Sorry Tae." Tae wipes his eyes "Thank you. But now, I need to focus on Ava. I have not felt her kick. Or move even, she is usually active. Can you feel anything Namjoon?" Tae picked up his hand placing it on his belly. "Oh! She kicked, did you feel that Namjoon?" Tae questioned. Namjoon giggled "Hi, Ava." He whispered. "Guess she was waiting for her Appa to say hi to her." Tae added. Namjoon snapped his eyes from Tae's belly to meet Hoseok "An Appa. I am your Appa, little Ava." Namjoon cooed, leaning down to be level with his bump. "Can I say hi?" Hoseok questioned. Tae pats his bump "She knows your voice Hoseok." Tae mentioned. "Probably because he is always yelling. Do you know my voice?" Namjoon wondered. "She does. She kicks when I think about you two." Tae adds.
"Appa promises he will try to keep the yelling to a softer shout, sorry if I hurt your ears baby." Hoseok whispers. His sunshine smile shone after feeling Eva kick. Unlike his promise from seconds ago, he shouted "Ooh, that did it. Eva is mad at you now."
"Holy shit, you can see her little foot! It's pushing out from your skin. Touch it Hoseok." "You touch it." Hosoek replied. Namjoon pokes the foot, watching as it stretched out away from the skin "Sorry again baby. Appa Hoseok shouted after he promised. We love you. Keep fighting inside Tae's belly."

After the hospital stunt, Hoseok urged Tae to live with them until he delivers. Their spare room was holding no special use for them. Tae agreed, he had not been honest about his living conditions. Jimin and Tae had been struggling to find a permanent place of residence. Tae believes what they did not know, won't hurt them. Besides, he had a permanent place of residence..only for so long.

The weight Tae needed to gain during this pregnancy quickly added to his frame. His cheeks rounded out, the smallest amount of flab spreading across his belly. Tae never has felt better.

Namjoon pokes Hoseoks arm "Have you seen how much better Tae is looking? He is actually gaining weight. I saw the button on his not meeting the waistband."
"I noticed that to. Maybe I should give him a couple pairs of my sweats? Or my shorts?" "He seems content with his jeans being unbuttoned. If it does not bother him, then it would not bother us."
The two men glance over at Tae whose still eating the breakfast Hoseok cooked.
"He is looking good. I am proud how he can persevere after the death of Jimin."
They notice Tae peers up with the mention of Jimin, but he remains silent. The silence was broken when Tae rinsed his plate "Thank you for cooking breakfast Hoseok. Ava enjoyed it." Tae pats his bump. Hoseok smiled and nodded "You are welcome." Namjoon waits until Tae waddled farther away from them "I have an idea."

Weeks passed, and it got closer to Taes due date. Namjoon worried over Tae. Hoseok fretted over him as well, but did not want to smother him. It was not difficult since Tae rarely left his bed anymore. Hoseok would check in on him every couple of hours. It was now noon, and Hoseok had lunch prepared for Tae. He knocked on the door, opening it after he heard reassurance from Tae "Hi TaeTae. I have lunch for you, if you are hungry that is." Hoseok sets the tray on the nightstand, then turned to look at TaeTae "Are you feeling okay?" He asks. "My tummy feels tight." Tae responded, as he rubbed his bump. "How long have you been feeling this?" Hosoek wondered. "About three hours. My back hurts too, and not like the normal pregnancy pain. I keep getting like twinge pains." "Yeah? Three hours. Uh, can I see something?" Hoseok asks. Tae nodded. Hoseok sits on the bed next to Tae. He brings his hand to lay against Tae's bump..and to his diagnoses, the bump was hard.

Tae was experiencing labour pains.

"You look worried Hyung." Tae observes. "Is something wrong with Ava?" "No. No, Ava is fine. Uh so, Tae, I think you are in labour. Your belly-"
"I am giving birth?" Tae quivers, grabbing for Hosoek's hand.
"I think so. Let me call Namjoon, and we can go from there." Hoseok said, he had practiced that line just for this exact moment.

Tae nodded, trusting Hoseok knew what he was doing "Our time together is coming to an end Ava." Tae whispers.

Namjoon's cheeks were flushed when he reached Tae, who was in the middle of a contraction "Ava is coming?" Namjoon shouts. Hoseok ignored Namjoon "That's it. We will go when this contraction has passed. Keep breathing."
"I will get the hospital bag." Namjoon remembered before running into the nursery across the hall from their room.

"I'm scared Hyung." Tae whispers, his bottom lip trembling. "It's okay. Namjoon and I will be there the entire time Tae." "Do you promise? I cannot have someone else leave me. I need the two of you."
"We will be there. To support you, to try to make this delivery smooth as possible. Do you trust us?"
"I have the bag! Whose ready to go have a baby?"
"We are Hyung." Tae nods "Let's go."
Hoseok hooked his arm around Tae's waist as they walk to the awaiting car. Tae's hands sit on top of his bump "Ah, wait wait Hyung." Tae pauses, he closes his eyes and rubs circles on his bump "Take your time Tae." Hoseok rubbed his back. Tae breathed, and groaned "Oh Ava, you better look like Jiminie." He spoke. "Okay, That one passed. We can move again." Tae decided. Hoseok continued to walk slowly with his arm still wrapped around Tae's waist "Almost to the car."

"I called the hospital letting them know Tae is coming." Namjoon mentioned. The two men sat in the backseat "That was smart. Thanks for doing that Joonie." Hosoek praised. "Yeah a real saint. Can you get me to the fucking hospital Hyung?" Tae spits. "Got it, let's go meet Ava."

Namjoon rushed off to get a wheelchair leaving Hoseok with Tae "Still feeling okay?" He whispers. "It seems more real. I wish Jimin was by my side. He would be making me laugh, distracting me from the pain." Tae mumbled. "We wish he could have been by your side too. We know he would have loved Ava, no, he did love her." Tae wipes his eyes "He is not gone. I am birthing his child, so he will live on." Tae adds. "Yes, he will. We know we cannot take his place, but we are thankful you chose us TaeTae." "Me, too. There will be time to be sappy later."

Namjoon returned with a wheelchair, which Tae sits down immediately, and a Nurse "Hello Tae. Namjoon called ahead, and your room is ready." Tae smiled gratefully to Namjoon "Thank you. Now come on, I want to be not pregnant anymore. Onward please!" Tae directed his hands forward, making the nurse to laugh "Let's go."

Hoseok sat in the bed behind Tae, as he rests against his chest, Hoseok rubbing circles on his belly "You are doing so good." "This makes me want to ban having sex ever again!" Tae whined. Namjoon laughs at Tae's comment "You are getting closer TaeTae."

"Hello Tae. How are you feeling?"
"I have some discomfort. Is that normal too?"
"It is. Your water has not broken yet. I think that is part of the pressure."
Tae sneezed, then heard a popping noise "My water broke?" Tae questioned. "So it seems. Okay, let's get you prepped for delivery."

"Do you have anything you would like to say to Ava? She will be meeting her parents quickly. Last time you can speak to her while she is inside my belly." Tae pointed. Namjoon pats the side "I know you will bring us happiness. I promise to try and keep your life full of happiness too baby girl."
Hoseok also rubbed Tae's bump "You are about to make our lives all the better Ava. But not only that, we have waited a long time for a child. You. We will show you the good parts of life, be supportive during the difficult parts. We will try to be understanding. But most importantly, we will He the cool dads." Hoseok laughed when he feels Ava kick against his palm.

"Okay Tae, we are ready for you."
"Are you ready?" Namjoon questioned.
"Let's meet Ava."

"It is a baby girl!"

"Do you want to hold her?"
Tae points to Namjoon "He is her Appa. Them first."
The nurse handed the pink swaddled baby to Namjoon, whose eyes become red with his tears "Hello, our sweet daughter. Wow, look at you!"
Hoseok peeked over Namjoons shoulder "She looks like Jimin, Tae." Tae looked away, he did not want to see Ava. Or Jimin. Not now. JHope sits next to Tae taking his hands "This is not the end for you Taehyung. You are young still, you are still considered a minor. Your life will have so many wonderful moments. You will mourn Jimin. Do not let him hold you back. You find your happiness Tae." "Thanks Hyung." Tae whispered.

"Hey Tae? We need to talk to you."
Tae looks away from Ava to the men "Is something wrong?"
"No. Uh, we know your difficulties when you were pregnant. Before Jimin passed on."
Tae bites his lip "Okay and?"
"We want you to have this."
"It is not charity." Namjoon adds.
Tae passes Ava to Hoseok Who starts cooing.
"What is this?" Tae opened the piece of paper "Whoa, that is a lot of zeros."
"This is..our gratitude for you.
"You are paying me off?"
"No, oh my goodness Tae! Not even close."
"I do not understand. What does this money mean?"
"Like we said, it is showing our gratitude towards you. We do not want you to suffer Tae. With this, you can do anything. Please use this for the betterment of your life. Indulge on what you want. Get that extra piece of cheesecake, just because you can. Or even now because you can afford to get it. With this, please, for us, for Ava, live your life. This is your life, and you choose how to live."
"We are so proud of you Tae. We know the struggle you went through, how can you know you are doing the best by your child when you are giving them up for adoption. We, as her dads, will give her the life that she needs. We do not mean to should harshly-"
"But I get it, I understand. Ava deserves two parents. Parents that show them a life of stability. I.." Tae choked on his words "Thank you both. I.." Tae wipes away the falling tears "Sorry for being emotional." Hoseok and Namjoon smile but wave away his apology "It's okay, it's okay. All you need to do is accept this check. Please. If not for yourself, please do it for Ava. We want to be able to tell her all about her biological father. Use this for yourself. Or use it to one day be able to show our daughter who you are. We want you to live happily Tae."
"This is how we can give you that. Please do not take this as offense, like we said before."
"Think of it as an investment. On our daughter. She will see the life her dad is living too."
Tae scrunches his nose "For her." Namjoon sits next to Tae "See? Look at Ava, she is proud of you."
"Is that so Ava? I want to make you proud of me. But, until then, you have two wonderful men who I am certain will love you until the end of their lives. Try not to cause too much chaos, your Appa..your father, Jimin, could be known for causing chaos. You will not meet him in this lifetime Ava, but I know you will meet him in our next. Maybe we will be a family in our next lives."

"Well I am discharged." Tae announced. Namjoon blinks away his tears. Hoseok pulled him into a hug "You are always welcomed Tae." He reminds.
Tae nods, the tears nod threatening to fall. "Who do you have to pick you up?" Namjoon questioned.
"My friend, Jimin." Tae answered. "Good then. Do you want to say goodbye to Ava?" "No, thanks. I am afraid I will run away with my daughter." Tae teases. "Then we better run away quick with Ava."

"Okay Hoseok." Namjoon clasp his hands "Let's Take Ava home."
"We are taking a step towards Of adulting." Hoseok grinned.

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See you beauties soon💜💜.

