Changjin*StrayKids*•Breakfast Blues•


Hope you enjoy this lovee!

"That does smell nice." Changbin mentioned, walking behind Hyunjin.
"I will cook your breakfast after I have cooked mine." Hyunjin replied. "Any requests?" "Well. Your food looks well appetizing."
Hyunjin smiles over his shoulder "It was only last week that eggs made your tummy edgy. There are crackers in the cupboard. Will you be able to eat avocado toast?" "No." Changbin pouted "I want that! I want your food." "Binnie, you have said that before. And ended up not being able to eat."
"But I want that food! I want the food that you are cooking! Let me eat your food."
"My food is not healthy for the babies." Hyunjin added "You do not need the grease coming from my bacon. I am almost finished with my breakfast cooking. Allow me to cook you whatever else you wish to eat. Last week, as I recalled, you were craving avocados." "That was last week! It is a new week today, and I want what you are cooking! Give me your food Hyunjin."
"Sorry, no, this food is not for you." Hyunjin voices. "So you are denying your pregnant significant other their cravings? In our time of need, our babies time of need."
"I am doing what is best for our babies. No, I do not feel comfortable now feeding you my bacon. I will, however, cook you avocado toast breakfast."
Changbin huffed "What do you know!"
Hyunjin turned away from the stove, now between the two men is Changbin's bump "I am sorry you are feeling angered. My choice has been finalized. Now, either you can go pout, or eat the breakfast that you request for me to make. Choice is yours."
"I am finding Leader Hyung Chan." Changbin cried.
"I will do one better for you, I will find Hyung myself." Hyunjin threatens.

"I came down here for water." BangChan surrendered. "Hyung. Hyunjin is denying our children with food." "What does that mean? Are you having one of your cravings Changbin?"
"I am. For bacon, well, essentially Hyunjin's breakfast." "Hyunjin Can make another plate of his breakfast food, cant you?"
"No. I have tried to make Changbin my exact breakfast last week. He was unable to keep it down. I have offered to make him avocado toast." Hyunjin explained. "Why am being involved?" BangChan questioned "I am not preggies, nor am I the expectant father."
"So you are siding with Hyunjin?" Changbin scrunched his nose. "I am here to acquire water. I guess I can be referee. Give me your argument Hyunjin." He points a hand at him.
"The twins are..temperamental. They prefer not to eat eggs. Bacon is bad for an expect person, which my husband is. Why would I hurt my family?" "Because you love us!" Changbin argued. "One or two pieces of bacon is not going to put an ever lasting effect on our babies! I want to make breakfast into a bacon breakfast burrito. Why must he make me feel unhappy Hyung?"
"I think-" Leader began. He looked at Hyunjin who is glaring lasers, then over at Changbin who is pouting his bottom lip at him.
"Last week was last week Hyunjin." BangChan started. Changbin laughed "Ha! Told you he would side with me. Thank you Hyung, we will eat breakfast well." "Unbelievable Hyung." Hyunjin seethed "Here. You can eat my breakfast. I no longer care. Here. Take my food. Eat my breakfast Changbin." Hyunjin shoves past Changbin in his attempt to get away.

Changbin lowers his eyes.
"I will not tell you what to do. I believe you know what you should do." Leader says. "Give Hyunjin alone time. Let him figure out his feelings before you try talking to him."
Changbin nodded, his stomach turning over on itself "I will eat breakfast then, as I wait."

"Go away Hyung. I want to be alone." Hyunjin answered. "That sucks. We need to discuss your attitude to Changbin." "I am not discussing this with you! Now please leave."
BangChan puts out his foot to block it from closing "I do not know why your reaction is this of how it is today. You have a pregnant significant other who is alone in the kitchen. What are you going to do about that?" "Absolutely nothing. We both have had our words to explain why we should or should not. Obviously he is not listening to me at the moment." "Are you unhappy with the surprise of the pregnancy?" "I am happy with the news, was it surprising? Of course it was! It is tiresome of me telling Changbin that if he eats this, then his tummy will hurt later. He chooses to ignore me Hyung, then as predicted his tummy betrays him."
"And you're frustrated?"
"I am! I understand that being pregnant is not easy, but when you continue to ignore warning signs, then my sympathy for you lowers. Changbin continues to ignore what I am telling him."
"He is downstairs eating his breakfast."
"He will be up here in a minute then." Hyunjin replied.

Changbin leaned back in his chair "How was breakfast boys?" He asked. "I knew I could keep down my breakfast." He gloated, standing up. "Whoa, whoa, maybe not." Changbin worries, as he sits back down. "You two are now deciding to betray me like that? I fed you delicious food."
Changbin stands from his chair "I need the nearest bathroom!" He urges. Changbin waddled towards their bathroom. Falling to his knees, Changbin vomits into the toilet "I don't like feeling icky." He sobbed. Hyunjin rubs his back "It is only for a little while longer. I have read that tea helps with the nausea. Would you like me to make you a cup?"
"You are not mad at me Hyunjin?"
"No, I am..hurt by my own actions." Hyunjin confesses. "Or do you want me to stay next to you?"
"Stay with him Hyunjin. I will go make the tea." Leader offered, peeking his head inside the bathroom.
"Thank you." Hyunjin nods his head. "As for you, let's get you back into bed, yeah? We can find foods that will not upset your tummy." Hyunjin completed. "I would like that very much." Changbin agreed.

Hello, everyone!
So, this authors note is about said requests;
I asked for people NOT to request TaeKook, yet people ignored me, and make TaeKook requests. I WILL NOT BE FULFILLING TAEKOOK REQUESTS until further notice. Please do not be angry, I have grown tired of trying to write for that ship. I might bring it back in the future, if so, I will let you know.
Also! When you are giving me a request, I do please ask you give me a 'plot'..I will reach out to you to ask for ideas. Please no more of just 'you can decide on the plot' that will not be tolerated. Once I have reached out to you for any ideas, I will be giving you three or four days to respond, or I will write of my own ideas. And no, I will not tolerate any whining or complaints or bitching about your request; follow my guidelines.
It is simple as that!
Now, that is all for today, thank you for reading. And I will see you on the next update.🤍
