MinKey*SHINee* •Video For Baby•

"What are you doing Taemin?"
Taemin turned his camera to his Hyungs "I'm recording." He commented. "Yes, we can see the red flashing light." Key replied. "But what are you doing? Why are you recording, what are you recording?"
"Spoilers. Now, can I take Minho for a moment? We need to talk."
Minho kisses Keys forehead "I'll be back momentarily. You should go sit down, wait for me."
"I will, now go, so you can hurry back to us Minho."

Taemin leads Minho into another room "What is this about?" Minho asks. "I am making a video for you three." Taemin confesses. "I am using what I am recording to show my future niece what her parents were like before her arrival."
"We all want to know what our parents were like before we were born, and with this way, you have an actual video. Do you want to help me? If not, I will understand Hyung."
"What do I need to do?"
"You should say a message to your daughter. Let's start from there?"
"Right now? I-I don't know what to say..what do I say?"
"Whatever you are feeling. Tell her of your worries, be to the point and bold. Show her who her appa was, or is."
"I am her appa, I should not be feeling this nervous. Okay, when you are ready."

Taemin lifted the camera to Minho, giving him the sign to begin.
"Hello sweetheart, so this is 2019, and your daddy is seven months pregnant with you. Oh, I forgot to mention who I am, I am your Appa Minho, hello again." He started. "If you are watching this video, this was made by your Uncle Taemin, make sure to thank him. This awkward Taemin, what else should I say?"
"Whatever you want to. This is for your daughter, she will look up to you Hyung."
"Okay, yeah." Minho shook his shoulders "Since this is for you, sweetheart, I want to ask for your forgiveness. You may not be with us yet, I want to say that I am so happy because of you. I see you growing inside of your daddy's tummy, and how am I not suppose to feel excited? You are in there, squirming and kicking around. I worry when the time comes for you to be born, you are our first child, and who knows, our only child. How am I, someone whose beyond inexperienced with babies suppose to protect you from the evils of the world? You are going to be so small, so fragile, completely dependent upon me..to me, that is whats scary about meeting you. Please do understand that I will do my best. For you. But you are worth fighting through my worries, if that means I am rewarded with one of your smiles, I will be strong. And I will fight for you sweetheart. With you, I want you to always feel my love, and to have a happy and fun life. Not to worry about having to prove yourself to us, please do your best. We will be proud of you. Okay, I should stop before I begin to cry sweetheart. Remember this; We will always be SHINee for you sweetheart." Minho brings his hands to his lips, then sticks his hands away from his mouth making kissing noises.

"How was that Taemin?" Minho questioned.
"Very sweet, She will always treasure this Hyung. How about we get you back to Key?"
"Yes, my husband. Uh, should I mention this video or no?"
"Preferably no. Key Hyung is next to be recorded."
"Then I will remain silent. Let's go."
Taemin follows Minho.

"Ah there you two are." Key smiled at them.
"Hi, sorry it took so long. Taemin had questions about tonight."
"Is everything figured out?" Key asks, looking over.
"It is. Uh Hyung.." Taemin looks to Minho.
"Do you want some food?" Minho offered, understanding Taemin needs time alone with Key.
"Get me anything, we are hungry."

"Okay What is going on? You are keeping something from me." Key deadpanned.
"I am making a video. For your daughter, I was hoping I could film you saying a couple of things?"
"Of course! Can we do it here, or somewhere else?"
"Wherever is fine, as long as you are comfortable."
"I think we should get some privacy. Let's go next door."

Key sits on the couch, feet propped out in front of him "Tell me when I can begin."
"I'm recording." Taemin says.
"This is you baby, I am seven months right now. It feels like I am a jumpy castle, you jump off of my belly from the inside. Or maybe you are doing aerobics? Well wherever you are doing, I am beaming at the thought of you will be meeting us soon. I did my job, I carried you. Ooh, you know we were talking about you, did you?"
"Are you okay Hyung?" Taemin worried. "She's kicking. Come feel." Taemin squatted next to Key putting his hand next to Keys "Did you feel that? That was her kicking Taemin."
"Woah, I did..oh..I felt her. I felt her kicking Hyung." Key laughs, his eyes turning into smiling eyes "Let's not get emotional."
"Be quiet. Now, should we continue?"
"Yes, let's. Now, sorry for your Uncle Taemin being sentimental. As I said above, I carried you, I did that..and I am proud of myself. It was not always the easiest, but baby, you will be worth every pain I endured while being pregnant. I am still new to being a parent, so may I ask that you don't judge me. What I do is for the betterment of you baby. I may seem distant, or hard to reach, that is not true. Always attentive to you, I will be. I hope you will feel my love for you. I will be trying. Until we meet baby, I love you. Fighting!"

Taemin presses the red button, turning off the camera "Was I too mushy do you think?" Key asks.
"Not at all, you spoke what you wanted to say. It was cute actually. I hear you talking to her when you think nobody is watching or listening." He added. Keys cheeks flushed red "I will remember that next time I want to start having a discussion with my daughter."
Taemin smiles as he wraps his arms around Keys waist "We should get back. I know how Minho worries about you now."
"Help me up please?"
Taemin holds onto Keys wrists, pulling him to his feet "Thank you." Key acknowledged.

Taemin walked behind Key as they returned to the room, where the other members were all sitting around.
"We are on in ten minutes." Minho said. "Are you ready Key?"
"I will be once I go to the restroom again." Key resounded as he waddled towards the bathroom.

"Did you get enough film from the two of us?" Minho asked.
"I did, I have a small more to work on. If you are worried this will not be completed before she is born, do not be mistaken. It will be completed in a weeks time Hyung. Onew Hyung is next."
"Happily reddy when you need me." He reassured.
"Good Hyung, Thank you."

"Onew Hyung, uh, Taemin and I have a question regarding Key."
Onew frowns "Is he okay? Is your daughter okay?"
"Both are fine, we need someone whose more wiser than we are." Minho patted Onew in the back "Follow us back." Taemin commented.

Onew followed his members "Okay whats the question?"
"There is no question." Taemin confesses "I am making a video for the impending birth of their daughter." "Awe! That's so cute." Onew cooed "How does this involve me though?"
"You are here eldest Uncle, that means you are important." "Is this okay Minho?"
"I would be more insulted if you were not included. Now come on, we all have filmed our segments. All that remains is you."
"You will be the recorder Taemin?" Onew asks.
"Ready when you are. Speak freely."

Onew waved at the camera first "Firstly, welcome to our little family, sweet one. I am Uncle Onew, the oldest Uncle, and the oldest in the family. So this means I have the most experience in life. Always come to me when you need someone to talk to. I will be the one who gives you cookies, or dessert when your parents say no. Seriously though, in life, we feel many emotions, those are nothing to be afraid of, okay? What is to be afraid of is to hide your emotions. The feelings you experience are natural, and they deserve to be talked about. Do not be afraid to find one of your uncles, or your dads, we want the best for you in your life. Stay safe, and remember to stop to smell the flowers once every while." Onew waves once again, this time now ending his speech.
"How was that?" He asks.
"It is exactly what you wanted to say, didn't you Hyung?"
"Yes, I feel content."
"Good." Taemin nodded his head "I will work on the video tonight. I hope to have it edited and ready to watch by no later than Friday."
"It's no rush. Take your time, and do not be so critical on yourself. If you are happy with the video, then we will also be happy with the video."

Key was on his phone when they returned to the room, glancing up with a smile "I am starting to feel excluded."
Minho sits next to him "I am discussing with them about her." 
"She is much of all our discussions these days. Are you okay though? I know you are nervous."
"I am doing better. Enough about me Key, let's get some food."
"I ate while you all talked. Right now, I want to sleep." Key answered, then yawned.
"Of course you do. Come on, let's get you rested."

Minho pulls Key to his feet.
"What is our schedule tomorrow?" Key asks, looking at everyone.
"I think we have a shoot, and rehearsal."  Onew commented.
"So that means you should take it easy for the night Hyung. For you, and her." Taemin proclaimed.
"I will. Stop fussing over me." Key replies. "Don't worry, I will get him in bed and sleeping as soon as we get home. They will be ready for tomorrow." Minho answered. "We believe you are taking care of them both Minho. Now go, get rest."

The next morning Minho along with Key met with the other members "Sorry we are late." Key says "Had a little trouble waking up this morning." "It is understandable Key. We were not going to start without the two of you."
"We can get started now then, how about that?" Minho offered.

Taemin thanked the stylist before turning to look at his members. Onew sat on the couch watching too.
Minho's arm is draped over one of Keys shoulders, as Key waves a small peace sign.
Taemin brought out his camera, he wanted these moments too, moments of the two of them just being with each other.

Minho brings his hand under Keys bellybutton, giving it a slight rub.
Key lowers his head to hide his smile.
"Do not hide from me." Minho whispers. He kisses the side of his head, earning Key to look up from the floor now.
Taemin turned around as he turned off the camera.
"What are you doing over there being all secretive?"
"Nothing, my eye itched." Taemin lies.
Onew smirks "An itchy eye Taemin?"
Taemin scrunched his nose at Onew.

"Hyung, I finished editing the video. Do you want to see it?" Taemin asks.
"Of course I would. Show me!" Onew nods.
Taemin sits Onew on a couch as he played play; he stayed back, watching his reaction.

"That was really sweet." Onew dabs his eyes "Made me all sentimental." He laughed. "Do you think Hyungs will like it? I can remake it to make it better?"
"No! They will like the video. It is a sentimental gift to them, and to their daughter. When are you going to show them?"
"They are coming over today as a lazy day. I think I should do it today."
"I agree. Let's get everything set up again for them."

"Hello! Did we walk into the wrong house?"
Taemin comes to greet them "Sorry I was cooking! How are you both?"
Minho exhaled "You did not have to come if I am bothering you that badly still." Key hissed.
"But why would I not want to be with my delightful significant other?" Minho replied.
Key tightened his lips into a thin line, but remained silent.
"You're here!" Onew greeted. "How are we feeling?"
"We are both extremely happy Hyung." Key referred.
"I can really see that Key." Onew nodded. He looked to Minho who shook his head.

"Maybe we shouldn't play the video." Taemin worried. "No. This is the best opportunity to play the video." Onew urged. "When they are unhappy at each other? How will this help them?"
"Their daughter always makes them rekindle. Press play."
"Fine fine. Go sit down Hyung. I will press play."

"A surprise for the two of you, I hope you enjoy this!" Taemin said, then turned to face the tv and pressed play.
"What is this?"
Neither answered the question.

'Min Ki-Bum'

"What is this?" Key asks.

Minho appeared on the screen first;
"Hello sweetheart, so this is 2019, and your daddy is seven months pregnant with you. Oh, I forgot to mention who I am, I am your Appa Minho, hello again." He started. "If you are watching this video, this was made by your Uncle Taemin, make sure to thank him. This awkward Taemin, what else should I say?"
"Whatever you want to. This is for your daughter, she will look up to you Hyung."
"Okay, yeah." Minho shook his shoulders "Since this is for you, sweetheart, I want to ask for your forgiveness. You may not be with us yet, I want to say that I am so happy because of you. I see you growing inside of your daddy's tummy, and how am I not suppose to feel excited? You are in there, squirming and kicking around. I worry when the time comes for you to be born, you are our first child, and who knows, our only child. How am I, someone whose beyond inexperienced with babies suppose to protect you from the evils of the world? You are going to be so small, so fragile, completely dependent upon me..to me, that is whats scary about meeting you. Please do understand that I will do my best. For you. But you are worth fighting through my worries, if that means I am rewarded with one of your smiles, I will be strong. And I will fight for you sweetheart. With you, I want you to always feel my love, and to have a happy and fun life. Not to worry about having to prove yourself to us, please do your best. We will be proud of you. Okay, I should stop before I begin to cry sweetheart. Remember this; We will always be SHINee for you sweetheart." Minho brings his hands to his lips, then sticks his hands away from his mouth making kissing noises.
Key snuggles closer to Minho "You big softie." He whispers.

Onew waved at the camera first "Firstly, welcome to our little family, sweet one. I am Uncle Onew, the oldest Uncle, and the oldest in the family. So this means I have the most experience in life. Always come to me when you need someone to talk to. I will be the one who gives you cookies, or dessert when your parents say no. Seriously though, in life, we feel many emotions, those are nothing to be afraid of, okay? What is to be afraid of is to hide your emotions. The feelings you experience are natural, and they deserve to be talked about. Do not be afraid to find one of your uncles, or your dads, we want the best for you in your life. Stay safe, and remember to stop to smell the flowers once every while." Onew waves once again, this time now ending his speech.
"Hyung." Key wipes his eyes "She will be lucky as to have an Uncle as you are to her."
The video moved to the next clip, which was Key.

Key sits on the couch, feet propped out in front of him "Tell me when I can begin."
"I'm recording." Taemin says.
"This is you baby, I am seven months right now. It feels like I am a jumpy castle, you jump off of my belly from the inside. Or maybe you are doing aerobics? Well wherever you are doing, I am beaming at the thought of you will be meeting us soon. I did my job, I carried you. Ooh, you know we were talking about you, did you?"
"Are you okay Hyung?" Taemin worried. "She's kicking. Come feel." Taemin squatted next to Key putting his hand next to Keys "Did you feel that? That was her kicking Taemin."
"Woah, I did..oh..I felt her. I felt her kicking Hyung." Key laughs, his eyes turning into smiling eyes "Let's not get emotional."
"Be quiet. Now, should we continue?"
"Yes, let's. Now, sorry for your Uncle Taemin being sentimental. As I said above, I carried you, I did that..and I am proud of myself. It was not always the easiest, but baby, you will be worth every pain I endured while being pregnant. I am still new to being a parent, so may I ask that you don't judge me. What I do is for the betterment of you baby. I may seem distant, or hard to reach, that is not true. Always attentive to you, I will be. I hope you will feel my love for you. I will be trying. Until we meet baby, I love you. Fighting!"

The video faded out, leaving the four members to be quiet.
"Did you like it?" Taemin asks.
"I did, this is..kind. I am..oh grief." Key wipes his eyes.
Minho giggled, kissing his husbands  forehead.
"She really is loved."
"So much already. We are counting down until she is born."
"Come over here. I am too lazy to stand."
The members cuddled tougher into a hug around their pregnant member.

Here it is, my first ship besides BTS..what do we think? Should I continue with other Kpop? Keep it strictly BTS? Leave me comments down below👂🏻

Vote..comment..make requests..or do all three.

See you beauties soon💜💜.

