Lee Know||Stray Kids

"Are those your brownies you are making, Felix?"
"Yes." Felix confirmed "They were meant to be a surprise for you." He pouted his bottom lip. "I thought you were asleep."
"I was." Minho yawned "Baby smelt your brownies. And here I am."
"Not too much longer." Felix says "They should be ready once I am done cleaning the kitchen. Sit down Minho." Felix fussed.

Minho sits on a stool that stands around the kitchen island "How is baby?" Felix asks, stopping his cleaning to look at Minho.

Minho brings his hand to rub at his bump. He is carrying his daughter, something that none of the members knew. Not yet.

"Hyung?" Felix approached him "Are you okay? You have spaced."
"Sorry." He apologized "Thinking. That is all. What was your question?"
"How is baby?" Felix repeated the question.
"The baby is good. I have an appointment tomorrow. Do you want to come?"

Felix straightened up his body "But why me?"
"You are my friend." Minho answered "You can say no."
"What, no! Of course I want to come. If you need me there as a friend then I will be there."
"Thank you." Minho whispers "I just need you there so you can drive."
Felix rolled his eyes "I knew it. You did not want a nice moment between us. I am there to serve you."
"How clever you are."

Felix bent over the sink to collect a dirty dish from his baking: obviously he would help Minho, he knew that it was a task of him to ask Felix for help. Why did Felix get a swooning sensation whenever he caught himself looking at Minho.

No. Stop that Felix.

Still bending Felix redirected his attention to Minho:

"Oh. Hello." Minho whispered. 
Felix watches as Minho positioned his right hand on his lower belly "I thought you were still asleep."

Stays, anyone outside of their group really, knew Minho to be cold hearted. Except they did not see these type of moments. The moments where Minho absorbed himself with his baby, forgetting, or not caring for others to see him in his vulnerable state.

"Maybe if we ask nicely your uncle Felix will give us ice cream too." Minho added "He would have to stop staring at us."

Felix shook his head "Oh, yeah, sorry that I was staring Minho. I do have ice cream. Bought it because of you."

Minho lowered himself off his stool. Walking behind Felix, he hugged his back "Thank you for thinking of the baby. Only you have treated me equally. The others have only catered to her. Oh shit."
Felix turned around looking at Minho "Her?" Felix raises his mouth into a smile "Our first family member is a daughter?"
"Do not tell anyone." Pleaded Minho "I want it to still be a surprise when I give birth."
"Of course."

Minho smiled at Felix "Hey Felix-"

The buzzing from the timer interrupted "The brownies." Felix cheered.

Securing oven mits over his hands Felix removed the pan from the oven. Using a toothpick that he set aside Felix determined the brownies were cooked. Stepping away from the brownies Felix ran the ice cream scoop under hot water from the sink.

Scooping four ice cream scoops into a bowl, Felix added two brownies into the bowl.

"Here is your brownies." Felix set the bowl  in front of Minho.
"Thank you!" Minho clapped his hands together "We will eat these well."

Felix brought back a brownie for himself. As he sat down next to Minho he noticed a napkin on his bump "What is the napkin for?" He wondered.
"A regular table catches crumbs that fall when people eat, my belly is my own table to collect my crumbs." Minho explained. Felix could not argue with that logic.

Felix watches as Minho scoops ice cream on his brownie, eating all of it in one bite.
He smiled and laughs "What is so funny?" Minho questioned. "Just you." Felix answered. "You have ice cream. Here let me get it for you." Felix dabs at the ice cream. Minho closed his eyes "F-Felix, stop." Minho grabs his wrist "What are you doing?"
"Helping you."
"Stop Felix. Stop it." Minho raises his voice.
Felix throws the napkin on the table "I thought we talked about this Felix."
"You did." Felix nods "I did not agree to anything that you told me!"
"This is too complicated for me to worry about while being pregnant."
"You! You are making this complicated." Felix turns his back away from Minho "Felix. Please understand." Minho spins Felix to look at him again "I believed you when you told me that you needed time Minho. Well I have waited. How much more time do you need!" Felix stands up "You can feel how you want to without telling anyone, especially me. But me, Minho, I have tried to be supportive and understanding..but not anymore."
"Wait. Wait, what does that mean?"
Felix turned towards Minho "It means that you are alone. I have tried to be helpful. I no longer care about you. Or her." 

Felix turns around.
"How can you not care about your own daughter!"
Minho now was standing.
"I cared about her." Felix fought "You have shown me that you do not want me as her father. The adoption papers are signed. And in your room. Do not bother me with another pregnancy related issue Minho."

Minho sits back down on the stool. He covered his face with his hands.

"Minho hyung?"
He turned to see Jisung there "What has happened?"
"Everything." Minho gasped.
Jisung walks to Minho "It will be okay. You are safe here with me." He whispered.
Minho laid his chin on Jisungs shoulder "How did my life end up like this?"

Hey readers!
This took a complete turn of my original idea lol
What do you think? A part two?
Please vote, comment, do both..or make requests!
See you again :)

