You Again!

( A/N chose this b/c it goes with the title except you don't want to meet him again. )

You and Daniel go on your first date today. You guys decide to go to the beach, beach picnic, walk in the forest, and shop at the mall. Not in this order of course but still have fun. You guys get changed and leave. This is what you wear.

You don't get dressed up often but you really want to impress Daniel tonight. He wears this. 

 ( A/N forgive me I don't know if Daniel would actually wear this. I tried to find better outfit but had trouble. Anyways, I like this hair do, not saying I don't like him blonde hair. But this is one of my favorites! )

You guys go to the mall and have a fun time until you have to stop for a bathroom break. You try and walk to the ladies room but get pulled by your wrist to another store. You look up to see the one person that could hurt you and Daniel! CHASE!!!

You: What are you doing?!!

Chase: ........

You: Hello?

Chase: Shut up! You better not have told him or anyone.

You: Why? Are you scared?!

Chase: No! But I tried to come beat you up again and you weren't at your house.

You: Yeah it's summer and you don't need to know where I am at all times!

Chase: Don't try me or else he is getting beat up.

You: Right your alone and plus why take me now. Daniel will be looking soon and you don't want to be found do you?

Chase: I wouldn't get so sassy if I were you. This isn't over! When I'm done you will be begging for mercy!

You: Right!

Chase let's go and leaves. You hurry and go to the bathroom to find a fresh new bruise on your wrist. Great another thing Daniel will notice. You do your stuff and go back to Daniel.

Daniel: Hey there you are! I was getting worried.

You: Yeah took a while because of the line.

Daniel: That makes sense.

You guys leave and go to a forest to walk around in. You and Daniel both love nature and walks in the forest. They make you happy and calm. After an hour of walking you guys go to the beach where you sit down and have a picnic. As you sit down Daniel notices the new bruis on your wrist.

Daniel: Hey I don't remember that being there earlier.

You: Oh! It's nothing. ( not believable )

Daniel: Who did it?

You: Promise you won't get mad.

Daniel: Fine.

You: When we went to the mall I was grabbed by someone. I looked and found out it was Chase! He let me go after a few minutes but he said he would come back. He even tried to go to my apartment but you guys had taken me so I wasn't there.

Daniel: I swear he's going to get it.

You: Please just don't get mad. Don't let Chase ruin our date.

Daniel: I won't but if he comes near you again that's it.

You: Just look at me.

Daniel looks at you.

You: Everything is fine. I'm fine. You're right here to protect me if anything happens. Okay. Nothing is going to happen.

Daniel: Okay.

After that you guys laughed, smiled, blushed, and talked about all sorts of things. Then he asked you a big question.

Daniel: ...............

( A/N Another cliffhanger guys. Better keep reading to find out. Comment, like, share, follow, vote, etc. Love y'all and have a great day. )
