The Project

Your P.O.V.

You just got back inside and closed the door. You thought about what just happened. Then you go to bed. The next day is the same routine. Then when you get to school you see Chase start to pick on Daniel. You get super mad and go right up to Chase.

You: May I ask why you are picking on Daniel?

Chase: Well, It's because he chose to be part of your group of nerds and geeks instead of staying with.

You: He made his decision, suck it up and move on.

Chase: I already did. I'm going to make his life hell!

You: Not if I have anything to do with it. You know very well I will not let that happen to anyone including Daniel!

Chase: Good because really I want to make you life hell! You will get what's coming to you soon.

You: In your dreams Chase and nothing more!

Chase: You will see!

Chase walks away pissed as ever! I just laugh and look at Daniel.

You: Hey are you okay?

Daniel: Yeah fine, but what about you.

You: I'm perfect. Don't listen to him. I won't let anything happen!

Daniel: Yeah but what about you? Who's going to make sure nothing happens to you.

You: Me! Trust me I can handle this. I've dealt with worse.

You guys go to class and do your school work. Then you go to your car after school. You go home and feel like your being watched but you ignore it. Just in case though you lock your doors. You suddenly get a text from Daniel.

Daniel: Hey when do you want me to come over for our project?

You: 7 pm would be fine if that's okay with you.

Daniel: That's perfect like you.

You: 1. I'm not perfect and 2. That's cheesy!

Daniel: But it's almost true. You are close to perfect.

You: You are closer.

Daniel: Right, ( sarcastic) anyway I will be there.

He gets here at 7 pm right on time. Then we get back to work. We wrote a song called All My Friends to remix with Love Yourself by Justin Bieber. We were still working out the beat and best parts of both songs when Daniel had to leave. So we hugged and he left. This continued for the 3 days which equals one whole week spent on this project. When we presented it the next Tuesday, we got an A+ on it and shocked the class. It was hilarious to see them think our project was going to be horrible then actually like it. 3 days til no school and summer starts. 
