The New Student PT. 1

(A/N Remember that you didn't see any of the black figures so you don't know who they are or could be. )

The usual again, saving a kid from getting bullied by Chase. Then you went to math class. You sit alone on the back so you can hear the teacher but also have your own personal time and space. Then the teacher said this.

Teacher: Hey everyone today we have a new student and his name is Daniel Seavey. So make sure to be nice and give him a warm welcome.

Then this boy comes in with beautiful blue eyes and brown hair. Your not the kind to find guys attractive but this guy was hot. Though you guessed he wouldn't be nice because he looked like he belonged in the upper class crowd. You still had hope for upper class people hoping one day they would be nice to you and your friends. This is what Daniel Seavey looked like.

Teacher: Oh and also you, Daniel can sit wherever you want.

So there are multiple chairs in the room empty but he chooses to sit by me. As he makes his way to the back, he smiles his toothy gap smile. So cute, wait what am I thinking I barley know this dude. Your just ignore him the rest of the class and go to you next class. This happens all day to find he has all the same classes as you including art, and music. Then in every class he chooses to sit by you for some reason. 
