The Rescue


You: And what was that.

Chase: You'll have to find out.

Chase then led you into a room with a couch and coffee table. CREEPY!!! Then he gave you a key and showed you a room with a bed, desk, everything for a regular room. EVEN CREEPIER!!!

Chase: I'm gonna go but I will be back. Don't escape or else you know what will happen to Daniel!

You: Ok!

He left and you remember you have your phone so you call Daniel.

Daniel: ( your name ) you okay! How did you call me? Never mind did you escape??!!

You: Daniel calm down, I forgot about the phone. Look, get the boys and come get me. Hurry please Chase is getting really creepy!

Daniel: We'll be on our way! Stay away from him!

Then Chase comes in. You only had enough time to hide your phone.

Chase: Okay you ready?

You: For what?

Chase: Your part of the deal.

You: Which is what?

It took me a minute, then I got it.

You: Oh, noo! Hell no!

Chase: Oh yes.

He starts advancing on you til your back is at the corner at the wall. Then he grabs your arms.

You: Please don't do this! You don't have to do this please!

Chase: Oh, baby I have to.

You: Please don't!

Chase: You promised and now it's my turn. Chase starts kissing your jaw then goes down your neck.

You: No let me go!

Chase: Shh! Save it! We have all night so enjoy this.

Then you start to feel Chase let go to do whatever so you push him and try to run. The doors locked and he starts advancing again.

You: Please Chase I don't want to do this I'm not ready!

Chase: You should have thought about this when you made the deal!

You: I didn't make this specific deal! I won't do it.

Chase then grabs your hips as you try and run then you get thrown on the bed. Then the door get busted open. Daniel runs in and punches Chase then runs over to me. The other boys come in and start to beat up Chase. I just go deeper into Daniel crying in his chest. He just holds me and speaks in my ear sweet nothings. Finally after 5 minutes I say that I want to go home. Daniel nods and we leave with the boys. We get to their place with Daniel holding me tightly and never letting go. We go up to his room and we talk.

Daniel: Did he do it because if he did he's dead!

You: No you saved me before he could. All he did was kiss my jaw and neck. I'm so sorry!

Daniel: Why are you sorry?

You: If I hadn't of ran my mouth maybe we wouldn't have had to go through this. Which b the way are you okay?

Daniel: Yeah. What about your neck.

You: It's fine. But me, I guess I'm scared but now that your here I'm safe and happy.

Daniel: Come here baby girl.

I go over to him and he pulls me into his chest. I smile then cuddle into it more. Daniel then kisses my forehead and lays us both down.

You: Hey Daniel?

Daniel: Hmmm? ( hums it )

You: Would you want to come outside with me and watch the stars?

Daniel: Yeah let's go.

Daniel instead of letting me walk carried me outside and puy me down. Then went inside to get a couple blankets and pillows. We just sat out there for like hours and talked, laughed, and stared at the stars and beautiful sky. Then we went back in and fell asleep together. 
