The Kiss

Your P.O.V.

Recap: We get to the kitchen to see the boys eating .................. CHIPOTLE!!!!

You and Daniel look at each other then smirk! Daniel puts you down on the couch in the living room then goes and gets some fruit. You sit on the couch eating fruit and enjoying each others company. You and Daniel even talked a while as the other went swimming. You didn't want to go swimming because of your wounds and also because you still hurt. As you guys talk you can't help but look at Daniel's blue ocean eyes. You then look at each other and stop talking. Time stops and you start to lean in and so does Daniel. You guys then kiss. You back away, smile, and blush. Daniel blushes but then smiles. He picks you up and puts you back in his room. He then shuts the door after setting you down. He comes over and sits on the bed as you both look down.

Daniel's P.O.V.

I kissed her! It was so good. I couldn't help it though. She looked so hot in my clothes then with that big beautiful smile. Now we are just chill'in talking about stuff on my bed. She looks so cute with that blush on her face. I feel so bad for what Chase did to her. If it wasn't for ( your name ) I would be going to beat him up. But ( your name ) doesn't want me hurt and I promised I wouldn't so I won't. But if I ever see him again I will gibe him a piece of my mind. I've been thinking though. I want to make ( your name ) my girlfriend but I'm afraid she will say no. I don't know if she feels that way about me. The kiss could mean she likes me but she might see this as nothing. I don't know. Wait she just snapped her fingers in my face I must have been thinking in deep thinking.

Your P.O.V.

He just sat there staring at you. You think he's in deep thinking so you snap your fingers in his face. He then looks at you and blushes. You smile back. You talk a little longer than you get sleepy. You cuddle up to him and lay you head on his shoulder. He puts his arm around your shoulder and you just smile. Then you go to sleep.

Daniel's P.O.V.

We were talking when she snuggled up to me. Of course I wasn't complaining but just smiled at the thought. Then she laid her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her shoulder and she smiled. I just smiled too. Then she fell asleep there. The boys came in and started to get loud when coming to the living room. So I gave them the shush sign with my finger on my lips and smiled while looking at her. The others nodded and got quiet. I stood up and carried ( your name ) to my room. I laid her on my bed with me beside her. Then she snuggled her arms around my torso and her head in my chest. I just held her as she snuggled in. I then laid down with her body onto mine and fell asleep too. But before I did I kissed ( your name )'s forehead and said goodnight baby girl. 
