The Next Day

So the next day You do your regular routine except putting make up on to cover the bruises, cuts, black eyes, and everything else. You keep your long hair down so it covers up the bruises on your back. You wear this to school.

You go to school to see Daniel waiting at your locker smiling when he sees you.

Daniel: Morning beautiful!

You: Morning handsome.

Daniel: So how was your day without me.

You think for a moment and just fake a smile.

You: It was great but I still missed you.

You guys go to your classes until you ask the teacher if you could go tot the gym alone for a while during your study hall. ( 2nd study hall )

The teacher says yes so you go in there. It's quiet and no one is there. You go to the sitting bench and think until you hear a door open and close.

I look up and see this boy.

The boy comes closer than you realize he was one of the 5 trying to kidnap you. You back away running to the middle of the gym. You look at the exits to find each of them blocked by a guy except there only 3 exits so one kidnapper is missing from the group. The rest of the boys started coming towards me as I tried to escape. They each looked like this. 

I tried to get passed one but ended up bumping into another then they all cornered me.

Curly guy ( Jack): Get up. You need to come with us.

You: Before you guys take me I need to finish the rest of my school.

Blond guy ( Corbyn ): Why?

You: If you guys are going to take me, at least let me say by to everyone! I will come quietly with no resistance if you let me do this.

Brown short guy ( Zach ): How do we know you're not lying.

You: Just let me do this and I will meet you anywhere! In fact, one of you can ride with me after school to the location so you guys can kidnap me. But just let me say by to my friends!

Brown tall guy ( Jonah ): Fine, but we'll be keeping our eyes on you if you do anything wrong.

They let me out of the gym. I go back to my study hall to find Daniel waiting on me. I can't say bye yet. I have to say bye before I go to my car. Then that will be it. I have to keep my end of the deal or else someone else my get hurt and I can't let that happen. Especially Daniel. So we finish school for the day and year! T's the last day of school today and no one will notice I'm gone. Except Daniel. I hate lying to him but I can't let him get hurt. School flies and you end walking to Daniel before going to your car.

You: Goodbye Daniel!

Daniel: Don't act so sad you will see me soon when I text you remember. You act as if this is the last time I will see you.

You: No I just give hugs whenever I can to my friends.

He drives away and your last to leave the school as a student. But when you get to your car the boy with blond hair is waiting for you.

Blonde guy ( Corbyn ): I forgot to tell you my name is Corbyn. Don't forget about our deal though.

You: I didn't Corbyn, but don't drug me.

Corbyn: As long as you're good we won't drug you. Just keep your promise because we kept ours.

You: I will!

You get in the passenger side as Corbyn drives to the place where you change cars. When you get there you see the same van from a couple of weeks ago. You get in and say nothing. The other boys get in except the one driving in the front. You feel sad and scared. You just think of Daniel to calm you down. You guys drive for like FOREVER!!!! Then you end up at this house with tons of rooms and windows. You don't try to escape because you don't know how much they know about you and don't want them to hurt anyone you know. They take you upstairs where you go into one of the boys rooms and shower. They give some of their clothes which include boxers, long jeans with no rips, t-shirt, and sweatshirt. You don't complain but just take them and shower. You reapply your make up so they don't know about the beating with Chase. Then you go down stairs to have the 4 guys on the couch. They all turn their heads to face you.

Corbyn: Hey ( your name ) I want you to meet the other guys. This is Zach, Jonah, and Jack.

He says this as he point to each one. Zach is short with brown hair. Jonah has the brown hair but is tall. Jack has the curly hair and then you know what Corbyn looks like.

You: Cool. But wasn't there 5 of you guys a couple weeks ago.

Zach: Yes but we won't mention the last guy yet.

You: Why not?

Zach: We can't but you will know soon.

Then Zach takes you up to a room with a bed and boy stuff but you don't complain. You just get comfy and go to bed. Zach stays there to make sure you're asleep so you don't run. 
