
"Please help me." I said sitting on the couch and laying my legs over James' lap. "Why does everyone try to set me up with people. Do they think I can't find someone by myself?" I said making James laugh. "Really Cora and Robert, My Aunt Elizabeth, and now the Queen!"

"It's because they think you're so beautiful that you don't deserve to be alone. " He said making me smile and throw my head back off the couch. "What? it's true."

"Whatever." I said sitting up and giving him a kiss before throwing him out of my room so I could get ready for bed. "I'll see you in the morning. Night."


About five minutes later Anna came in just to deliver me a fresh nightgown. About a year ago I decided that I really didn't need a lady's maid.

"Anna can I tell you something?" I asked as she nodded and set the nightgown down on my bed. "You can't tell anyone."

"Of course." She said as took a deep breath.

"The reason. I didn't see Newton as a love in treat is because I've been seeing James for almost a year." I said as she slowly nodded probably processing what I was telling her. "I just felt like you needed to know, and I trust you." I said as she smiled and placed her hand on tip on mine.

"Thank you, and I'm so happy for you." She said making me tear up.

"We haven't told anyone yet besides Tom." I said as she nodded and sat up.

"I won't tell anyone. Goodnight." She said before leaving. As soon as she left I smiled and went to bed with a big smile on my face.

The next day everyone woke up bright and early to help get things ready for the parade. Last night everyone went out in the rain to help put out the chairs, so it oy really meant that the workers had to bring the food, chair covers, and tables.

"I'll watch James and Alfred." I said as Cora nodded and went to supervise the others.

"You're welcome, Cora in hard core mode today." I said as they both smiled and playfully bowed and I curtsied. "Now back to work!" I said making them both laugh before moving over to the buffet table. "Mrs. Pattmore this all look so delicious." I said picking a grape off a vine and popping it into my mouth.

"Thank you. Ms. Branson. It took us all quite a long time to prepare all this food." She said as I smiled and nodded.

"I bet it did, well good luck." I said as she curtsied.

"Y/N!" Mary said waving me down to come to her as I nodded and ran over.

"What is it?" I asked kneeling next to a young boy around 12.

"Mother told me you know how calm people down, this little boy Alan is very upset because he lost his mother, could you stay with him while I look for her?" She asked as I nodded and took the boy into my arms.

"Of course. Go." I said as she nodded and startled looking around for the boy's mother. "it will be all right, she will find her." I said as he nodded and gave me a hug. About 5 minutes later Mary came back with the boy's mother which meant I had to get back to planning an decorating.

"Thank you, you're very good with children." She said as I wiped my dirty hands on my dress.

"I would hope so. I worked at the daycare back in London." I said watching the mother and Son skip off probably back home. "Well, back to work!!" I said playfully pointing to Alfred and James who just rolled their eyes at me.
