Eternal Pain

As soon as you heard the voice you knew who it was. 

It was Pete. 

He was the last person you wanted to see right now. 

"Y/N hurry up....." Said Robert turning around to see what was taking me so long. As soon as he turned around he saw Pete and his eye widened. "What are you doing here?" You asked as the rest of the family also looked towards you. "I leave tomorrow so I thought I would come spend time with my friends before I go." He said handing you the posters. "You never asked me to come?" You asked sounding hurt. "I wanted to but, I thought after you read the letter you would never want to see me again." He said grabbing your hands.  "Why would you think that, of course I wanted to see you again so we could talk this through." You said, but before you could say anything else Tom walked over to you. "Y/N we really should go, why don't you bring Pete with us." He said, you both agreed and took the conversation outside. 

"I don't want any of this Y/N, I love you. But my family's forcing me to run the farm and Marry Isabella." He said looking into your eyes. "I love you to Pete, but you need to do this for your family, your a only child and you need money." You responded. "I don't want to, tell me I shouldn't and I won't!" He said breaking out into tears, which made you cry also. "I can't Pete, You have to go." You said letting go of his hands. "I can't be the one who breaks your family apart. I love you to, but I have to go." You said running to the car with Robert, Cora, and Tom. 

"I won't ask what happened" Robert said as you buried your head in Toms chest and cried the whole way back, as soon as you got home you ran to your room and cried even more. At around six O'clock you heard a knock on your door. It was James coming to see how I was holding up, and brought me soup. "Could you stay with me for a while?" You asked patting the seat next to you. He nodded but was hesitant to sit on the couch next to you but eventually gave i and sat next to you. 

You both talked for a while, until you became tired and started moving closer so you could lean your head on his shoulder. "I have to go now, I have to serve dinner." He said getting up off the couch and left to go serve the rest of the family dinner. As soon as he left you felt sad. All of your suitors had left. 'I guess that's why were having a ball tomorrow.' You thought as you got your self-dressed and made you way downstairs. 
