Guess Who??

"You asked to speak with me miss?" Mr Bates asked walking into the library where I was waiting. 

"Yes, Mr. Bates please sit down." I said as he sat down in front of me. "I need to ask you for a favor. You remember my friend Pete right? Well there was word in the village that he was getting married soon and I'm to nervous to write to see if it's true. So the favor is if you would write as someone else asking if it's true that he's getting married." 

"Of course I'll help. When do you need the letter?" He asked. 

"Maybe by the end of the day tomorrow. Thank you so much, it means a lot to me." I said as we both got up, I gave him a hug. "Can you send up Alfred?" I asked as he approached the door, he just smiled and nodded.

About 5 minutes later he came up and I made sure no one was around for the big news I had for him. 

"I've just hear of news that there looking for a cook at the hotel. It's not the best paying but you'll work your way up. There's almost a tryout on Saturday in London. I can ask someone to drive us down?" I asked handing him the advertisement. 

"Us?" Alfred asked raising his eyebrow. 

"I'm already going down to meet up with my aunt, and why waist fuel when we could just go together." I said as James walked back in to tell me someone was at the door for me.

"Thank you James. I'll be down in a minute." I said giving him a genuine smile. "So are you going to apply?" I asked rocking on my heels.

"I'll have to think about it. Thank you milady." He said opening the door for me as I thanked him and made my way to the front entrance where my guest was waiting, and guess who was waiting there for me?
