
AR Delhi:

Aman bring me the chaterjee clothing file and fix a meeting with the designing team today prior to lunch break.

Sure.ASR regarding internship for designing team we have shortlisted the best candidates from Aara fashion contest.Multiple college had participated and these candidates are the best.

Cool, then ask the HR team to do the needful.And let me look at the top candidates Design segment file.

(After seeing the designs)Aman this candidate Kushi Kumari Gupta seems to have some unique style of taste.Watch her keenly if she excel in traing we can hire in our core team.

Aman:Ok ASR, and ASR the training starts 3 days from today.

Kushi's College:

HOD calls Kushi and informs that sh has been selected for AR as intern for next 6 months.

Gupta Residence:

Kushi:(Kushi shouting happily)
Amma,buaji,jiji,bauji I got the internship.

Shashi Gupta feeds jelabi to Kushi and every one wishes her

Well-done tithiliya(butterfly 馃)Now go and refresh we shall start to Raizadha house.

Payal and Garima arranges the fruits and sweets to take with them.

Payal and Kushi got ready in traditional wear as per their Amma's wish.

The ride to the Raizadha house was nearly 10 min from their locality and they were amazed seeing the grandness and security of their house.

Anjali welcomed them and seated in the hall and introduced her husband Shyam Manohar Jha

Welcome to our home and my wife was waiting for your presence and true to her words you all seem to be very sweet people to hang out.
