
When Arnav and Khushi reached Gupta Residence they were in a shock.....why?

Let's see what happened when Harshad spoke to Shashi.

Harshad:tell me it true you want kushi's property for Payal's marriage?

Shashi:I don't think you want to tell us what happened to Kushi's parents property which you have taken over,but remember Harshad ji...what belongs to my daughter should be rightfully handed over to her.

Aditya:Dad now I get it why you wanted to take Kushi as soon as possible from this place,. they think to fool Kushi and take her property and leave her.

Adhvini:Garima call Kushi bitiya now and let her also see how cheap her adopted family is.

Harshad:Now I think that how Vikrant's car got accident suddenly that too near Shashi Gupta's shop on that day.

Aditya:Dad you think Shashi uncle planed all this and putting blame on innocent people like us?who knows may be he is the one who planned the accident.

Adhvini:coming to think of it how you got Kushi from that children care center,when you already have a daughter.

Everything leads to Shashi's hand in kushi's family accident.

Shashi who was heart broken hearing these lies, shuddered and sat in the near by sofa.

Everyone ran near Shashi.

Payal:Bauji please have this water.

Garima:we all know these Metha's are playing a bad game,they are trying to accuse you and escape.

Madhumathi:Ha Shashi, you don't take these words to your heart.your ladli kushi will be broken if she sees you like this.

Dadi: don't spew venom when you don't know how and why Shashi adopted Kushi Harshad.

Garima spoke angrily to Methas: you want to break us,so that we should not ask you anything right?

Adhvini smiled slyly and started to speak when a loud voice stopped her.

Payal:OUT.....Just Get The Hell out of our house.

You want to speak with kushi right,she is not available today,... tomorrow in a common place we all shall meet,but now my bauji want's some rest,and I prefer only our family(showing Raizadhas and Gupta)can stay here.

Harshad who had a winner smirk called his family to come with him.

End of flashback.

Kushi ran to Shashi and hugged him tightly and started to whimper.

Kushi: Because of me you had to face such bad people na bauji?

Shashi smiled at kushi: Bitiya when you were a kid you only held my hand when I came to see you at that children care,from that day till now you are and will always be my few words can break our bond bitiya.....but promise me that wherever you go and get your maternal family,you should always call me bauji.

Kushi nodded silently.

Aravind:Theses Mehta's are much vile than they look.we need evidence....much stronger than the ones I have already.

Arnav:I have already had my team investigated on these Mehtas,they are very clever that they have no black mark and the employees in their company have no idea on their bosses doings.(with a distant look)
They have a clean slate in police records too.

Aravind called someone and asked them to come to the address sent.

I didn't wanted to do this but we have no choice....

Payal: Can't just Kushi ask them to backoff and why shouldn't we say Arnav ji and Kushi are going to get married?

Akash:you heard them Payal, I think they will do whatever it takes to get kushi's property.

Arnav: Akash is not wrong but I think we are missing a bigger piece of this whole Mehta's drama,and I wonder what that could be...

May be I could be of some help.....

Maya entered the room with a powerful aura and a cute smile.

Kushi who was till now silent  became very emotional and got teary eyed and rushed infront of Maya.

Maya came infront and hugged Kushi tightly and wispered di is back kuku.

Kushi eyes opened in shock and a bit flashes from her childhood she remembered suddenly.

Maya got introduced to everyone and they all sat on the lounge.

Aravind:Maya I have never asked you about your family's accident,do you have anything to share on that topic relating this Harshad.

Maya: Harshad uncle used to play chess with me often when I was small,he had this strange thing...I did not notice then but to think of that does make sense.

Aravind:what is that?

Maya:He says in chess or life don't think to become a friend unless they are the target.I used to ask him in chess there are no friends right,but he smiles away and says yes yes.

Arnav:So it means he had planned something from the beginning.

Maya:yes.And when I was growing up papa(Aravind) used to tell stories of his with his friends,from that I got to know that Harshad Mehta is one player who hates to loose.And mind you guys he may be more than a normal person to be dealt with.

Shashi:Beta you and Kushi should be more careful from now on, I have a feeling that this house may be monitored.

Payal:Bauji please you don't stress on these things,I am sure we can soon find a solution for this issue.

Kushi:May be I could speak to that Aditya guy and....

Arnav: what the...why should you speak alone with him....I think you should stay with Maya and Payal everytime that Mehta family comes here.

Maya looked at Aravind as she noticed how possesive Arnav is in the matter of Kushi.

Payal:they want to meet Kushi Arnav ji,we should expect the unexpected and prepare her.

Maya:Kushi if you tell them you are not interested in this marriage alliance,they will plan for some other thing and we might take time to again find out what.

Arnav:So you are saying that my Kushi should say yes to that Aditya?.....Not happening Maya.I won't allow any such thing like that.

Akash: Bai but practically speaking,Maya is correct they still think that they can manipulate Kushi but if she rejects them they may even try to harm her physically and emotionally.We can't protect her 24/7  forever Bai.

Anjali:Arnav I have an idea,why don't we distract them.


Maya:I have an idea.


Aditya:mom I think I am in love.

Adhvini:Good thing you started liking that Kushi.

Aditya:I love Maya.
