
Arnav:Kushi please don't this to us.

Kushi(whimpering):I can't understand anything clearly Arnav ji, bauji is not at peace after knowing who your dad is.

Everything seems to be falling apart,I can't take it anymore.

After knowing who you are, I can't stay away from you either.

I have so many questions running on my mind.I got nothing but heavy heart now.

I can't wait anymore Arnav know everything regarding my past.

I can't wait to know what happened to us?

Arnav hugs Kushi tightly and hushes her.


Please trust me dear,all I got to tell you is trust your Annav.

Talk to me Kushi,ask me whatever questions you got in mind but don't go away from me...I can't ...I can't take it damnit.

Kushi comes out of the hug and asks Arnav.

Why did you take so much time to find me?


I was disheartened to know about your family's accident, I wanted to see you at any cost, mumma health was becoming bad.

When everyone told me you are no more,I didn't believe that.
I came for you kushi, I came that day but someone had wiped out your information of survival.

When I saw you at AR my heart said you are my doll.. my Kushi, but I chided my mind to not break my heart anymore.

When I searched for Aditya Metha's Detail, then my detective found out who you are and how you are related to me and my family.

Today I vow to you kushi, whatever may happen..I won't leave you alone anymore.

Your Annav has waited long enough for his doll, kushi.Not anymore.

Arshi hugs eachother in a tight embrace.

Mehta residence:

Adhvini was telling Aditya about how to impress Kushi.

Aditya was nonchalant about this whole if not a big a deal.

After getting her shares and property leave her in a desserted place Aditya ,said Adhvini in vengeance.


Before that I'll take ASR down by showcasing Kushi as a characterless women mom, I will not leave that Arnav and Khushi to unite.


You both tone it down, ASR has set his detective dogs around everything related to the past.I don't want him to find our motive till Aditya and Kushi marriage happens.

Shashi is our triumph card, all we have to do is to make him believe that Arnav is a bad omen in kushi's life.

At the same time...

Indira Gandhi international airport Delhi.

Home sweet home dad.


Sweet or salt, I'll never let anyone hurt you Maya and that's a promise

Both reached their place

Maya listen to me,till I clear out with Maliks and Raizadhas don't do anything impulsive beta.


All I want is to meet Kushi dad, and as you said I won't do anything impulsive.

I have my meetings in Agra till next week, you have your time dad... don't disappoint me.

Next day:

Aravind reached shantivan.

Subhatra came out to see  who is the visitor.


Subhatra(in a loud voice):How dare you come infront of me?
