
Payal and Kushi were seen packing for their trip next day

Kushi got a call from Arnav stating that Akash could not join them as either of them has to attend the foreign deligate meeting which suddenly preponded to tomorrow.

Listening to the info Payal thought not to be the third wheel in kushi's tomorrow's trip with Arnav and decided to go to office the next day.

Trip to Rishikesh

Arnav and Khushi are seated in helicopter and started their journey.

Kushi was closing her eyes and holding Arnav's hand tightly due to nervousness.

To distract Kushi Arnav started to tease her.

Arnav:Kushi, are you trying to break my hand?

Kushi:sorry Arnav ji I am scared.

Arnav smirked at her and decided to tease her further.

Arnav:Kushi I am feeling uneasy.

Kushi (forgetting the situation):why? what happened Arnav ji?Is your health ok?Is your sugar level down?Do you feel suffocated?

Arnav(coming near kushi's ear and said):Your closeness making my heart beat fast...and I think at this rate I may faint.

Kushi(looking at his smirk started to whine):Arnav ji.....stop teasing me.

Arnav held kushi's waist and pulled her near and whispered in her ear.

Look outside Kushi what a great sight you are missing.

Kushi looked at Arnav and then outside, the view was mind-blowing...mother earth is a wonder itself with its wide spread of flora and fauna.Kushi took a deep breath and looked back at Arnav and said,

Being with you this day is a blessing for me Arnav ji, more than the view... your eyes express a view at our beautiful future together and she rested her head on Arnav's chest.

Arnav heart was overwhelming by kushi's remark on their togetherness, his once wished dream is happening now...14years damnit he thought in his mind.

Mehtas returned to Delhi and called Shashi again for kushi's hand for Aditya..
Shashi asked them to come to their home that evening.

Shashi called Raizadhas and Maliks too for the evening.

The plan was made to make Mehtas not suspect Maya's existence or Aravind involvement in all these happenings.

Maya returned to her home and gather all the details from Aravind.

At Rishikesh

Kushi and Arnav went directly to the Ganges River bed and came to know that evening Ganga pujan is the best and the view of thousands of lights in the river will make them feel god's glory of blessings directly shower on them.

Kushi too insisted that they do the pooja at evening.Till then they decided to sightseeing the place

Rishikesh the place is nothing but a little piece of heaven, the nature's way of amusement.

Their both cellphone range was out of network coverage area as they went at hilly regions for sightseeing.

The climate change at Rishikesh was becoming worse as heavy rain pour came near their place,Aman tried to reach Arnav as he came to know the climate change.

When Arnav and Khushi came to an exclusive sight away from the public group and then Arnav got to know the climatic conditions of Rishikesh and immediately informed their families and told them that they are at safe space and will return ASAP when the climate gets better.

A view at where Arnav and Khushi reached:

At Gupta Residence:

Shashi:Harshad meet my friend Madhan from Hariyana and introduced Aravind who was in disguise.

Aravind:So Harshad ji,you want our bitiya's hand in marriage with your son,correct?

Harshad:yes and we today definitely make decision on this discussion,Shashi ji call Kushi bitiya we are planning to make sagun today itself.

Hello hai bye bye!

Whoij sagunva today's happenings?

There came Raizadhas too.

Adhvini:Shashi ji Garima ji why did you called these Raizadhas knowing how their son Aravind Malik's character is?

Payal:Hold your toung mrs Mehta these people are my going to be in-laws.And we have not yet decided whom to get Kushi married to.

Aditya:How dare you,say like that?Kushi should only decide for herself... guys are planning to ruin her life by getting Kushi and Arnav married..we know.

Adhvini:And we never allow our dear friends daughter to get married to that criminal's Son.

Harshad:look Shashi Gupta you all are only her adopted family but remember Kushi is ours.She must choose our son Aditya alone.

Akash: Adopted or not they are Kushi's family and as I am going to be one of them,I have to say guys seems to desperate to get Kushi.Its not seems by choice.... something is missing.

Aravind: Akash bituva are you saying that Mehtas want Kushi bitiya not out of love but to get her parents property?

Mehtas are shocked at how the scene is changing against them.

Harshad in a loud voice:Yes we need that property so what?


At Rishikesh:

Arnav ji I am scared and I am sorry that I insisted on staying for evening pooja.

Arnav pulled Kushi to himself and ......

What will happen next?

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Target 50votes atleast
