
Nobody's POV:

Next day:

Raizadhas invited Guptas for Saturday dinner.

Payal and Akash fixed their date this afternoon near AR Cafe.

Arnav was feeling so low and thinks about kushi all the time, he couldn't concentrate in his gardening, his meetings and all.

After yesterday's outburst Kushi stayed miles away from Arnav to the extent that though she completed her designs earlier than others but she doesn't went to submit her sketches directly to Arnav.She gave them to Lavanya for the submission.

NK and Kushi hit it off very soon over their eating habits and now they seem like two peas in the same pod.

Nani and Anjali went to personally select some gifts just in case they want to give them to Guptas over a very good news(you guys know which news right)

That day afternoon 4pm

Akash starts to the cafe to meet Payal.

Akash:Hi Payal.Thank you for coming,I was pinching my self to see you at the cafe's door way that you The great Payal Gupta is coming to see me.

Akash yesterday only we spoke and fixed this date right, then why are you exclaiming?

Akash:You don't remember our college days much I think Payal.But I can jag your memory a little bit.

You used to get a empty white sheet daily at your desk right and also you saved some girl from entering the bike race contest.

Payal:Oh ya but...but how do you know these things.

Akash: Payal I had a huge crush on you at that time,I liked your attitude, your presence of mind to solve the problems
And all

The white sheet was from me I did not had the courage to fill it up thinking that you may not like me.

The girl you saved is my friend's sister she's still thank full to you.

I don't want to beat around the bush Payal ,now atleast I should be daring right.

I like you Payal way more than you think,I want to see how things goes if we were in a relationship.will you give me the honour of becoming your boyfriend?

(Than toked her god in mind)
I would like to be your girlfriend Akash.I too had crush on you during college time,but could not gather my courage to tell you that.

Now that we have clear mindset can I ask something Akash?

please ask anything Payal.

Payal:I want us to be private i.e I don't want to tell our relationship status to family or our friends yet.

Akash:sure Payal
