
Careful Kushi....Arnav pulled Kushi who didn't see the big stone infront of her.

Both were looking into eachother eyes,a pair had dripping innocence and another one had determination.

After sometime Arnav mobile was ringing which intrupted their starring contest.

Kushi:Arnav ji pick up the call,it may be urgent.

Arnav (who was smirking at shy girl infront of him):They will call again.

Suddenly they heard a big thunder and the sky with dark clouds

that place which actually made Kushi to shiver and hug Arnav tightly.

Understanding the situation Arnav wrapped his hands around Kushi and pulled her near the cave area and whispered calming words to kushi.

When he received the call again he picked at once and came to know that they cannot travel to main land as the climate was no too good and Aman had arranged them some basics which was already kept and given to him a few hours ago.

Arnav asked Aman to inform the family and let them know that he and Kushi are in safe space and some of the camping tourists are there,and will go back as soon as the situation gets better.

Arnav looked at kushi and assured everything will be fine.

When they went near the camping site which was way safer than the place that they were standing,they come to know that one of the campmate has a extra tent set-up.

At Gupta Residence:

Aditya:we don't have to answer you guys anything, Vikrant uncle and my dad were the bestest of what if my dad wanted to take care of Vikrant uncle's property.

Aravind:why do your dad alone takecare of Vikrant sir's property, kushi bitiya is capable of taking care herself and regarding the property....she will decide what to do with that.

Adhvini:Now this outsider will tell us what to do and what not to?

Shashi:Mind your words Adhvini ji he is our family's well wisher, Kushi & our whole family respects him so much.

Adhvini:you guys have called these Raizadhas first and now this man to insult us it seems, Shashi ji.We tell you guys something which will make all of you clear, Kushi dad's property is inter connected with ours.... without our consent you guys can not take out a single penny from that remember.

Harshad:And to make you clear,if only Kushi married Aditya,we will allow her to use her property.

Garima:you guys seemed very eager to get kushi's consent for the wedding but what if she doesn't want to be a part of your family?

Madhumathi:And seeing your behaviour I don't think she will ever want to be your daughter in law.So don't create a scene and leave us at peace.

Dadi:So tell me Harshad,you and Vikrant were best friends right so why are you trying to hurt his daughter?

You and Vikrant was also like my children beta, why are you doing like this?

Harshad:you don't know subhatra ma, somethings are better if they are hidden.

Manohar:Shashi ji, when Harshad ji can come to ask your daughter stating his friendship with kushi's father....what about Arnav and Khushi's engagement happened with the blessings of both the children's mothers and Kushi's father?

If Kushi bitiya consider Aditya then  Arnav beta should also get a fair chance right.

Aditya: Arnav Arnav Arnav why always he has to become a topic, listen carefully Shashi Gupta, Kushi is mine...only mine.

Payal:Says who?you listen Aditya Mehta Kushi will only choose her prospective groom when she likes,with whom she like ....get this in your brain and ha my parents invited you guys for some reason listen to it first,before deciding anything.

Adhvini:Shashi ji,why this informal meeting then?what do you want to say?

Shashi:I want to know something about kushi's parents and as per your words Adhvini ji and Harshad ji has been very close to kushi's birth parents.

At Rishikesh:

After eating whatever they had in the back pack Kushi and Arnav sat near the camp fire place along with the tourists.

Seeing Kushi shivering from cold Arnav offered his coat and sat near Kushi and pulled her near him.

An elderly couple Mr&Mrs.Tagore from that group smiled each other and told to Arnav and Khushi that they both remind them of their younger version.

Arnav exclaimed knowing that the elderly couple was a big steel industrialists in India,and the couple spoke with Arnav for a long time regarding their business venture,how they started and all.

Mrs.Tagore:So Kushi bitiya,tell me about your future plans.

Kushi:....Aunty I am doing my final year in fashion designing and planning to join in AR once after that and looking playfully at Arnav,if only my husband allows.

Arnav heart warmed at how Kushi referred him as husband,so he continued

If my wife wishes to pursue her carrier,I am all for it aunty...she doesn't need to ask my permission to stand for herself ever.

Mr.Tagore:You both are adorable or what.You guys definitely should visit us in future and don't forget to invite us to your upcoming wedding guys.

Arnav and Khushi:you guys are our honoured guests Mr and Mrs. Tagore

At Gupta Residence:

Shashi:So tell me Harshad ji,when Kushi's parents met with accident and died.. did you guys shifted to Kushi's ancestral house?

Harshad:yes,we did as we didn't want that place to taken over by local goons or politicians.

Shashi:But you did you used Aravind Malik's name while you sublet that property?

Harshad:what nonsense, we didn't do anything wron.

Shashi:That property belongs to Vikrant's heir but you guys are using it why? Not only that the company shares, Vikrant's other resort in heart place of Lucknow everything is subleted by you but Aravind Malik's name is there in the agreement form,why?

Harshad's face was becoming red with anger and shame.

Adhvini:So Shashi Gupta how do you come to know these things?

Aditya:These all must be done by that scoundrel Aravind Malik mom, he must have twisted his way through the informations.

Harshad slyly:What do you think of yourself Shashi?Why are you suddenly asking accounts on Vikrant's property?Does Kushi know that you want her use for Payal's marriage?

Not everyone can come to know that I have used that Aravind Malik,how come you got it?

Akash:so you accept it Mr.Mehta?

