Together at Last

Ok friends. Here is the last chapter of Kaoru x Reader (Which was newly named It Was You based on the song that gave me the inspiration to finish this last chapter). It has been a long time since I started this story, and Frankly, It's weird having it done. If enough of you want, I might write a few specials and an epilogue, but this is the official end of the story. Now I won't blab anymore because I know that most of you will either skip this or be getting impatient, so my last thing for now is this: PLEASE LISTEN TO THE SONG AS YOU READ. Most preferably at the very end. You'll see when you get there.


The next few days passed in a deceivingly peaceful way. Hikaru stopped pestering you about Kaoru, and you were successfully able to avoid much contact with said twin. You felt pretty successful, and you were sure that Hikaru had given up on you.

It was a cosplay free day in the club, and you were thankful for the lack of extravagant (and slightly revealing) outfits. You calmly sat in your area and sipped tea as you entertained your customers. There was little craziness, and you were content in the break from the Host's shenanigans.

As you hosted, Hikaru was racking his brain for an idea that would make you and Kaoru start dating. That was his problem. You and Kaoru were some of the most stubborn people he knew, and he was positive nothing short of genius would work. He needed the perfect plan. It had to be aggressive, infallible, and cunning.

He had already thrown away countless ideas, and was beginning to get irritated with his inability to compose a plan. He watched as you were hosting, and then glanced at his brother next to him. You were idiots. He continued to gaze around the room, and his eyes fell on something. Something that sparked an idea. Something that sparked a perfect idea. An idea that would definitely work.

He grinned evilly as he plotted, but sadly, you and Kaoru were completely oblivious.

You strolled into Ouran Academy without a care, and made your way to your first class. Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi were already there, so you settled yourself in your seat. Classes began, and passed by like every other day. You were beginning to tire of how monotonous your days were becoming, with exception of the Host Club of course. The day crawled by, and school was finally over. You began to head towards the club room, when a frantic Hikaru sprinted towards you. Slightly suspicious of him, you watched as he bent over gasping for air, and then looked towards you.

"(F/n)! There's an emergency!" He yelled dramatically. You looked at him questioningly and replied

"What is it?"

"It's Kaoru! He locked himself in the closet in the Host Club room! He w\isn't coming out, and he won't answer anyone!"

You gasped slightly, and you immediately began worrying for the ginger. What could have caused him to become upset enough to lock himself away from his twin? A sudden pang hit your heart as you wondered if maybe it was about some girl. You tried not to feel jealous, but you couldn't help but feel it start bubbling up in your stomach.

Shaking that feeling off you looked at Hikaru. He could be lying, but the despair on his face looked jarringly realistic. You decided not to risk it, and followed Hikaru to the music room.

As you arrived you found the rest of the Host Club standing near one of the closets in the room. You now fully believed Hikaru and ran towards everyone else.

"Oh my gosh, what happened?!?" You exclaimed angrily, immediately turning on Tamaki with a murderous glare. He blanched at your deadly aura, and immediately pointed at the door.

"Kaoru won't come out (F/n)!" He squealed. Feeling a little guilty you patted him on the back and headed nearer to the door.

Suddenly, a mischievous redhead smirked. As you leaned closer, he motioned to Honey and Mori. They nodded, and Honey opened the door while Mori shoved you in. You landed in a graceless heap on the ground, and instantly glanced behind you to see a smirking Hikaru yelling good luck.

You growled in frustration only to hear a groan below you. You squinted attempting to see your surroundings in the consuming darkness. You screamed as something moved below you, and scrambled up against the door. Heart racing, you peered in the gloom and saw a figure sitting up. Remembering the reason you had been dragged to the music room, you hesitantly asked

"Kaoru, is that you?"

"Yeah," he grunted in reply "What happened? Why are we in a closet?"

"I have no idea. Why are you in here?" You questioned.

"Don't know, I was talking to Hikaru, and then the last thing I remember is seeing Mori behind me. Next thing I know, I'm being woken up by you crushing me." He surmised.

"Are you implying I'm fat?" You jokingly accused, and then you both laughed.

You both stood and felt around for a light switch. You hands brushed against something protruding from the wall, and you flicked it. The lights immediately blinded you as they came to life. Blinking furiously, you turned around to see Kaoru directly in front of you.

You flinched at his sudden appearance and looked up at him with a brow raised. He jerked in surprise, and immediately started stammering his apologies. You sighed at him and waved off his blabbering.

"Now, I wonder why we are in here." You murmured to yourself as you tried the doorknob. Locked. Of course. Cursing a certain redhead, you sheepishly turned to Kaoru and said

"Sorry, the door is locked. We might be in here a while because of your brother."

"Eh, it's fine (Y/n), we can just chill in here until he gets impatient." He reassured.

You glared at the door yet again as an awkward silence enveloped the small room. You glanced to your side, only to see Kaoru already looking at you. You both blushed and turned away, trying to think of a way to pass the time.


Meanwhile, outside the closet, the entire Host Club (excluding Mori and Kyoya of course) had their ears glued to the door attempting to here into your conversation. Hikaru strained his ears, but it was all to no avail. No words could be made out. He began sulking as he realized his plan was a failure.

All of a sudden he heard a high pitched shriek from inside, and ears were immediately reattached to the door. They heard small murmurs of awkward conversation until it once again became silent. Hikaru was about to give up until he heard something that sent his heart soaring.

Small talk. Yes, he knew that it wasn't such a great thing, but it was a start. He decided to pull the rest of the hosts away, and hope that his plan succeeds.


You sat on the ground in a stupor as you attempted to find a way to break the oppressive silence. As you explored your mind's depths for ideas, a hand on your shoulder broke your thought process. Kaoru had a resigned look on his face as he stared you deeply in the eye. You nervously tucked a strand of hair behind you ear as he took a deep breath.

Kaoru had been watching you fiddle with your hands as you sat awkwardly next to him. He smiled a little at your antics, but immediately blushed as you caught him staring. He mentally slapped himself for being an idiot and pondered his brother's reasoning behind locking himself and you inside of the closet.

He nudged you with his shoulder, and as you glanced at him, he pulled an odd face. You quietly giggled, and you looked so cute to him. That laugh was the last straw. Resigning himself to rejection he took a deep breath.

"So, (F/n), I think I know why my brother locked us in here." He mumbled nervously. You glanced at him feeling guilty because you also knew Hikaru's reason.

"I think I do too." You replied sheepishly.

You both glanced at each other in embarrassment, neither of you wanting to bring it up in detail. Finally, you both cracked under the pressure and blurted


You blanched at each other, as realization dawned. You face palmed as you realized just how ignorant the two of you had been. For once, Hikaru had really been the smart one all along. Kaoru grinned as he heard you, and immediately tackled you into a bear hug.

You blushed at how close he was, but after a second relaxed and buried your head into his chest. You could feel his heart racing along with yours, and you unconsciously tightened your grip on him. Kaoru glanced down at your head, and, for the first time in months, he felt free of burden. The key to his happiness had been in front of him all along. It was you.

He realized just how oblivious he had been to your feelings, and then laughed to himself as he realized just how frustrated Hikaru must have been at the two of you. The warmth of your embrace and the calming beat of your hearts lulled the both of you into a new kind of calm.

You both felt complete, and the gap that had been missing from your hearts was filled. You both silently thanked Hikaru for his crazy scheming as you cuddled. You and Kaoru gazed at each other, and you gifted him with the biggest smile he had ever seen.

As he lost himself in his thoughts, he felt a weight fall on his shoulder. He glanced down to see you fast asleep, nestled into the crook between his neck and shoulder. He marveled at how perfectly you fit their, and let the quiet lull him to sleep.


In the meantime, the Host Club nervously sat around as they waited for a sign to release you from your prison. Hikaru listened at the door and heard nothing. He became worried, so he unlocked the door only to aw quietly as he saw you and Kaoru cuddling asleep.

He motioned for the rest of the club to come over and signaled for them to be silent. They all looked into the door and high-fived.

 "My poor daughter! She has been corrupted. MOMMY DON'T LET THAT PERVERTED DEVIL-" Tamaki began, slowly rising in pitch as he spoke. Hikaru glared at him, and slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Shut up Boss! This was our plan remember! We can't stand in the way of true love?"

"Oh yeah..." Tamaki mumbled. "Well, obviously this succeeded due to my brilliant planning, as no one is as well-versed in the ways of romance as I, the King of the Host Club is!" Tamaki started singing as he sparkled and twirled around.

Haruhi sat on a couch and watched Tamaki's antics, secretly smiling to herself. She was glad that all of the tension would now be gone from the Host Club. Honey was humming to himself as he ate sweets, and Mori sat stoically beside him. Kyoya was, of course, calculating how this new romance would affect the Host Club's profits, but not even he had the heart to break up the new couple.

As the Hosts were all in their own little worlds, the door to the closet quietly opened. A ginger head peeked out, and then motion to the (h/c) to exit. You both tiptoed your way across the room, and were about to leave, when Hikaru caught you.

He yelled something unintelligible as he ran over and glomped you both.

"So, how about that wedding now?" He asked you smirking.

You only rolled your eyes and lightly smacked him on the head. Kaoru intertwined his fingers with yours as the hosts interrogated you. You both made an excuse as you left only to have Hikaru yell


"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING YOU SHADY TWIN?!?!? KAORU YOU BETTER NOT CORRUPT MY DEAR SWEET PRECIOUS INNOCENT DAUGHTER YOU DEVIL!!!" Tamaki bellowed as he charged you both. This caused all hell to break loose as everyone began running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

You and Kaoru took advantage of the distraction to make a break for it, and you were successfully able to escape the madness. You glanced at each other as you came upon a park. You silently agreed to rest at a bench, and, as you sat, cherry blossoms began flowing in the wind.

You glanced at the beautiful sight, and caught a stray petal in the breeze. Kaoru saw your actions, and brought your hand holding the petal close to him. He held it against his heart, and then placed a gentle kiss on your fingertips.

You blushed at his delicate treatment of you, and blew at a piece of hair in your face. Kaoru saw this, and took the opportunity to gently tuck that hair behind your ear. He decided he had a lot of time to make up for, as yours and his stubbornness had prevented your relationship from starting earlier.

He wrapped his arm around your shoulders as you watched the cherry blossoms. Suddenly you felt something wet on your cheek. You gazed upwards to see a fine mist of raindrops sprinkle from the sky that was still lit by the sun. You glanced at Kaoru to see him also gazing at you in awe.

He cupped your cheek, and used his thumb to brush away the droplet of water, but left his hand resting there. You placed you hand on top of his, and slowly you both rested your foreheads against each other.

You gazed into his captivating gold eyes, and slowly closed your eyes as his other hand came to cup your remaining cheek. He gazed lovingly at your face, and leaned forward. His lips gently brushed against yours just like the raindrop had earlier. The kiss was soft, sweet, and full of the pent up feelings you had kept from each other.

You pulled apart, and he nuzzled your nose with his. You giggled at the action, and twined your fingers with his. You glanced around still seeing the sprinkling raindrops, and pulled him to his feet.

You grabbed his shoulder and hand, and he saw your intentions. He placed his free hand at your waist as you both danced to the silent melody playing throughout your hearts. He pulled you close and you gently swayed in the cherry blossoms and rain.

"(F/n)?" Kaoru murmured.


"I never realized how much I cared for you, but I'm so glad that your mine now. For the rest of eternity, you are not alone. I'll be by your side, so don't ever be scared. I just wanted to thank you, I appreciate you being here for me and never giving up. I'm not alone anymore, and the reason? It was you."

Then, under the rain and sun, you two shared a tender kiss in each other's embrace.


So, did you like it? Now for my last author's note, I want to thank every single one of you who read, even if you didn't vote or comment. Readers are what kept me going, and "It Was You" (;P) who inspired me, and made writing this worth it. I love you all tons! Now, you must all go and start requesting oneshots XD

Here is to the end of this story!

