Last Author's Note

Ok guys. I'm just about done with the last chapter. This story really threw me for a loop, because I initially started it with no planning at all and just kind went with it. Because of that, I had no idea how i wanted to end it, or pretty much any of the plot. Everything I came up with was on the fly, but today I had a massive stroke of inspiration. I just have to finish the last part, and then the next chapter will be done. Also, once this book is done, I'm going to be starting a collection of one-shots, and I would love if you guys read that to. I'll be taking requests for that soon, and I would really appreciate some from you guys :)

Also, I went back and added some songs to listen to for some of the chapters, so if you are going back to read the olderchapters before the new one to refresh your memory, be sure to listen to those. Unless you have a problem with Korean music... XD

Once again, thank you to all of my readers and to all the people who have followed me, added my story to a list, commented, or voted. It means so much to me, and you guys are awesome! I'm so sorry that I have taken so long to update, and trust me, the guilt has plagued my mind for the past few months.

Arigatou Gozaimasu!

