A New Host?!?!

Ok, so here is the third chapter! Please vote and comment! Also, If you hate or like the ourfits I'm putting up, please give feedback. I have no problem with constructive criticism! Please point out any errors! Thanks ^,^

You awoke the next morning, and put a pair of mint capris, ballet flats, and a button up with a brown sweater into your bag. No way were you going to wear your banana outfit any longer than necessary. You changed into your school uniform, and strolled out of your apartment.

You took out your keys, and turned on your motorcycle. Your father hadn't really approved of it, but you had convinced him with promises of always wearing a helmet and driving safely. You began driving to Ouran, but when you saw Haruhi walking on the sidewalk, you pulled over next to her, and took off your helmet.

"Hey Haruhi, you want a ride?" You asked her.

"No... Not really." She replied glancing at your bike nervously. You just grinned.

"Sure you don't. Get on, girl." She carefully sat down behind you, and you began to drive again. You went slower than usual for Haruhi, but pretty soon she yelled

"Hey, this is actually pretty fun, (f/n)!"

"Yeah, that's why I bought it." You gloated.

You pulled up at the school parking lot, and dismounted. You held the bike steady for Haruhi, and then you both grabbed your bags. Ignoring the stares of curious students, you walked into the school. Haruhi pulled you to Music Room #3, and you both went inside. She told you that there was a meeting before school started, and that you could be in it.

"You're actually pretty well-liked. Tamaki has decided that you are his second daughter, and Hikaru and Kaoru have taken a liking to you, and Honey absolutely adores you." She told you.

"Tamaki is going to pull the father act for me too? Crap." You replied.

You and Haruhi strolled into the room, and sat down on the couch next to Kyoya. He nodded at you, and you grinned slightly back at him. Kaoru saw this, and instantly became irritated.

He was about to tell you something, when he was interrupted by another voice. He watched as Hikaru sauntered over to you and draped his arm over your shoulder.

"(F/n), why aren't you greeting me and Kaoru?" He purred into your ear. You rolled your eyes and slapped at him. Tamaki saw this and shouted

"I will protect my precious daughter from the devil twin!" He threw himself over you, and began to push Hikaru off your shoulder. You growled at everyone's invasion of your space, and shoved Tamaki and Hikaru onto the floor. You stood up, and growled

"I will say this one last time. Do not get into my personal space or you will be seriously injured."

The entire Host Club whitened at your anger, and Kyoya smirked. Looks like you are the third most frightening person in the club, him being first and Honey being second when he wakes up from a nap.

"You guys better listen to (f/n)." Haruhi giggled. "She rides a motorcycle to school."

 You laughed at everyone's frightened faces due to such a trivial thing, and sat back down next to Haruhi and Kyoya. Oh the innocence of the Hosts. The meeting was about a trip the Host Club was planning on doing, so you tuned it out. You looked towards the twins, and saw that Kaoru was gazing at you. You both blushed and turned away.

Hikaru saw this and inwardly smirked. ‘So, Kaoru likes (f/n) and she might like him back. He had better work on making them admit it to each other and start dating

 Hikaru loved his brother, but he wanted Kaoru to be happy also. If you were the person who could make him happy, then Hikaru would do everything in his power to make it happen.

The meeting finished pretty quickly, so you, Kaoru, Hikaru, and Haruhi walked to class. All of your classes passed by pretty rapidly and without difficulty. After school, Haruhi dragged you to the Host Club, yet again. You groaned, but followed after your friend.

This time when you opened the door to Music Room #3, Tamaki did not run towards you or get in your way. He gazed at you in fear from earlier in the morning and glomped Haruhi instead.

She looked at you for help, so you, being the great friend you are, placed a hand on Tamaki's shoulder.

"Do you really want to do that, Blondie?" He blanched and hid in his corner. Haruhi giggled at his fright of you, but led you to the changing room.

"You can change back into your normal clothes in here. I know how much you hate that dress." You entered the room, and switched back into the outfit you packed earlier. You placed the dress back into your bag, and walked out. This time, the boys weren't doing some awkward cosplay, so you sat at Haruhi's table.

The girls at her table looked at you in confusion, but soon went back to talking to her. You just rested and drank the tea Haruhi gave you. She's such a great friend. You poked her and mouthed 'Homework'. She nodded, and you grabbed your bag from the back. You pulled out your math homework, and then looked for a quiet place in the room to work on it.

The only non-busy place was next to Kyoya, so you sat down and began to work. He looked at you in confusion.

"(f/n), why are you over here?"

"I'm doing my homework here, because it is a lot quieter than other places in the room."

"Oh." He stated. You continued your work.

Kaoru watched as you went and sat next to Kyoya. ‘What is (f/n) doing? Why is she always near Kyoya? He kissed her hand last night. She must like him.’ He growled at his observation, and stood up.

Hikaru directed his gaze to where Kaoru was looking, and stood up as well. They both strolled over to you and wrapped their arms around you.

"Come to our table, (f/n)!" They whined. You glared at them, but they would not be deterred.

"If I go over there for a couple minutes will you leave me alone?" You asked the twins.

"Yes!" They exclaimed, and lifted you up. They pulled you over to their table, and sat down on either side of you. Kaoru kept his arm around your waist, and Hikaru kept his on your shoulders.

Dumb butts…’

Haruhi watched as the twins dragged you to their table. She felt sorry for you, but was secretly glad that they were bugging you instead of her. The she felt guilty. Oh well. She turned back to her conversation.

The twins told stories about each other while you sat in between them. The other girls at the table were looking at you curiously, and giggling at your obvious discomfort, but one girl was glaring.

You cringed as Hikaru and Kaoru did their 'brotherly love' act practically on top of you. You heard the girls saying that they wished that they were in between the boys, but you just groaned.

"Can I go now?" You asked them.

"Sure, if you can win a game." You nodded at them, knowing that they would bug you relentlessly if you didn't play.

The girls at the table looked at you in sympathy. It was obvious that you wanted to leave, but they knew there was no way you would win. They knew what game the twins would play. Haruhi also heard, and decided she would make sure that the twins didn't cheat.

The twins put on some ridiculous hats, and you watched as they spun themselves around.

"Which one of us is Hikaru?" They asked in unison. You glanced at them for a second, and then replied

"The one on the left is Kaoru." They both grinned and shook their heads.

"You're wrong!" They sang. Before Haruhi could interrupt and say that you were right, you replied

"Nope, I was right. It's really easy to tell you apart. I don't know why you would lie about it."

Both of the twins blanched, and Haruhi gazed at you in surprise. Kyoya looked up from his laptop, and Tamaki froze in his ramblings. Honey just continued eating cake.

"What?" You asked as most of the Host Club stared at you.

"(f/n) can tell the twins apart." They all gasped. You just rolled your eyes. ‘The Host Club is a bunch of dramatic idiots’ Kyoya looked at the time, and stated

"It's time to close the club." All of the girls in the room were herded out, and they were gossiping about your “newfound ability”. Well, all of them but one, who was glaring at you with evil intentions. Kyoya recognized the glare as the same one Haruhi had gotten when she first arrived. He made a mental note to keep an eye on that customer, and then turned to you.

"(f/n), after everyone leaves, I would like to speak to you." You nodded at his question, and then helped Haruhi clean up the room. Hikaru dragged Kaoru away, and everyone else left.

"(f/n), I believe there is a girl who wishes you harm." He told you. You nodded.

"I felt her glare when Kaoru and Hikaru sandwiched me between them. She's probably jealous."

"I'll keep an eye on her for you, and if she does anything, tell me. I can get her banned from the club." You nodded at Kyoya again, and turned to leave. Before you left, you ran at him, and gave him a brief hug.

"You know, you're not as mean as you pretend to be." Then you sprinted out of the room. Kyoya pushed his glasses up his nose. ‘(f/n) certainly is certainly going to be a great addition to the club.’ He decided that he was going to watch you, and see if any of the boys in the school show an interest in you. It might be a good idea to test how well the school would react to a female host, before he decides to reveal Haruhi's secret.

You skipped out of the school, and headed towards your bike. You put on your helmet, and prepared to get on, but stopped when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned around and saw Hikaru.

"(f/n), I need to speak with you. Could I go home with you for dinner?" You saw the serious look in his eyes, and nodded. You went to sit down, but you were stopped again by Hikaru.

"I know how to drive one." He sat down first, and you seated yourself behind him. Guess his manly pride wouldn't let him sit behind you.

You wrapped an arm around his waist, and held your bag with the other. He actually drove your bike pretty well, so you decided you wouldn't kill him later. He pulled up at your apartment a couple minutes later, and you both dismounted. You pulled your keys out of the ignition, and walked up to your apartment. He followed behind you, and when you shut the door, he stated

"It's about Kaoru." Your eyes widened.

"Is he hurt?" You yelled. He smirked at you.

"Ah. So you do like my brother."

"No I don't! You both irritate me." You protested.

"I think you do like my brother, but I can assure you that he likes you too." He replied. You blushed a little, and then walked into the kitchen. You pulled out bread and meat, and made some sandwiches for you and Hikaru.

When you walked back inside, Hikaru said

"(f/n), you're going to have to tell him you like him first. He thinks that you like Kyoya."

"He thinks I like Kyoya?" You stated incredulously.

"It's not that odd an idea." Hikaru replied. "You do talk to him a lot, and he kissed your hand the other night." You just shook your head.

"Kyoya's like a brother to me. He is really sweet when he wants to be."

"Kyoya? Sweet?" Hikaru exclaimed.

"Like I said, when he wants to be. He let me study next to him because it's quiet, and I know he doesn't let anyone else. He is also watching out for me right now."

"Why is he watching out for you?" Hikaru asked.

"Because one of your crazy fangirls looks like she's out to get me, because you and your brother were hogging me earlier. She's jealous that you guys are giving me attention." He looked a little guilty at my statement, and then said

"I will look out for you also, sis."

"Why did you call me sis?"

"Because if you marry my brother you will be my sister." He smirked. You blushed at his statement, and then shoved him out. He waved goodbye, then went home.
‘I really hope things don't get out of hand.’ Hikaru thought as he left your apartment.

After Hikaru left, you finished the homework you had started earlier. When that was done, you changed into your pajamas and lay down on your bed. ‘Why does Hikaru think I like Kaoru? Like that would happen’. You blushed a little again, and then growled. Why did he have to bring this up? Now you can't stop thinking about Kaoru, and it is hindering your sleep. You cursed at Hikaru, but slowly began to fall asleep.

The next morning, you were shocked awake by your alarm clock. You grumbled tiredly about having to go to school, yet again, and changed into your uniform. You packed a black, scoop neck, shirt that had little white stripes on it. The sleeves took up 2/3 of you arm, and a long, flowing white skirt was attached over the shirt with a light brown belt.

You placed this outfit in your bag for Host Club, and ate breakfast quickly. You put on a black pair of flats, and then strolled out of your apartment. Shouldering your bag, you decided to walk to school, and saw Haruhi on the same stretch of sidewalk as yesterday. You sneaked up behind her, and then poked her side, causing her to jump and squeal. You giggled as she glowered at you, and after profusely apologizing, walked the rest of the way to Ouran with her.

Haruhi had another meeting for the Host Club, so you followed her to Music Room #3. The boys talked in even more detail about a trip they were planning for the upcoming weekend, and you listened closely. ‘How can these boys waste their weekends with stuff like this and still be passing their classes?’ Their meeting finished, but Kyoya asked to speak with Haruhi afterwards. You waved goodbye to her, and walked to class with Hikaru and Kaoru

You could not look Kaoru in the eyes, and you glowered darkly at Hikaru. He laughed at your discomfort and tossed his arm over your shoulder.

"I see you can't look at Kaoru today, (f/n). So did you finally realize your little crush?" He whispered in your ear. You growled and smacked at his face. He dodged your hands and snickered.

"Ah, so I've hit a chord, eh?"

"Shut up! I don't like Kaoru." You whispered furiously back. He just chuckled at you again, and sauntered on. You glared at him furiously and then stomped ahead.

Kaoru watched as his brother and you whispered back and forth. ‘Hikaru must like (f/n).’ He felt a little jealous at your attention to Hikaru, but he pushed it down. You can talk to anyone you want. He watched you stomp away, and smirked at how cute you looked. He then slapped himself, and mumbled something about pushing her out of his head.

You looked at the time as you left the twins behind. You still had half an hour until class starts, so you went to the library. You were browsing the shelves, when a hand pressed onto the bookcase beside you. You turned and saw a guy with a flirtatious smile on his face.

"Why hello. I haven't seen you here before. Are you the new girl?" He asked you, oozing arrogance.

"Yes, what do you want?" You replied drily. He just smirked and leaned a little closer to you.

"I just want to get to know you better." He flirted. You rolled your eyes.

"Well, I don't really fancy getting to know you." You stated as you stomped away.

Haruhi saw all of the boys in the library giving you second glances. You were the new girl that everyone was talking about. You had a motorcycle, and the Host Club was already really close to you. She saw a boy trying to flirt with you, and smirked as you turned him down.

Kyoya had asked Haruhi to keep an eye on you, and see if the boys seemed to like you. He also asked her to introduce you around to the girls that visit the Host Club. He wanted to see how well liked you were, and if you would be a good candidate for the first 'official' female host.

Haruhi had agreed so now she actually noticed all of the boys that were watching you. She knew you were really pretty, but she had no idea that so many boys would ask you out. Yes, you would make a wonderful addition to the Host Club.

You went to your first class and sat down next to Kaoru. You were stealing little glances at him from the corner of your eye, and he was doing the same. Finally, your eyes met, and you both blushed furiously. You turned back to your class work, and made yourself not spare him another glance.

Curse Hikaru for bringing Kaoru to the front of your mind. It didn't help that Hikaru kept looking at you, then motioning to Kaoru and winking suggestively.

You finished the day without harm, and walked to Music Room #3 with the twins and Haruhi. As you walked in, Kyoya pulled you aside.

"(f/n), would you like to join the Host Club?" He asked you. You were surprised at his question. What you didn't know is that Haruhi had told Kyoya of your popularity with the boys, and how the girls all love you.

"Would I have to be a boy?" You joked.

"No, but it was brought to my attention that I could double the earnings of the club of both girls and boys were welcomed. You could be a friend for the girls, and host the guys." You thought about his offer. You would get to spend more time with your friends...

Then it hit you. Your dad had been telling you to join a club or something, because he was being nice and letting you not move around. You had never been able to be in a club because you switched schools so much, so joining the Host Club would make your dad have a reason for letting you stay at Ouran. Your answer decided, you replied

"Ok. I will join your club." Kyoya smiled at your affirmation, and then pushed his glasses up his nose.

"I will make the announcement today. I suggest you let it be a surprise for everyone. I want the girls to see the Host Club's ecstatic reaction to your joining."

"Yeah, sure, whatever." You mumbled. "Wait, Kyoya? Does this mean I'm going to have to wear those stupid outfits?"



The doors to Music Room #3 opened with a handful of rose petals floating out. The door opened, and the Host Club greeted the entering ladies. They all squealed at the attractiveness of the boys, and then prepared to go to their designations. They froze, however, as Kyoya stated

"I have an announcement to make." The girls watched in anticipation as Kyoya pushed his glasses up his nose. What announcement could it be?

"Today marks a milestone in this clubs history. We are adding a new member, but for the first time ever, that member is a female." Mouths fell open at his statement. Who could this girl be?

They all recognized you as you stepped out. Of course it was (f/n)! How could they forget how much the Host Club liked you? They all thought you were awesome, and secretly wished that they were brave enough to live alone and be “rebellious” like you.

"Tomorrow," Kyoya continued "For the first time we will open the doors to Music Room #3 to boys." The girls cheered and clapped at his announcement. Now they could have a girl to talk to about anything without being looked down upon for anything said. They all wanted to get to know you, and also see what beautiful outfits the Hitachiin twins would make for you.

One girl, however, glared at you even harder. ‘Why was this girl taking her place in the Host Club? She was supposed to be the favorite of the twins, not you.’ She decided that she had to act soon, or she would forever lose the twins to you.

Kyoya had put a table in the room for you, and pretty soon a couple girls in your class sat down in front of you.

"Hi (f/n)!" They greeted.

"Hey girls, what's up?" You replied.

"It's so cool how you got to be a host!" The one named Aiesha exclaimed.

"Yeah! I wish I could be a Host, and hang out with the guys every day!" Delaney sighed dreamily. You laughed at their expressions, and told them

"It's probably going to be pretty difficult to deal with all of them." They all laughed, thinking of the twins brotherly love, Tamaki's flamboyance, and Honey's cake eating.

"Yeah, we saw the twins dragging you to their table yesterday." Aiesha giggled.

"Those two can be so bossy!" You exclaimed. They all nodded their agreement.

You and the girls talked for a while, and pretty soon some other customers joined your table. You told them about all of the places you had lived, Thailand, Holland, France, Italy, Greece, America, Germany, and more. They asked you how you dealt with moving so much, and you just told them that you didn't make many friends, and that you couldn't really join any clubs. They all envied your experiences, but not how you had to live.

Pretty soon you had a large group of girls asking you about the different places you had lived. You told them funny stories about what people did, and about your initial failures in cooking classes.

You told them about all of the activities you learned in your free time such as skiing, kite boarding, scuba diving, skydiving, cooking, sewing, knitting, and all of the others. You promised to help some of the girls learn stuff, and pretty soon the club was over. You bid all of your new friends farewell, and helped everyone (Haruhi) clean up.

Kyoya told you that it was definitely a good idea to have you join the Host Club, and that he was glad you joined. You smiled, and gave him another hug. Kyoya can be really nice when he wants to be.

 Kaoru saw you hug Kyoya, and stormed over, grabbing your arm. He pulled you to where his brother was standing, and told you that he and Hikaru would be taking you home.

Hikaru heard this, and smirked in your direction. Dread immediately creeped up your spine and the feeling was confirmed when he stated

"Kaoru, I have to stay after club today. Can you take (f/n) home?" You blushed as he winked at you, and Kaoru nodded. Kaoru dragged you to his chauffeured limo, and pushed you inside. You both sat awkwardly next to each other the entire ride.

You arrived at your apartment complex, and he opened the door for you. So much for chivalry being dead. You stepped past him, and he passed you your bag. You shouldered it, and gave him a brief hug before turning and striding into your home.

Kaoru blushed as you hugged him, but wished it had lasted longer. Why did he like you so much? He had just met you a couple days ago, and you have already been inserted almost permanently into his life. He thinks of you as another of his few best friends. How have you already inserted yourself so deeply into his heart? He didn't know, but he wanted to find out. He would, he decided, at the camping trip this weekend.
