A Ball?!!

Eventually, the two of you were able to find the rest of the Host Club, and everyone was preparing to leave. Hikaru sauntered over to you with a smirk, and whispered

"Did anything happen on the Ferris wheel?"

"No you doofus. Nothing will ever happen, so stop bugging me." You growled.

You stormed away, and pulled out your keys. You walked over to your bike, and prepared to get on, when a warm hand stopped you. You looked over your shoulder to see Kaoru staring at you worriedly.

"Is it really safe for you to drive that thing home alone at night?" He asked you.

"Of course." You exclaimed. "I know how to take care of myself."

"But what if something happens?" Kaoru replied nervously.

"Nothing will happen." You soothed.

"Fine, but I'm riding with you." Kaoru demanded.

"What! Why?" You yelled.

"If something happened I would feel guilty, and I'm not going to let you go home alone. Deal with it; I'm riding home with you."

You grumbled under breath about overbearing males, and sarcastically motioned for him to get on the bike. He complied, and you sat behind him once again. He started the bike up, and pretty soon the two of you were driving home.

The entire ride, Kaoru was trying not to think of your small arms wrapped around him. It was even more awkward now that he knew he had a crush on you. He glanced at the sky, and saw that it was almost completely dark out. He was glad that he had made you let him drive you home.

You were shivering from the cold, and you subconsciously snuggled into Kaoru's warmth. Your face flushed as you realized what you did, but you were too cold to care that much. Screw liking the guy; you were cold!

The two of you finally arrived at your apartment complex, and you dismounted. Kaoru got off also, and a car pulled in behind the two of you. Hikaru stepped out of the car, and yelled that he was going to take Kaoru home. You nodded your thanks, and turned to go inside. You turned and waved at the twins, and stepped into your house.

Hikaru looked at his brother, and grumbled about his cowardice. He had been awesome and gotten you and Kaoru in the Ferris wheel together, and nothing even happened. He and Haruhi had distracted the blond maniac all day for nothing!

He glared at the back of his brother's head, and decided that he would force Kaoru to admit his feelings for you. He pulled his twin into the car, and turned to face him whilst grinning manically.

Kaoru turned towards his brother after they entered the car, but blanched when he saw the look on Hikaru's face. Dreading what would happen next, Kaoru waited for the inevitable words that would leave his brother's mouth.

"So Kaoru." Hikaru started. "You like (f/n) right?" Kaoru blushed at his brother's statement and replied nervously

"What? No I don't! I would never let anyone get in between us, and I know you like her, so you are free to go after her!"

"Kaoru, I don't want to date (f/n)." Hikaru stated drily.

"W-what?" Kaoru stuttered. "What do you mean you don't want to date her?"

"I meant what I said, baka. (F/n) is like a sister to me! The only sibling I do the dating with is you." He grinned.

"B-but you always wink at her, and she is always blushing at you while you whisper to her!" Kaoru yelled. "Plus you are always hugging her!"

"Kaoru, I wink at her and she blushes because I'm teasing her about something completely irrelevant to me." Hikaru explained, not wanting to tell Kaoru that you like him. Let the boy figure it out for himself, or get told by you. Otherwise the game wouldn't be any fun.

Kaoru looked so conflicted at the moment. Was he able to date (f/n) then? Did she even like him? What if she liked Hikaru better anyways?

Hikaru took pity on his poor brother and exclaimed

"Kaoru, you need to tell her you like her!"

"But what if she doesn't like me?!" Kaoru said, finally letting his insecurity shine through.

"I have a feeling she does." Hikaru replied seriously. Screw not telling Kaoru that you like him; he can deal with your temper tantrum later. He gazed studiously at his brother, and then a huge grin appeared on his face.

"You know what? I'm going to help you! You and (f/n) are going to be a couple if it's the last thing I do!" He announced gleefully. Kaoru looked towards his brother, a feeling of dread welling up in his gut. He wasn't...


You changed into your pajamas, and prepared to go to sleep. You were still in a great mood from your awesome day at the amusement park, and you were actually excited for school tomorrow. The twins, Haruhi, and you were going to be planning out the Host Club’s outfits, and you couldn’t wait to be mean to Tamaki! You lay down in bed, and let sleep overtake your mind.





The next morning, you threw on your uniform, and decided to walk to school. This way, you and Haruhi could scheme on the way there.

You, as usual, snuck behind Haruhi and scared her before you two started thinking up ideas. You both wanted to embarrass Tamaki, because he was so annoying to you two. You guys figured that you could make the twins let you wear something that you want to wear, but you had no clue what to do for Honey and Mori.

Pretty soon, you both arrived at Ouran, and were greeted by loud screeching from Hikaru and Kaoru.

“You guys!” Kaoru started.

“We have the perfect outfits for everyone planned out!” Hikaru continued.

“Come with us, we’ll show you.” Kaoru finished.

You and Haruhi nodded you agreement, and followed the twins to Music Room #3. They pulled out the plans, and you and Haruhi couldn’t help but grin evilly at the ideas. This was going to be so much fun.




The customers of the Host Club waited in anticipation outside the doors of Music Room #3. Today was the day that the boys would be dressed up according to your team’s wishes. The girl’s couldn’t wait to see what you did to the boys. The clock struck, and it was time for Hosting to begin.

You were inside making last minute adjustments to all of the boy’s costumes. You giggled at Tamaki’s pained face. You had never seen him look so embarrassed due to his usually flamboyant personality.

You checked the clock, and realized it was almost time to open up the doors, so you ushered the rest of the club to their positions. The clock struck, and the doors swung open. Soon the room was filled up with the screams and squeals of many girls.

Tamaki was dressed as Tarzan, and was positioned to be hunched over and squatting, so that he looked like a gorilla. Many girls got nosebleeds over how little clothing he was wearing, and some even fainted.

Honey was standing on his toes with his arms arched above his head like a dancer’s. He was in a pink tutu, and looked like an adorable little ballerina. Usa-chan was clasped in the tiny boy’s arms, and the girl’s couldn’t help but squeal over his cuteness.

Mori was posed heroically next to Honey, and he was dressed as a samurai. His blade was frighteningly authentic looking, and he appeared very fierce. Mori’s fangirls freaked out over his manliness, and he definitely looked like a wild type in his getup. Kyoya’s costume was a shock to many of the girls there.

Haruhi was still a little peeved at Kyoya for always adding to her debt, so she had no problem with you dressing him up like this. You and Hikaru had decided to dress him up as a rock star. He was wearing leather pants and a black t-shirt with a studded belt and boots.

You had mussed his hair up until it had that classic just got out of bed look, and he was not wearing his glasses. He had a guitar draped across his back, and, of course, many of the girls were fangirling over him.

Haruhi looked like she normally did. She didn’t want to dress up, and she said she would like to use her winning to make her not have to wear a “ridiculous outfit” as she so eloquently put it. Hikaru was being as fashionably flamboyant as ever, and decided to dress up like a skater. At least his definition of one- the cliché.

He was wearing skinny jeans that he sagged down a bit, and he had placed a blue beanie over his auburn hair. He put in an ear piercing, and was wearing a large hoodie over a white t-shirt. He was also wearing tennis shoes, and had a skateboard propped up next to him that he was leaning over on.

Kaoru for once was not dressed the same as his twin but in different colors. He was wearing a tuxedo with nice dress shoes, and had reflective sunglasses. He had a cool bowtie tied around his neck, and it seemed he was living out his childhood fantasies of being a spy now.

He was kneeling on the ground with a fake gun (that looked very real), and had a very intense expression on his face. You giggled a little at his outfit, and held your pose.

You were dressed as a pirate, and had a long flowing grey skirt, with a royal blue sash. You had one of those puffy pirate shirts on that don’t cover your shoulders, with a corset that had blue designs on it over your shirt. You hat was black with blue trim, and had a dark feather sticking up out of it. You had placed a long necklace with an intricate key at the end, and finished the look with matching makeup and boots.

While the girls squealed over the losing team’s outfits, you and Haruhi snickered into your hands. You gave the twins high fives, and then proceeded to begin the Hosting. Hikaru and Kaoru were seated together acting out their typical twincest, Mori was calming sipping tea next to a hyper Honey inhaling chocolate cake like air, Haruhi was… being Haruhi, and Tamaki had gotten over his embarrassment to begin flirting once again. You smiled at the familiar antics of the hosts, and went into the kitchen to prepare some tea and snacks for everyone.

Hosting time flew by, and pretty soon it was time to close up. You had already changed out of your uniform, and you were now cleaning up some of the mess left behind. Hikaru peaked out, and saw you cleaning. Suddenly, he had a spectacular idea…

After you left, he told Kaoru that he needed to stay late, and sent him home. Tamaki was still prancing around the club, and a malicious smirk crossed the elder twin’s face. He sauntered towards the hyper blonde, and gained his attention.

“Hey, Tamaki,” He began. “I noticed that Kaoru and (f/n) have been kind of depressed recently.”

“What?!?!?!” Tamaki screeched.

“Yeah…” Hikaru continued deviously. “They both have feelings for each other, but just won’t admit it!”

“Good! No way am I letting one of you shady twins romance my precious daughter!” Tamaki exclaimed.

“You are such a terrible father.” Hikaru declared. “I never thought you would be one to stand in the way of true love!”

Tamaki thought for a minute, and then came to a decision.

“No, I will forever be the bringer of love, and I will get Kaoru and (f/n) together!” Tamaki announced theatrically.

Hikaru smirked at how easily the Host King was manipulated, and then put his plan into action.

“Hey, Tono, maybe we should host a party and get them to admit their feelings for...” Hikaru suggested.

“I have a brilliant idea!” Tamaki interrupted. “We will have a party and work in order to cause the blossoming love between two star crossed lovers to blossom into a beautiful flower!”

Hikaru snorted at the Host King whom, after his declaration, ran belligerently around the host club room in an attempt to find Kyoya. Hikaru grinned at the success of his plan, and left the blonde to his craziness.


The next day, you arrived to Music Room #3 only to be greeted with a suspicious sight. The blonde leader of the idiot trio was sitting near an exasperated looking Kyoya and grinning like a fool. Suddenly wary of any odd ideas Tamaki could have had, you took a step back, prepared to sprint away at the first sign of idiocy.

Before you could blink, a pair of arms was wrapped around your waist, and you were being spun at a dizzying rate. You were set down, only to come face to face with a sparkling pair of violet eyes.

“Oh my precious daughter! As your wonderful father, I have planned a party in which the entire Host club can eat and dance to our hearts content! Aren’t I wonderful?” Tamaki shouted enthusiastically.

“Um, Tamaki?” You started. “Why are you planning a party? What’s the occasion?”

“…” All of a sudden Tamaki looked very flustered, and you sighed preparing yourself for the theatrics.

“My poor daughter is withering away before my very eye, that is why!” He exclaimed. “I must help you to become a beautiful flower once again, and only I, as your doting father, am capable of such a feat!”  He enlightened.

You smiled a bit inwardly at his exaggeration, then frowned confused.

“Tamaki, how am I depressed? I feel perfectly fine!” You exclaimed indignantly.

“Why because of…” Tamaki started, only to have a hand slapped over his mouth.

“Tono, don’t you have a party to plan?” Hikaru interrupted sinisterly.

“But-” Tamaki began again, only to be pushed away. He sulked at being interrupted, and went to go bother Kyoya about the party details.

You watched all of this with a perplexed expression, and wondered just what the sneaky red-head was up to. Taking advantage of the distraction, you attempted to sneak away again, but bumped into a solid object.

You frowned and looked up, and then flushed realizing that the ‘hard object’ that you had collided with had in fact been Kaoru’s chest. Not a second later, you were snatched by the elder of the twins, and taken to the back to help him plan your outfit for the party.

Kaoru looked on puzzled, and just shrugged. Hikaru would be Hikaru. He stepped towards Tamaki, and was confused to find him planning an elaborate party with Kyoya. What on earth did he miss by being a few minutes late?

Hikaru tossed you into a changing room, and then flung multiple elaborate dresses for you to try on.

“Hikaru,” You began, “Why on earth do I have to do this! I don’t want to go to a party, or to wear one of these frilly monstrosities!” You finished screeching.

“Because I said so.” Hikaru replied.

You grumbled under your breath about the idiotic stubbornness of interfering annoying redheads as you pulled on the first dress in the stack. It was horrendous. The gown consisted of a full, floor-length skirt, that was covered in rhinestones. The bodice had more diamond detailing, and the neckline was ridiculously revealing.

But the absolutely worst part was that it was the most atrocious shade of pink known to mankind. That shade that looked like unicorns barfed it out and then it festered until it became a disgusting mixture of pink grossness.

“Hikaru… You’re an idiot.” You deadpanned.

He glanced at you and blanched.

“Where did this dress come from?!?!” He exclaimed nervously.

“I know you put it in there you fool.” You growled.

Hikaru flinched, and then just urged you to change into the next dress. You tried on dresses that ranged throughout the entire spectrum of colors and lengths, but could not find a single one that actually caught your eye. Feeling more and more discouraged as time passed by, you were finally ready to just give up, knock out Hikaru, and make a run for it.

Sighing you pulled out the last dress in the pile. Without bothering to look at it, you pulled it on. Rolling your eyes, you stepped outside of the changing room, and exclaimed

“Hikaru, I hate all of these dresses!” You exclaimed irritated at his antics.

He merely stared at you with his jaw dropped. Confused at his lack of response to your obvious annoyance, you turned around to look at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes widened as you gazed at the dress adorning your body. It was fantastic.

Hikaru quickly took action, and shoved you back into the dressing room.

“This is the one (y/n)! Now change back and give it to me so I can choose makeup, shoes and accessories!” He demanded excitedly.

Still a little stunned, you robotically changed back into your clothing, and handed the dress to Hikaru. He gave you a devilish smirk, and winked.

“You’re going to be the belle of the ball (y/n).”
