The Host Club is Weird...

Ok, here’s the second chapter. >,< I’ve been editing this story to have longer chapters, so for my readers from fanfiction, there will be fewer chapters. (You new readers, just so you know, I’m editing and re-uploading this from, so that's why I'm saying these things ^u^). Thanks for reading my story!


All of the boys and Haruhi looked at you in confusion as you fell back onto the couch still giggling.

“What’s wrong (f/n)? Are you in awe of our absolute beauty and attractiveness?”  Tamaki drawled as he sauntered over to you and placed a finger under your chin. You wiped a tear from your eye and said

“No, you all look ridiculous, especially you Blondie.” Tamaki jumped back with a horrified expression on his face. He disappeared from your view and reappeared in his corner of woe.

“Tamaki, we need to take our places.” Kyoya ordered. Tamaki was immediately revived, and the rest of the Host Club took up position in front of the door. You looked on as the door opened, and a chorus of voices exclaimed “Welcome!” Instantly all of the girls that entered the room squealed at the “gorgeousness” of the Host Club.

You tilted your head to the side. ‘Why do the girls think that the Host Club looks cute? They look like a bunch of idiots to me’. Sighing at the spectacle you watched as Tamaki went to greet the girls along with the rest of the Host Club… in prince costumes. ‘They kind of look like Disney Prince wannabes.’

Still sitting on the couch you observed Tamaki go and flirt with all of his customers. Irritated at all the screams and squeals being emitted, you stood up. As if noticing your newness, a cluster of girls from Tamaki’s group came to greet you.

“Do you want to come join us with Tamaki?” They chorused.

“Not particularly. He kind of irritates me.” You replied.

Hearing this Tamaki’s eyes filled with crocodile tears, and all of the girls immediately went to his side so they could comfort him. Feeling a little guilty about how harshly you had been treating Tamaki you went over to apologize.

“Sorry for being so mean Tamaki, it’s just that you have a little too much… personality for me.” You winced as his eyes widened and he threw his arms around you.

“I knew you liked me you sneaky girl. No one can resist me or my dazzling eyes!” thrown back by the end of his nonsense you looked up to see his eyes. They were a very odd shade of blue that looked violet. You blinked in surprise, then carefully extracting yourself from his embrace drawled

“Frankly, I was only apologizing because I felt bad. Don’t get so touchy!” You then stomped off, irritated at having been attacked by Tamaki again. ‘Can’t a girl have personal space around here?’ You were there just long enough to see him retreat to his corner of woe and begin growing mushrooms.

You then noticed Kyoya off to the side holding a bunch of books with another group of girls. Looking closer you saw pictures of all the Host Club members on the covers, and realized that he was selling photo books. ‘Of course this Kyoya character would be the money obsessed guy.’

Strolling past him you saw Honey and Mori sitting together with some other girls. Looking in front of Honey, you noticed an obscene amount of cake in front of the diminutive boy. You then witnessed him eat every single one within a matter of minutes. Taken aback at his voraciousness you then noticed Mori wiping some crumbs off his cousin’s face.  ‘He may be frightening in his consumption of cake, but Honey is one cute little bugger.’

You turned away from Honey and Mori, and jumped as your ears were bloodied by some high pitched shrieking. Searching for the source of the noise you noticed Hikaru and Kaoru holding each other’s faces and saying something incomprehensible. Your face paled. Were they… Haruhi walked over, and seeing your grossed out face, she started giggling.

“Don’t worry (f/n). It’s just an act they put on for the customers.” She assured.

“Ok, that’s better. But quite frankly, it’s still weird. Is it like twincest or something?”

“I guess…” Haruhi’s eyes widened as she saw said duo sauntering towards you.

“Why (f/n), it’s not that weird. It is just us showing our brotherly love for each other.” They exclaimed dramatically. “We are fulfilling fantasies here!” They looked at each other mischievously, and then, as if arriving at a silent conclusion, began slowly creeping towards. Haruhi, knowing what was about to happen to you, retreated back to her previous seat.

You glared at them as they both wrapped their arms around you, Hikaru your shoulders, and Kaoru your waist. They pulled you in between them and whispered simultaneously “You know you like it.” Creeped out you grabbed Kaoru’s cheeks and began pulling on them.

“Ow! (f/n)! That hurts stop it!” He whined. Continuing to torture Kaoru, you kicked Hikaru lightly on the shin. You giggled as they both got off of you, only to be tackled to the ground by Tamaki.

“You shady twins! Stop bothering the sweet and beautiful (f/n)!” He bellowed.

“I already got them off of me Blondie.” You commented drily. He looked up at you, and then ignoring your previous statement exclaimed, “I have saved you my exquisite princess. For I am the prince that has come to rescue you from these two devils.” You quirked a brow at his delusions and replied

“Tamaki. You’re dumb. I already saved myself. You’re not that good of a prince.” He wailed at your statement and retreated once more. Sighing tiredly at all of the drama you have now associated with the Host Club, you went to sit with Haruhi.

“Ok, so tell me how you got mixed up into this hot mess.” You stared at Haruhi as she mentally prepared her speech.

"Well, you already know that I'm an honors student on scholarship, so I'm going to begin with the first time I met the Host Club. I had been looking for a space to study, and I found Music Room #3. As you know, this room is not a good place to study, and it is not quiet."

"You can say that again." You scoffed. "Too many idiots." You added while staring in Tamaki, Hikaru, and Kaoru's direction. As if feeling your glare, they all turned and looked at you, then paled and immediately turned back around. Laughing at their obvious fright, Haruhi continued.

"So, I walked in here, and got the welcome. You can imagine my confusion when they started going off about me being gay. You see, I was wearing my dad's old clothes, and they all thought I was a boy visiting the Host Club. Anyways, they began to crowd me..."

"Well, we all know that those boys have no concept of personal space. This is my first time meeting them, and I already know that." You interrupted again, shuddering at memories of earlier. “Oh, sorry. I keep interrupting you.”

"It’s fine." Haruhi giggled. "Anyhow, Tamaki walked up and began to bug me about what type of boy I liked: Boy Lolita, Cool type, etc. Then Tamaki saunters towards me, grabs my chin, gets in my face, and attempts to whisper seductively 'Or would you like to try me?'"

"And he calls himself your father now?"

"Well, that's Tamaki for you."

"I guess THAT HE IS A PERVERT FOR FLIRTING WITH HIS SO-CALLED DAUGHTER AND HER CLOSE FRIEND!" You stated purposefully loud. Tamaki, hearing this shouted indignantly

"I am not a pervert!" You just laughed. Goodness, that boy can't take a joke.

"You know," Haruhi snickered at you "You sound a lot like the twins right now."

"It's not my fault Blondie is sensitive!" You yelled, exasperated. "Now continue."

"Ok. So Tamaki is in my face, and I freaked out. I jumped backwards into an 8 million yen vase, and it shattered on the ground."

"Smooth." You teased her. She just rolled her eyes.

"I obviously couldn't pay it off, so Tamaki tells me 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do. If you don't have money, pay with your body.'"

"WAIT WHAT?" You yelled.

"Not like that!" Haruhi exclaimed quickly. "They made me the errand boy of the Host Club."

"HA! Who's the pervert now?" Tamaki hollered at you.

"Shut up!"

"ANYWAYS." Haruhi interrupted. "Kyoya had already realized I was a girl, but the others hadn't. Honey-senpai was second, because he offered my Usa-chan and I accepted. In his brain that meant I was a girl I guess. The twins were next. They were charged with the task of changing me into the boy’s uniform for the school, and I wouldn't let them in the changing room. When I got out, Tamaki freaked and hugged me to death. I called for Mori-senpai to help me, because Tamaki was slowly suffocating me. He lifted me up out of Tamaki's arms, and must have realized then."

"When did Tamaki find out?" You asked her.

"He found out when he opened my wallet and saw my school ID."

"Oh. So everyone found out for themselves, but Tamaki was completely oblivious until it literally smacked him in the face?" You questioned.



"So they all knew I was a girl, and I decided to keep pretending to be a boy in order to pay off my debt, and here I am today." Haruhi finished.

"Wow. That's complicated." You mused.

You looked at the time, and decided to go home. You bid all of the Host Club members goodbye, and began to stroll towards the door. You were stopped when a tiny pair of arms wrapped themselves around your waist. You looked down at Honey, and smiled gently at him. You hugged him goodbye, and turned to leave, only to be stopped by another, much large, pair of arms. You rolled your eyes as Tamaki cried

"I will miss you, Princess. Please be safe, and I hope that I will be able to see your beautiful face tomorrow."

You just sighed and hugged him back. Frankly, you didn't have any more energy to deal with him today. ‘I'm going to try to be nicer!’ Tamaki beamed when he let go of you and turned to the twins

"See, she doesn't hate me!" He exclaimed happily.

"Ok, we concede you that." They replied simultaneously.

"But... she likes us more." The retorted as they sauntered to you and threw their arms around you. You rolled your eyes. ‘I feel like a possession being fought over.’ You extricated yourself from their grasp, and bid everyone a final goodbye.

You left the building, and made the fifteen minute walk to your apartment. When you got in, you promptly threw off your god-awful uniform, and changed into a loose, knit, sweater and capris. You then strolled to a table and began to do your homework.

Other's POV

Kaoru watched as you left the Host Club, and then turned to his brother, smirking mischievously. Hikaru saw Kaoru's look, and immediately knew what he wanted. They both turned to Kyoya, who was typing away on his laptop, and marched over to him.

"Hey Kyoya." They smirked. "Can you tell us (f/n)'s address?" They cajoled.

"No." He stated simply.

"Please?" They whined. Tamaki heard their whining, and walked over. Seeing him, they grinned triumphantly.

"But Kyoya," They began "(f/n) is living all alone in her house, and is probably sitting there, alone, wishing she had someone to talk to. You know, because she just moved here, and her only friends are us. She is probably crying at her loneliness because her father isn't in the country and her mother is dead. Oh. Poor (f/n)" They pleaded dramatically. Tamaki heard what they said, and immediately ran forward.

"No! As members of the Host Club we cannot let a gorgeous young lady cry alone in her house! We must brighten her day by visiting her!" Tamaki declared. Kyoya rolled his eyes behind his glasses.

 ‘Of course, now that the twins pulled at Tamaki's heartstrings, he will have to go see (f/n). Now, I have to give them the address, because they will badger me relentlessly until I do.’ He sighed and wrote down the address for them.

"Now go and leave me alone!" He growled.

"No! We must all go to visit dear (f/n) together! Everyone gather your things and let's go!" Tamaki demanded. Haruhi groaned, and felt sorry for you. She knew what it was like, and she had a feeling you would go berserk at the intrusion. She grabbed her bag, deciding she would try to calm everyone down, so they wouldn't overload you.

Your POV

You finished your homework, and put it away in your bag. Your stomach growled angrily at you for abusing it, and you groaned. You strolled into your kitchen and began pulling out the ingredients to make a huge pot of Spaghetti. All of a sudden, you heard loud banging from the front door. You grumbled, and made your way over.

You opened the door, only to be greeted by the smiling faces of the Host Club. Scratch that, the smiling faces of everyone but Haruhi, Kyoya, and Mori. Tamaki barreled into you declaring,

 "(f/n), we know that you were crying in your loneliness. You don't have to hide it from us! We are now here to cheer you up like the great friends we are!"

You quirked a brow at Kyoya and Haruhi. ‘Why are they here?’ You slapped Tamaki on the back of the head, and he leaped away from you. You pushed him out the door, and slammed it in everyone's faces. You stormed back into the kitchen and stirred the noodles cooking on the stove.

Realizing that they were done, you drained them, and grabbed yourself a bowl for your meal. You strolled back to the noodles, and went to serve some. You froze when you felt a warm pair of arms wrap themselves around your waist.

"You weren't going to leave us outside after we came all the way here to visit you, were you?" A voice whispered in your ear. You blushed a little, and stomped on the owner of the voice's foot. You turned around and saw Kaoru Hopping up and down, clutching his foot in pain. You smirked, and told him

"I don't recall inviting you in."

"Hikaru picked the lock."

"Ugh, you guys are idiots." You groaned. You turned away from him after you motioned for him to leave. You grabbed your bowl of food, and went to sit at the table in the next room, only to find six pairs of eyes staring at you.

"Can we have some too?" Honey asked cutely as he scampered over to you and grabbed the hem of your sweater. You looked down at his puppy eyes, and sighed in defeat. You placed your bowl on the table, and brought Honey into the kitchen. You made him some too, and he followed you back into the other room like a puppy.

Kaoru had retreated out of the kitchen, and he saw you handing Honey his spaghetti. He and Hikaru gazed at you with puppy eyes.

"Can we have some too?"

"Ugh fine!" You groaned and went back to the kitchen. "Anyone else want some while I'm at it?"

Everyone nodded, and Kaoru followed you to help carry out the bowls. Soon, you had everyone seated at the dining table, and everyone was beginning to eat.

"Wow, this is really good, (f/n)!" Hikaru exclaimed.

"Thanks." You replied drily.

"Where did you learn to cook like this?" Tamaki asked you.

"When I lived in France, I took cooking classes. I also did when I lived in Italy." You replied.

"You lived in France?!" Tamaki exclaimed. "I was raised in France!"

"Really?" You asked him.

"Yeah, can you speak the language?"

"Oui." You agreed.

"Vraiment? Je suis très heureux! (Really? I’m so happy!)” He exclaimed.

"You speak it also?" You questioned, finally warming up to the exuberant guy.

"Oui." He replied. You broke out into a lively conversation with the Host Club's so-called 'king' in French.

Kaoru watched as you and Tamaki talked, and pouted, feeling left out. He glared at Tamaki, and sidled up to you. He draped his arm over your shoulder, and pulled you into his side. Sensing that Kaoru wanted you away from Tamaki, Hikaru sat on your other side and wrapped his arm around your waist.

"I'm sorry, but (f/n) is going to come with us now." Kaoru stated. He then stood up, turned towards your annoyed face, and picked you up. He walked away with you in his arms to the other room. You glared at him.

"What the heck, Kaoru!" You yelled. "I was speaking to Tamaki. Why did you drag me away?"

"You were ignoring us!" Hikaru whined as Kaoru placed you on the couch.
"Really? That's why?" You growled. "You guys are so selfish. You could have just pointed it out, but NO, you had to drag me off caveman style. You two are so annoying sometimes."

You stalked off, leaving a smug Hikaru and a slightly guilty Kaoru. You went back to the table, finding that Mori and Haruhi had cleared and washed the dishes for you. You grinned widely at the sight, and went to hug them forcefully.

"Thanks guys." You giggled, appreciatively.

"No problem (f/n). I understand what it's like to have the Host Club intrude." Haruhi told you. Mori just grunted at you gently.

"You guys are great." You yelled as you hugged them again. Kyoya walked up to you and stated

"I think you have had enough of us for one night. We will take our leave now." You grinned even wider at the prospect. Kyoya rounded them all up, and shooed them out the door. You strolled over to the door to close it behind them, when Kyoya turned around and said

"Thank you for having us over, (f/n). I'm sorry for all the trouble those idiots caused." He then surprised you and kissed your hand tenderly. You turned bright crimson and bid him goodnight. The last thing you saw before you closed the door, was a fuming Kaoru.
