Surprises and Skills

Annabeth POV

When I woke up, I was in a cell, tightly bond with chains. I had knife cuts everywhere.
So apparently they were doing this to me so I won't tell Zeus about the rest of, the plan.

And apparently, here was news that shocked me, Luke...was...alive?
My heart almost beat out of my body when they told me that. They fixed him up, and gave him medicine. Oh god. That's so creepy.

Last night, I overheard them talking about something...anthrax...mail...Zeus...and when I put the pieces together, it made perfect sense. They were planning to mail anthrax to President Zeus.

No. They were gonna kill him if it worked.
I figured out that there was a phone, but before I could get to it, I was bound.
When the Titans and guards went out, I picked up a random stick with my teeth, and spit it towards the speaker button.

It actually worked. There was a list of all the phones that they threatened, and I recognized mine.
I chose number one, and swung a length of chain and pressed it. Wow. I had a sweet aim...

It was Zeus. He growled, "Titans, huh. Terrorist group. What do you want?"

"Zeus. It's me, Annabeth. No one's around right now." I called.

"No. Annabeth, they caught you? I'll go and-"

"No. Listen, Zeus, if they see one rescuer, they will kill me. I'm calling to let you know that Kronos and Atlas are planning to mail Anthrax to you in a pink envelope with a Greek τ as a stamp. Don't open it."

"What? Oh, alright. But if you're stuck-"

"I'll rescue myself." With that, I threw another length of chain, and the phone shut up.
The next thing that happened shook me up good. A person, a man walked in. Actually, a bit older than me. Sandy blonde hair, icy blue eyes, and thin pale lips.

He had a scar on the left side of his cheek.

How was that?
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