Happily Ever After! Yeah, Not So Much

Annabeth POV

I was starting to come down with something.
I realized that I was starting to have more vivid nightmares, and a fear of something. I was starting to hallucinate, hearing Nico calling my name, even though he was more than a mile away from me.

I had managed to control it, a bit, so it wasn't that bad.

Me, Thalia, and Luke were madly going on highways, driving recklessly, trying to get to Ohio.
I was mostly in for Nico. I had to save him.

We were almost to Columbus. I could see the city lights gleaming in a the distance.
We readied the weapons, and I sharpened my knife.

"We're almost there. Be prepared." Thalia muttered.
Me and Luke shuffled uncomfortably, and mumbled uh huh.

We all didn't need the reminder that the terrorist organizations were on our trail.
That just weighed is down.

"So..." Luke murmured.

"What?" I asked.

"What are we gonna do when they get to us?" He asked, cautiously, almost, as if they were listening.

"Simple. ATTACK!!!" Thalia shrieked.
Me and Luke laughed. "For once, I agree, Thals." I said.

Just then, we saw the sign that said, "You are now entering Columbus, Ohio. Welcome."

We certainly didn't feel welcome.

It was night, so there were not many people on the streets. The streetlights gleamed.
We decided to drive to the City Centre, to wait out the Titans.

"Ugh...what is taking so long?" Thalia finally complained, after twenty minutes.

"You want them to come?" Luke retorted.

"No, look, we are supposed to rescue Nico. The sooner they come, the sooner Nico's here." I explained.

"You have a point, but still."

Nico POV

With Kronos driving, and Percy threatening me, I was certainly not having the best day of my life.

"Hey! Nico! Wakey-wakey!" Percy taunted.

Krios punched me. Hyperion poked me in the stomach.
I couldn't talk, thanks to the gag. I managed, "Hu-AH! Act on!" It was meant to be, shut UP! Jackson!

"Pardon...moi?" Hyperion taunted.
Krios and Percy laughed like fools.

"Shut up, fools." Kronos snarled. Point for me.

They shut up. "We'll be there in...two minutes. Get ready to abduct Annabeth, and have a happy life, Jackson." Kronos sneered.

"Boss," Percy started, "What if President Ze-"

"No longer, president. I will overthrow him, and take over America!" Kronos shouted.

Percy and Krios glanced at each other, and eye-rolled.
Hyperion just saluted, and said, "Yes sir!"

"Now be quiet. We're here."

I saw Luke, Thalia, and Annabeth standing, waiting for us.
They didn't see us, thanks to the engine acoustics.

We parked behind their car, to surprise them, in a not-so-good way.

They cut the ropes binding my legs, and threw me out of the car.
My bruises and cuts burnt, but I staggered to my feet and stumbled off.

Percy, and the others climbed out after me. Darn. I hope Annabeth got that last-minute note and that lame stone, since it might be the last gift I would give her.

Annabeth POV

We waited and waited.
Just then, Thalia asked, "Where is that mother fucking Seaweed Scum?"
The mother fucking Seaweed Scum appeared right next to her, along with the others.

Oh god.

Nico looked horrible. His eyes had black circles around them, and he was cut and bruised.
I grasped the onyx, and his eyes glinted.

I sent a silent message to him. I'm sorry.

He sent one back. You okay?

So, they were here. A showdown.
I had hoped for happily ever after, but no, no, no. Not quite.

What happened next was too painful for me to decipher.
